Illustrated Dictionary:
The Illustrated Dictionary
Guide and Classification
linking to the human body and animals (生物絵解き字典)
The Illustrated Dictionary
[Direction, Location and shape] (位置・方向・形の図入り字典)(January 21, 2009)
All pages of the dictionary have been roughly constructed and need your
help for checking and testing.
Index of the Main EL Dictionary . Japanese(日本語の字典案内) .
Alteration History . How to see the pages
Index of The Earth
Language Dictionary
This is also a table of all
bases in EL. Click a symbol to see how it works.
When cursor points a basis, its meaning or function in English appears
for beginners' convenience.
But an EL symbol and its English word are not always the same; please
see details in each pages.
![]() frame |
** n: numeral, g: grammatical notation, p: phonetic bracket,
(the top) d: definition bracket,
r: the bracket to remove original meaning, l: the left, r: the right
To know how the EL system works, please read
the EL System section
New An
extra page about the empty frame where a basis or bases are put on
is added. (Feb. 2018)
Read this frame page first. (the right bottom cell in the above
table) You'll see how EL affects your thought.
Alteration History
The EL Font has renewed
from Earth3 to Earth4 on April 2016.
If you have only Earth3 or nothing, please download
the new version, Earth 4.
The changes are just for enlargement of 01
(By enlarging 01(dot), it makes more bases overlays)
and for more natural shapes of the following items:
Mr. Saiji for your help to edit the exe-file)
Renewed on September 2007:
gf (narrower as hyphen, since this isn't
compounded on top of any other symbol)
Renewed bases on October 2006:
06 (a little lowered),
09 (the vertical line became shorter),
10 (the
vertical line became shorter),
11 (once longer but returned to the original shape)
13 (narrower),
14 (narrower),
32 (the
location switched from the right to the left),
35 (totally
became a little smaller as n8),
55 (the angle of the straight line changed),
56 (the angle
of the straight line changed),
60 (the location shifted a little bit to the left)
The original base and the EL Font
typing tool:
It was created by Tomotake Fujita in 1994; and the typing tool was in a
completely different system.
It was used for starting this EL site in 1996, sharing the main printable
dictionary made with it and Microsoft Word.
According to upgrading the computer software, the EL typing tool had to
be upgraded, too.
* The alphabet in [ ] is
SAMPA (ASCII of International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).
* If you see the mark [function] under phonetic
value, it means
the phonetic function of the base as a diacritic
(to shift the organs for pronouncing a phoneme in a base overlay with
its particular way,
or to add tone kind of expressions). Each explanation follows.
* If the technical terms are hard to understand for you,
here explains.
Now each definition of EL character is simply and roughly described
in English,
but the detail of an EL character and its
English word are not always the same.
An EL character might mean a little different from culture
EL characters are going to be image-measurements
to compare cultures.
Discussing the details of an EL definition among many cultures can
understanding each other and investigating the future earth people's
Welcome to build this dictionary together.
# If the base is indicated by definition (grammar), it
is a grammatical symbol;
and the explanation about how it works follows.
# examples of base overlay:
There are examples of base overlays, which include the base of that page
EL does not have an indefinite article, because it's
generally understandable
since usually a single shaped ideogram symbolizes a thing, as the same
idea to
Kanji/Chinese characters.
When specifically distinguishing as single, 02 which means one is put
in front
of the character; and when specifying the ideogram as plural, 27(plural) is
compounded with it.
Not only fundamental characters, some applications are also
in the examples,
to illustrate how we create EL single-characters for more
Some characters might look too complicated for you. Beginners
or in case
a base overlay looks complicated, you may express it as plural elemental
characters separately, putting hyphen (gf) between them.
Some examples of
the dictionary is for the future convenience. Visual thoughts can
easily get images
through the total vision at once. By being accustomed, one would soon
increase the
elements of a character naturally.
The Illustrated Dictionary
Guide and Classification linking to the human body and animals
The Illustrated Dictionary
[Direction, Location and shape]
These pages help your understanding of various
# The base number was used instead of the real character
the explanation of old edited parts, such as {01,33,34} for the
elements of
Printing out the bases chart or the
dictionary index table would be convenient for you.
# Please download the EL Font.
In case your mailing server doesn't support
that font, use EL ASCII, learning about it through the same download
# Hand-writing would make you memorize EL easily and fast. I
you to use a grid lined notebook at first for catching the
character shapes
and the location in the frame correctly. However you actually can
base lines more freely by hand, emphasizing peculiarity of the
relation of line elements
★ 慣れれば使えそうな字も例として字典には含めています。
★ 各ページの上下にはリンクアイコンがあり、ポインタをあてると相応する英単語が出ます。
★ 地球語フォントをダウンロードし、ぜひお役立てください。ダウン