Iit looks pointing down, but the shape symbolizes the hand sign pointing behind to mean "behind."
( 後方を指す手話に対応する形の記号)

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( If you don't understand how to read this page, see here first )

the hand-shape-sign: Pointing back by the thumb (親指で後ろを指す)

the hand-movement-sign:
Move the other signed hand a fist width backward

name: [mu] moo sound of moor

ASCII: r (the shapes are similar)

phonetic value: unused

definition (single): the back, rear (後ろ)


vi. get behind (後になる、遅れる)
vt. let (someone) in the back, or put (something) at the rear (後にする、後にさせる)

Compounding with a verb mark:
{past-verb, 62}: already had been/done (すでに~だった/していた)
{future-verb, 62}: will have been/done (まだ~のまま/してるままだろう)

main images in base overlays:

1) Related to 'behind/back as the location’(位置としての「後ろ」に関係)
2) Related to relatives, who live/lived back in the family history from a standard point
3) Related to 'previous/earlier' as time sequence' (時間的な「前」に関連)
4) Related to 'backward' (「後退」に関連)
5) To form a hieroglyphic symbol (象形文字を構成)

examples of base overlay:

Related to 'behind/back as the location’ (位置としての「後ろ」に関係)

{gc preposition,62}: at the back of/behind of (~の後ろの)
{62,28(surface)}: the back surface/side (後面)
{{11,28}wall,62}: the backside of wall (裏壁)
{{48,10}building,62}: the back/rear of a house/building (建物の裏)
{13the same level),62}: the same or more back, more behind than...(with gc... ) (より後方)
{62,16part}: back part (後部)
{03line,62}: back line (後ろの線)
{05(no),62}: dead behind ( the situation you can't return ) (後がない、背水の陣)
{62,01(point)}: the tail, the last (最後)
{61front.62}: back and forth (前後)
{61,62,23(change)}: reverse front and back (前後交換)
{60(real),62}: the right back (right behind of ..: with #gc ..) (真後ろ)
{17(above),62}: back-above; upper behind of (preposition with #gc ..) (後ろ上方)
{18(down),62}: back-down; lower behind of (preposition with #gc ..) (後ろ下方)
{{02,19}(the left),62}: the left at the back (左後方)
{{02,20}the right,62}: the right at the back (右後方)

{12,62behind}: rubbish, trash, waste (ゴミ)
{12,62,47container}: trash-can
{12,62,10place}: dump (ゴミ捨て場)

{62,34pronoun)}: I, my, me (by the position) ; This hand sign is pointing the center of the talker's chest by the thumb, and this character symbolizes the sign also.
{62,34,27plural}: we, our, us (by the position) (私たち)

{21,62}: backward, facing to the back (後ろ向き)
{21,41move,62}: going backward (バックする)
{67,{21,62} facing backward}: old/opposite of fresh (古い、鮮度の落ちた)
{62,68(heart)}: negative (as the condition of one's will)(消極的)
{62,{49,68}(personality)}: negative (消極性)
{{34,39}eyes,62}: looking backward, look back (v. with gd) (振り返って見る)
{62,48cover}: concealed, conceal (v. with ge)(隠された、隠すge)
{62,{34,38}money}: improper money (裏金・賄賂)
{62,{34,38},47acceptance}: acceptance of a bribe, accept a bribe (v. with gd)(収賄)

Related to relayives, who live/lived back in the family history from a standard point.
(家族史で振り返った後ろにあたる関係)(renewed October 2006)
{62back in the family history,67life} as a fundamental character::parent (親)
{62,67, 35(long continuous)}: ancestor (祖先)
{62,67,27(plural)}: parents (親たち)
{62,67,19(female)}: mother (母)
{62,67,19,n2}: grandmother (祖母)
{62,67, 19,n3}: great grandmother (曾祖母)
{62,67,20(male)}: father (父)
{62,67, 20,n2}: grandfather (祖父)
{62,67, 20,n3}: great grandfather (曽祖父)
{62,{13,67}sibling}: uncle and/or aunt (おじ・おば)
{62,19(female),{13,67}}: aunt (おば)
{62earlier, 20(male),{13,67}}: uncle (おじ)

Related to 'previous/earlier' as time sequence (時間的な「前」に関連)
** new change: The usages of for time has been changed since Sep. 2006 ,
taking Jo Chen's suggestion and help from Germany.
"Before" in English and "前" in Japanese/Chinese contain the meaning of "front";
that is opposite of (behind) in the new setting . But since we human walk to the front,
a later thing is in front and an earlier thing is behind of a time.
The German expression is in this way, and it's more logical than others.
English and Japanese users, please be careful about this part.

{36time,62earlier}: earlier time: it's not reaching the time spot yet (特定時間より前)
{36,62,53(condition)}: early (早い)
{gc for preposition, 36,62}: before (as time preposition) (前置符 時間的に~の前に)

{{36,44} 'day' as the fundamental character, 62before}: yesterday (昨日)
{n2,33}{36,44,62}: the second day before today/the day before yesterday (一昨日)
{{36,46} 'week' as the fundamental character,62}: last week (the week before this week) (先週)
{n2,33}{36,46,62}: {n2,33}{36,46,62}: the second week before (先々週)
{{36,49(half moon shape} 'month', as the fundamental character,62}: last month (the month before this month) (先月)
{{36,48}'year' as the fundamental character,62}: last year (去年)
{22origin,36,62}: before the starting point of the era (紀元前)

{36,62,14going through}: already (something went through 'before' the time) (すでに)
{{36,62}earlier something,54existence}: remaining, remain (vi. with gd), leave/let something remain (vt. with vt.)(遺跡・残る)
{36,62,50 tangible thing(s)}: a remnant/track left by (痕跡、遺物)
{36,62,09 affair}: preparation, prepared (準備)
{36,62,56action}: rehearsal, rehearse (vi. with gd) (稽古、予行演習)
{{21,62},68(heart)}: retrospection (懐古)
{{06(resisting),{36,62}earlier,68heart}: regret (n.), regret (v. with gd) (後悔)
{{34,37}brain, {36,62}}: thinking back (考えなおす)
{{33,22}sequence,62}: the sequence is just before: last time/ former (前回)
{{33,22}sequence,28surface/sheet,62}: the former page (前のページ)
{{33,22},62,{01,10}position}: the former position (以前の位置)

Related to 'backward' (「後退」に関連)

{07(much),62}: much behind (ずっと後ろ)
{08(little),62}: little behind (やや後ろ)
{{07,08}(degree),62}: degree of backing (遅れの程度)
{02,62}: straight back (as hieroglyphic) (直後退)
{62,41(move)}: move/go backward (vi. with gd) (後退)
{62,{41,43}(reptile)}: crawling back, crawl back (vi. with #gd) (這ってあとすざリ)
{62,{41,68}(emotion)}: keeping emotion behind, hiding one's emotion (感情を押し隠した)
{62,51(power)}: backward power, pull (backward) (v. with gd) (手前に引く)
{62,66(plant)}: growing thin (痩せた、育ちが悪い)
{62,58(possibility)}: hard to do (困難)
{62,{33,23}(color)}: the color which works backward: black (黒)
{62,33,23, 63(loosened)}: dark gray (濃いグレイ)
{61,62,23,33}(middle mixture of white and black): gray (灰色)

To form a hieroglyphic symbol (象形文字を構成)

{69(a part of animal body),62}: tail (尾)

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