the hand-shape-sign:
The index tip touches to the tip of the stretched
thumb, showing the energy is restrained.
the hand-movement-sign:
Turn the arm inward (重ね相手の字母サインの腕を内側に回転)
[ju] you sound of your ( ユ )
ASCII: q (of quell)
phonetic value:
It restrains the function of the other character in a base overlay contrary to #64 (for emphasizing)
vi. become gentle or restrained (穏やかになる)
vt. restrain (something or somebody) (抑制する、落ち着かせる)
main images in base overlays: This symbol relates to a condition of less energy
1) To reduce the original meaning, compounding with some character about amount/degree
2) To weaken the original meaning (元から弱めた意味にする)
3) To mean slow(ly) (ゆっくりの意味で)
4) To mean (intentionally) restrained situation (意図的な抑制にかかわって)
5) To form a picture like symbol as a part of a fundamental character
( 象形の基礎文字の一部として、手や枝の形を構成する)
examples of base overlay:
To reduce the original meaning, compounding with some character
about amount/degree
: not that many but some (いくらか)
{08(little),63}: somewhat little (やや少なめ)
{{{23,33}(color),61(front)}(white),63}: light gray (灰色、薄ねず)
{{{23,33}(color),62(back)}(black),63}: dark gray (濃いねずみ色)
warm, warm oneself (v. with gd), warm up( vt. with #ge) (熱い、Dv:暖まる、E:暖める)
(air temperature) warm (気温があたたかい)
{63,{08(little),{37,70}(sky),52(heat)}(cold)}: (air temperature) cool (涼しい)
To weaken the original meaning (元から弱めた意味にする)
slackness, loose (of tension) (緩んだ)
{{28,45}touch,63}: very close
but not touch (触れないが非常に近い)
soft (やわらか)
{63,56(action)}: gentle/
be gentle (v. with gd) (おとなしい)
patting, pat (something/someone) (vt. with ge) (E動詞:なでる)
drizzling rain (小雨)
{{70,42}(wind),63}: breeze
faint smell (かすかな匂い)
To mean slow(ly) (ゆっくりの意味で)
{21(go),63}: slow (ゆっくり)
slow walk (そぞろ歩き)
jog, run slowly (vi. with gd) (ゆっくりかけ足)
{63,23(change)}: slow
change (緩変)
{63,26(piled)}: accumulation,
accumulate (vi. as d-verb, vt. as e-verb) (じわじわ堆積)
gradual(ly) (次第に)
{63 for
44(open/spread)}: relaxation. relax (vi. with gd, vt. with ge) (くつろぎ、D動詞:くつろぐ)
To mean (intentionally) restrained situation
restrained (抑制)
{45,63}: under control
restrained emotion, restrain one's emotion (v. with gd) (感情制御)
controlled nature, control nature (v. with ge) (自然制御)
soothed (落ち着く状態)
To form a picture like symbol as a part of a fundamental
{46,63}: hand (as a hieroglyphic fundamental character) (手)
{{46,63},28( flat area)}: palm (手のひら)
{{46,63,28}(palm),{02,25}(unite)}: join one's palms
together (合掌)
{46,63,28,20(out)}: back of hand (手の甲)
{{46,63}{(63),66}(branch)}: finger (指)
: work with fingers like typing/playing piano (指で働く、弾く・タイプを打つなど)
: point with a finger (指差す)
{{46,63},43(rolled)}: fist (拳)
{{46,63},38(creation)}: hand-made, make by hand (v. with gd) (手作り)
{{46,63},47(container)}: hold/receive something by
hand (vt. with gd)(手で受ける)
{{46,63},21(heading)}: working with hand improving something like
writing, drawing,
painting, etc (書く・描くなど、手で仕事を進める)
{{46,63},16(divided)}: dividing by hand (vt. with gd) (D動詞:手で分ける)
{{46,63},17(up)}: raise(-ing) one's hand (vi. with gd) (挙手)
{{46,63},18(down)}: get hand down (vi. with gd) (手を下ろす)
grip, grasp (vt. with gd) (にぎる)
{{46,63,48},{01,19,20}(each other)}: handshake (v. with #g )
aid, assist (with d-verb symbol) (手伝い)
grope (n./ v. with gd) (手探り)
{{33,15}(symbol/language),{46,63}}: hand signs (手話)
(hand-shape signs) and
gloves/ mitten (手袋)
{14(way),{46,63}}: technique, skill (わざ)
{63,66}(branched shape): branch,
d-v: separate off/split, e-d: divide/share (枝、枝分かれる)
{{63,66},10(place)}: branch (of office, etc.) (支所)
{{46,63}hand,{(63),66}branch}: finger (指)
{{63,66},{47,61}'foot' as a picture-like-character}: toe (足の指)