the hand-shape-sign:
pointing front by the thumb (親指で前方を指す)
the hand-movement-sign:
move the other signed
hand a fist width forward (もう一方の手話の手を拳幅前に突き出す)
[ma] ma sound of mark ( マ )
ASCII: R (as the pair with
r )
phonetic value: unused
definition (single): front (前)
vi. become the front (前になる)
vt. make (something or someone) the front (前にする/置く)
main images in base overlays:
1) Related to 'front/before' as location (前面、前方)
2) Related to relatives, who comes later in a family history from a standard point
3) Related to 'following/later' as time sequence (時間や順序の「後」)
4) Related to forward (前向き)
5) To form a fundamental hieroglyphic symbol (「足」の象形の部分として使用)
examples of base overlay:
Related to 'front/before as location'(前面、前方にかかわって)Related to relatives, who comes later in a family history
from a standard point
(親族で、基準よりのちに登場する立場に関係) * renewed October
{61front in the family
history,67}: child/(children)
(the relation from the parents; the age is not the matter)
{61,67,35(long continuous)}:
descendant (子孫)
children (子どもたち)
daughter (娘)
2-generation-lower daughter: granddaughter (孫娘)
great grand daughter (ひ孫娘)
{61,67,20(male)}: son (息子)
{61,67,20,n2}: grandson (孫息子)
Related to following/later as time sequence
** new change: The
usages of and
for time has been changed since Sep.
2006 ,
taking Jo Chen's suggestion and help from Germany.
The new setting is more logical, regarding
as "earlier time from a time point"
and as "later/after
time from there.
later (after a particular time) (時間的に後)
late/behind time (遅れている)
{gc (for preposition),
36,61(front)}: after (as time preposition) (前置符 時間的に~の後に)
{{36,44}'day' as the fundamental character,62}: tomorrow (明日)
{{36,46}'week' as the fundamental character,62}: next week (the
week after) (来週)
{n2,33}{36,46,62}: the second week after this week: the week
after following week (再来週)
{{36,49(half moon shape} 'month', as the fundamental character,61}: next
month (the following month) (来月)
{{36,48}('year' as the fundamental character),61}: next year (来年)
{22origin,36,61}: after the starting point of the era (紀元後)
{36,61,14 going through}: (not) yet (Something going through would
be later; not yet) (まだ)
{24settled for {36,61} later thing}: schedule (予定)
{{34,39}eyes,{36,61}}: foresee (予見)
{36,61,40 balancing}: beforehand regulation (準備調整)
{38made, 09affair
for {36,61}later thing}: plan (n.), be planed (v. with #gd), plan (vt.
with ge) (計画)
reaction (反動)
{11 limit/edge.61}: ending point (終点)
{{11,61},09affair}: result (結果)
{{11,61},14way}: conclusion (結論)
{{25,24}promiss for 61 front/later}: reservation (予約)
{{33,22}sequence,61}: the sequence is just after: next time/next
{{33,22}sequence,28surface/sheet,61}: next page (次ページ)
{{33,22},61,{01,10}position}: next position (次の位置)
Related to 'forward'(前向きにかかわって)
{02,61}: straight ahead (as hieroglyphic) (まっすぐ前)
{06(opposed),61}: returning (戻り)
{61,41(move)}: move/go ahead (vi. with gd) (前進)
{61,{41,43}( reptile)}: crawling ahead, crawl ahead (vi.
with gd) (前に這う状態)
{61,21(heading direction)}: forward, facing ahead(前向き)
life,{21,61} facing ahead}: fresh, lively (新鮮)
{61,21,65(person)}: a forward (フォワード)
{{34,39} eye, {61,21}}: look ahead (前方/将来を見据える)
{{34,39} eye, 61}: look forward (to) (期待)
{61,21,41move}: going
a head (前進)
{15,61(front)}: new (新しい)
{61,21,12(friction)}: propelling a battle (v. with gd) (進撃)
{61,51(power)}: push forward (v. with gd) (前押し)
{61,68(heart)}: positive (as the condition of one's will) (積極的)
impulsive(ly) (衝動的)
{61,68(heart),(49(personality)}: positive (as one's personality) (積極性)
{61,66(plant )}: growing thick (茂る状態)
{61,58(possibility)}: easy to do (容易)
{61,35(long continuation)}: being far off, have a long way
to go (v. with #gd) (先が永い状態)
{61,{33,23}(color)}: the color which works forward: white (白)
{61,33,23, 63(loosened)}: light gray (灰色)
{61,{34,38}(money)}: investment, invest (v. with gd) (投資)
{61,{34,38},16separated}: stocks, shares (株)
To form a fundamental hieroglyphic symbol (「足」の象形の部分として使用)
{47,61}: foot (by the shape), step (v. with gd) (足、D動詞:踏む)
{{47,61},46(work)}: foot work (足機能)
{{47,61},64(shock): a kick (n.), kick (v. with gd) (蹴る、蹴り)
{{47,61},21(heading)}: walk (n.), walk (vi. with gd) (歩行)
{{47,61},{63,66}(brunch)}: toe (足の指)
{{47,61},{14,45}(neck)}: ankle (足首)
{{47,61},18(lower)}: the bottom of foot (足の裏)
{{47,61},18,62(back)}: heel (かかと)