the hand-shape-sign:
the upward extended hand touching the fingers
next to each other, facing the palm to the reader
the hand-movement-sign:
drawing the base shape starting
from the upper horizontal line
pe sound of pen (ペ)
ASCC: H (similarly having parallel wide lines)
phonetic value: unused
definition (single): plane/a plane (平面または平面状)
(vi. become plane)(平らになる)
(vt. plane (something))(平らにする)
main images in base overlays:
1) Related to plane/surface/square measure (平ら、表面、面積にかかわって)
2) Related to some kind of flat thing or a thing made by sheets/boards
3) Related to its entire shape of a base overlay (全体の形が意味に関係)
examples of base overlay:
Related to plane/surface (平ら、表面にかかわって)
Related to some kind of flat thing or a thing made of sheets/boards
{03,28} (long 28(plane kind of thing)): tape, sash, flat things with long length (テープ)
{50(tangible thing),28}: (any kind of) sheet (シート、平面状のもの)
{{31,30} mark, sheet}: flag (旗)
(waved)}: a corrugated sheet (波形シート)
{46(function),28}: card (カード)
{{46,28},{38,34}(money)}: cash card (キャッシュカード)
{{46,28},56(act)}: play card (遊びのカード)
{{54,30}identification,46,28} or
: ID card
{21(heading),46,28}: ticket (切符)
{{15,30}information,46,28}: cards for inform something, such
as medical charts/menu
{43(rolled),28}: scroll (巻物)
{16(parts),28}: tile (タイル)
{{11,13}(thickness),28}: sheets with thickness: board (板)
{{11,13,28},26 group}: shelf (棚)
{11,13}(thickness),16,28(sheet)}: brick (れんが)
{(11)(invisible),13,28}(board),47(container)}: box (箱)
{{13,28,47}(box),20(out)}: drawer (引出し)
{{13,28,47,20},26(gathering): a furniture/box with drawers (引出しがまとまったたんすなど)
{28 with
{48,51)legs}: table (テーブル)
table for 46(work)}: desk (机)
{{15,33,31(shape)} (visual language),28(sheet)}: notations on sheets: document (書類)
{15(recognition),31(shape),28}: picture, illustration
{15,,31,28,41(move)}: moving picture (映画)
{28(sheets),26}: any
kind of bound thing, bind/stitch vt. with ge) (綴じたもの、綴じる)
book (本)
{{15,31,28}(picture),26}: picture book (絵本)
{28 sheet/surface),30(show)}: screen (画面)
{28,30,07(large)}: enlargement of the screen/canvas (画面の拡大)
{28,30,08(small)}: reduction of the screen/canvas (画面の縮小)
{28,30,50(tool)}: monitor (visual display unit) (モニター)
{15,30,28(sheet)}: file (for computing usage) (ファイル)
the shape): table (chart) (表)
{15,30,28,03(line ),23(change)}: bar chart (線グラフ)
{{34,38}(money),28(sheet)} : a bank note or paper money (紙幣)
{{34,38,13,20}payment,28} (paper for payment): check/cheque
{{66,68}(flower),28(sheet)}: petal (花弁)
bag/ sack (袋)
sack as 16 a part}: pocket
{28,48(cover)}: wrapping sheet (ラップ)
{{15,33,66}(face),28,48}: mask (仮面)
{28,66(plant)}: paper (紙)
{28,66,26(gathering)}: notebook (帳面)
{28,38(human made)}: plastic sheet (人造シート)
{{02,23}(light),14(through),28}: sheet glass( including 'windshield', etc.) (板ガラス)
(any kinds of) translucent sheet (distinguished with above base overlay) (透明シート)
{28,69(empty)}: blank, blank paper (白紙)
{28,70(space)}: margin, blank space on a surface (余白)
{{55(want),30(indicate)}(to apply),28}: application form (申請書)
{n8,28,50(an object)} : octahedron (an object with eight planes) (8面体)
: the eighth page (8番目のページ)
{28,33(for number),22(from
origin)}: page (ページ)
{{33,22}sequence,28,61(front)}: next page (次ページ)
last page (前のページ)
{{45(relation),26(multiple)}(network),28}: net (n.) (網)
{{03(line),43(twined)} thread,28}: knitting, knit (vt.
with ge) (編物・編)
{{56(action),44(open)} entertainment,28}: stage (ステージ)
{67(life),28}: membrane (膜)
{67,28,20(out)}: skin (皮膚)
{{01,67}(cell),28}: cell membrane (細胞膜)
{11(division),28}: wall (壁)
{11,28,17(above)}: ceiling (天井)
{11,28,18(below)}: floor (床)
{11,28,19(in)}: interior wall (内壁)
{11,28,20(out),}: exterior wall (外壁)
{11.{28,50}(sheet)}: curtain, room divider (カーテン・間仕切り)
{{06,21}reflection, 28sheet}:
mirror (鏡)
`=#H `grid
`/=#H `no-grid
`H=-#1 `woven-fabric
`/H=-#1 `unwoven-fabric (不織布)
Related to its entire shape of a base overlay (全体の形が意味に関係)
( the shape of #28): square (四角形)
`HVW `{28, 24,31}: pyramid (四角錘)
{31,28,33}: cylinder (円柱)
{01,28}(pointing the center of the
( square or surface or aspect ): center (中央)
* Maybe base overlay with
looks better for this meaning, but the character might be mistaken
with when hand-written.
So I chose
{66,45,28(also by the meaning of sheets for the
wings)}: butterfly(蝶)