the hand-shape-sign:
two fingers are extended upward and bend like this; others touch each other
the hand-movement-sign: two times little pushes at
the same position (同位置で2度軽い押し)
[zi] zi sound of zip (ズィ)
ASCII: " (the similar looking)
phonetic value: [function]:
a phonetic symbol with this in a base overlay is pronounced combining with the sound
of the left next symbol at the same time.
definition (single): plural(複数)
{gd,27} ... : repeat to be or to do ... / become or do ... again (base overlay with d-verb symbol )
{ge,27} ... : repeat to make someone/something into ... situation / do ... again
function and images in base overlays:
1) To represent the other noun character in a base overlay as plural.
2) When #27 is compounded with a character meant an action, it adds the meaning of 'repeating'.
3) Specified from 1), 2) case (1,2から意味が特化した利用)
examples of base overlay:
To represent the other noun character in a base overlay as plural. (名詞に重ねると、それが複数であることを表示)
For plural pronouns (複数代名詞):
{61,34,27}: plural you or your (あなたがた)
{62,34,27): we, our, us (私たち)
{19,34,27}: the ladies, the females (including animals) (彼女たち)
{20,34,27}: the men, the males (including animals) (彼ら)
{01,34,27): they, their, them (the things or the
people (regardless of gender) pointed in a topic) (それら)
{17,34,27}: those (pointing things which are far away) (あれら)
{18,34,27}: these (pointing things which is close by) (これら)
*For general term or when it's clear of the amount/numbers by other modifier/
qualifier, you need not to compound #27. Only when you need to express that
it's plural by its own character, #27 is compounded with that character.
e.g.{65(human/person),27}: people (人々)
When #27 is compounded with a character meant an action, it adds
the meaning of 'repeating'.
{56(action),27}: repeat (v. with gd) (くり返し)
{02one,27}: another (もう一つの)
{38(made),27}: remade, remake(
vt. with ge) (作り直し)
reproduction (再生産)
{44(open),27}: reopen (再開)
{{53(situation),45(relation)}(meeting),27}: reunion (再会)
{45(relation),27}: coming back relation again (復縁・再関係)
{{17(up),42(wave)}(to broach),27}: re-broach (再浮上)
{16(divided),27}: re-divided (再分割)
{23(change),27}: re-change (再変化)
{25addition,38made,27again}: repairing/ repair (修理)
In the following case, #27 specifies the meanings of base overlay (意味をやや特化する場合)
{gb (conjunction),
and also, /..., too (そしてまた~も)
{27,36(time)} (repeating times): again (再び)
{{02,23}(light),27}: twinkle,
dazzle (light to many directions) (きらきらする輝き)
{27,26(multiply)}: square (二乗、平方)
{n3,27,26}: cube (3乗)
= n3 {33,36}(times) {33,26}(the product) of two =
{{27,26},22(origin)}: square root (平方根)