ASCII: & (the similar function)
The grammatical notation for Conjunction; the shape is a little like
a comma,
though the location is high (to distinguish from #gc).
To see a relation of characters and the flowing of the meanings easier, the
sizes of #gb and #gc are small.


open and extend the index and the middle fingers diagonally
toward the outer direction.
[de] de sound of den ( デ )
definition (grammar):
To indicate a conjunction, like a comma or and in English
by itself (as the single form).
In English, an empty space is kept after comma. But it's not necessary
in EL. The base itself has some empty room, when it works as a comma.
Empty space before a conjunction symbol is not necessary, if each of the
both sides is a phrase or a bundled sentence with the brackets. It needs
a space on the left of the conjunction, when another sentence is following
without the brackets. These are not specially set as the rules, but naturally
comes out through the general simple rules of EL.
A base overlay included #gb
represents another type of conjunction being added
the image
of the other base/bases in the base overlay.
{gb+05(not)}: or (adding the image of ( if 'not' the one)
{gb+06(opposite)}: but
{ +25(plus)}: besides
{ +13(equal)}: i.e.
{ +{13,21}(along)}:
therefore (したがって)
{ +21(forward,
to)}: and then, so (それから)
{ +22(origin,
reason)}: because (なぜなら)
{ +30(marked)}: especially
{ +57(question)}:
and strangely... (そしてふしぎなことに)
{ +58(possibility)}: (and) perhaps
{ +64(emphasis)}: and even ..
{ +{15,30,54}(example)}: for example, e.g.
{ +{08,58}(small
possibility)}: (and) maybe (そしてもしかすると)
{ +{42,68}(surprised)}: and what a surprise, ...
{gc,27(plural)}}: and also (そしてまた~も)