Foot note: Variety of communication ways in the human history
The General Introduction of the EL System Start from here, please (2006)
Or shorter introduction (1997)
The Total of the EL
*Please print out this
page to see all EL bases.
(totally 91 including numerals, grammatical marks and brackets)
You'll find many familiar shapes among them.
Also this print will help you
understand all other pages.
Why Visual Base ?:
Explains why the new universal communication method has
to be based on visual symbols instead of vocal words.
Millions of Single
can be formed from only 70 Bases:
This system is the key to organize/share any information
rationally worldwide.
The EL Ideograms:
The guideline
of the EL definition system
About the basic images of the 70 bases, and how to compose
more ideograms using them,
with examples and those usages.
The EL Grammar (including single symbols for
Answers and Greetings)
and the Method for Organizing
Simple, clear and free are the mottoes for the EL grammar.
Also there are various rational ways for abbreviation
and organizing
information preparing for the future world.
The EL Phonetics:
Using 50 bases and phonetic brackets, distinguishing
from ideograms,
you can record/express any sounds by the human mouth.
This system is even more helpful than International Phonetic Alphabet
to learn a foreign language or vocal entertainments.
The EL Multi-method System:
Besides writing, vocal communications, hand-signs and
ways of sign are available, in the same EL system.
Whatever happens to your body, you have a way to communicate with others in EL.
Examples of EL Usages
Poems and Pictographs in EL
To see EL documents with
photos and English/Japanese translations
The translation of a part of President
Obama's Inaugural Address (January 2009)
The translation of the Babel part of the Bible
EL body-sign Usage for Your Health
Please try, this works very well.
an EL hand-sign-communication scene
Here is a communication scene in EL between an American
and a Japanese at the Golden Gate Park In the future.
(with English and Japanese explanation)
In the following way, these English synonyms are used in the EL
for all kinds of method to
symbolize something
for written symbols
a basic unit of the EL writing system
(* At earlier time of this project, "code" was used for it, then codes
remains as a folder name.
Please allow it, because thousands of links
to be changed to renew the name.)
any kinds of unit of the EL writing system,
including brackets and base overlays.
Base Overlay
a character formed by compounding
plural bases on top of each other
written symbols to show a meaning; work in
the definition system, but not for phonetics
written symbols to show
a sound, including diacritical marks; work in the phonetic system
symbols by a hand/body shape or the movement/location;
work in a visual or touching communication
Vocal symbols
symbols by vocal sounds, whose unit is
a syllable; used in the spoken EL.