the hand-shape-sign:
the index is rolled stopping by thumb,
making the base shape;
other fingers are like naturally unrolled to open outward.
Show the palm side to the reader:
"Opening outward" of signer's body is important; the left or the
right doesn't the matter.
the hand-movement-sign:
Start from the center to draw the base shape,
and whirl out gradually wider with the other signed hand.
[pa] pa sound of park ( パ )
ASCII: g (as the partner base with 43: G)
phonetic value: ( function)
the diacritic for changing a consonant into a plosive sound, and for changing a vowel
into a glottal plosive with the vowel opening (破裂音化の記号)
definition (single): opened situation (開)
vi. open: the subject (like someone's mind or a door) opens (・・が開く)
vt. open (something) (・・を開く)
main images in base overlays:
(as the image of a spiral opening outward
to free and spread some energy)
examples of base overlay:1) Related to 'Opened' (「開」に関連)
2) Related to the feelings with released and expanded energy
3) Related to some energy spreading image
4) To form a picture-like fundamental character and the applications
(象形文字の構成と応用)* Some people like German users have mentioned that 'spread' wasn't a basic word represented as 'go-wide'. #44's outward spiral shape gives us the image filled by spreading energy; so it is useful to form base overlays for basic concepts as fire and the sun, directly and visually helping understanding.
Related to 'Opened' (「開」にかかわって)
{09( intangible
thing ),44}: opening/beginning (開始)
{22 origin, 44 open}: originated, originate (vt.
with ge) (創始)
`Kgy {{22,44}, 65 person}: founder (創始者)
{09,53condition,{09,44}start}: happening,
happen (with gd) (出来事、起きる)
{38(creation),44}: development, develop/open up (with
ge) (開発)
{{10,24}(land),3844}: exploitation, exploit (with
ge) (開拓)
{05(not ),44}: closed/shut oneself up situation, close
(vt. with #ge),
(the subject) shuts oneself up (vi. with gd)(閉)
{06(resistance),44}: blockade (封鎖)
{07(much),44}: wide opened (大きく開いた)
{08(little),44}: narrow opened (わずかに開いた)
{{37,70}(sky),44}: fine sky (晴)
{34(related to identification ),44( opened to society
)}: public (公)
{{34,44}.{37,38,10}(garden)}: park (公園)
{{34,44}.65(person)}: public figure (man/woman)
{{34,44}.21(heading to)}: publicity (広報、公開)
{39(sense),44}: awakening, awake (v. with gd) (醒)
{41(movement),44(to spread)}: campaign/movement
(as 'for world peace') (運動・活動)
{65(person),41,44}: campaigner/activist (活動家)
openhearted/open (開放的)
{{66,68}(flower),44}: in blossom, bloom (vi. with
gd) (開花)
{44,68}: joy, happiness, happy, be glad (v. with
make someone happy (vt. with ge) (喜、嬉しい)
{47( accept ),{44,68}}: gratitude, 'Thank you' (a character only or with a period),
be grateful (v. with gd) (感謝、ありがとう)
{{44,68},21(facing to)}: celebration (when it needs
distinguishing as an event of a celebration,
add #09 on top of
this character), celebrate (v. with gd) (祝)
{06(reverse),{44,68}} (reverse of happy): painful
feeling or hard situation in one's heart (つらい)
{15,{44,68}}: smile (also as a picture-like character) (微笑み)
{44,(39,68}(feeling)}: pleasant, merrily, enjoy or take pleasure
(v. with gd), entertain (vt. with ge) (快)
{{36,39}(ear),{44,(39),68}(enjoy),09(event)}: concert (to listen to)
{{44,39,68},56action}: play/game (遊び)
To form a picture-like fundamental character
and the applications (象形文字の構成と応用)
{33(globe shaped),44}: the sun (太陽)
{17(up),33,44}: sunrise, the rising sun (朝日)
{18(down),33,44}: sunset, the setting sun (夕日)
{=, line} (the same kind) of
}: star as the meaning of the sun level spherical body/bodies (恒星)
*For general usage for stars (any twinkling stars
in the night sky), you can use a picture-like
Related to the 44 in the sun (44のみで太陽を表して応用する文字)
{36(time),44}: day (as the time position) (時日としての日)
{{36,70}(length of time),44}: day(s) (時間としての日)
{36,44,61(front)}: yesterday (the day which
went in front) (昨日)
{36,44,,62(back)}: tomorrow (the day which
is in the back) (明日)
{day + 60(real)}: today (今日)
that day (その日)
{{36,44}(day ){36,46}(week)-36}: a day of
the week (曜日)
It's shown by where or how the sun is through the talker's site.: Monday,
: Tuesday,
: Wednesday,
: Thursday,
: Friday,
: Saturday,
: Sunday
{31(shape),44}: spiral (the shape when it is widened
case) (ひろがってゆくらせん形)