the hand-shape-sign:
Make the base shape by the parallel opening between the
thumb and the other fingers.
the hand-movement-sign:
Draw the base shape. (記号の形を宙に描く)
[da] da sound of dark without the extension
of the sound ( ダ )
ASCII: u (the similar shape)
phonetic value: [ d ] (IPA), [dz] (SAMPA) (voiced alveolar plosive)
definition (single): yes : (means your talking is accepted, okay), accepted (はい・承諾)
vi. accept ( the subject accept(s) something) (受ける)
vt. give ( let something/someone get/accept something) (受けさせる、与える)
{gd,47} : the passive d-verb symbol (D動詞の受動態 )
The subject gets some action by the person or the thing which follows the preposition{gc,46}(by).
{ge,47}: the passive e-verb symbol (E動詞の受動態)
See the verb section for the examples of these usage.
( これらの動詞の使い方例は ここを参照 してください)
main images in base overlays:
Regarding this symbol as a vessel shape (記号の器形にかかわって):
1) Related to acceptation/ receiving (受けるイメージにかかわって)
2) Related to holding (持つことにかかわって)
3) Related to the image of taking in and out of a container, or the capacity/contents
4) Some kind of vessel/ container including rooms and towns (何かが入るためのもの)
Un related to the image of a vessel (器とは無関係の形を連想して):
5) To form the picture-like fundamental character of the foot (足の象形文字を構成して)
6) Regarding the shape as the tongue (舌の形と捉えて)
examples of base overlay:
Related to acceptation/ receiving
{05(not),47}: No (for a request), disagree
(with gd) (いいえ、不承知)
{06(opposite),47}: objection, oppose (v. with gd) (受諾に反対)
reception (of a message), receive (v. with #gd) (受信)
{62(back),{34,38}(money),47}: acceptance
of a bribe, accept a bribe (v. with gd) (収賄)
{{36,39}(ear),47}: hearing, hear (v. with gd), let (someone) hear (vt. with
ge) (聞き取り)
{{44,68}(happiness),47}: 'Thank you' (only this
or with a period), be grateful (v.
with #gd) (感謝)
`au% `{35 keeping for long, 47, 68 heart}: memorial (記念)
certain),47}: pledge, oath (誓い)
{37(nature),47}: harvest including fishing
and hunting (収穫・収獲)
eating, tasting (vt. with gd) (食・口にする)
{67(life),47}: consumption/nutrition, take foods (v. with
gd) (摂取)
{67,47,{46(function),(67)}(organ)}: digestive organ (消化器官)
thing)}: food (食べもの)
{{67,47},{16,22) elements}:
nutrient (栄養)
carnivorous, predatory/pray/carnivore (肉食)
{66 plant,{47,67} consumption}: herbivorous/herbivore (草食)
hold/catch/receive something by hand (vt. with gd) (手でもつ、つかむ)
{55seek and 47receive}:
catching catch/get (v. with gd) (得る、つかまえる)
Related to holding (持つことにかかわって)
{54(existence),47}: possession, have (vt. with gd) (持つ・所有)
`umb `{possession, 08 less}: poor/scanty (貧)
`umB `{possession,
07 much}: rich, abundant (豊か)
possession,23(change)}: exchange (交換)
, 24certain}: keep(ing) (保つ)
{{54,47},21(heading)}: bringing,
bring (vt. with gd) (もっていく、連れて行く)
having}: rental
{19 in,
}: debt, borrow (vt.
with gd)(借り)
{20 out,
}: lend (vt. with gd)(貸し)
, 25join}: sharing, share (v. with gd) (分かち合い)
rich (not for 'heart', but for money) (お金持ち)
{47,08(little),{34,37}}: poverty/ poor (not for 'heart', but for money) (貧乏)
dirtiness/dirty (as a fundamental character) (汚れ)
{{12,47} dirt, 04(minus)}: pure, purified, cleanse (vt.
with ge) (汚れない、清ら)
{{12,47} dirt, 20( out)}: cleaned, cleaning,
clean/sweep (vt. with ge) (掃除)
,{42,20}flow away}: washing (洗い)
{{34,37}(brain),47}: memory, memorize (v. with gd) (記憶)
{{38,34,37}(computer),47}: computer
memory (コンピュータ・メモリー)
Related to the image of taking in and out of
a container, or the capacity/contents
surplus (黒字)
debt (負債)
{26(pile in),47}: stock, store (vt. with gd) (蓄え)
{47,21(go)}: conveyance, carry (vt. with gd) (運搬)
{20(out from),47}: exit, take out (v. with
{19(in to),47}: entrance (entry), accommodate,
put in (vt. with ge) (入会・入場、E動詞:収容する)
{{34,38}(money),19(in to),47}: deposit,
saving money (預金)
{{34,38}(money),20(out from),47}: withdrawal
{19(in),20(out),{34,38}(money),47}: banking (銀行業務)
{47(pocket shaped container),{15,41,67}(mammal)}: pouched mammals (有袋類)
beverage/ something to drink (飲み物)
: fruit juice (フルーツジュース)
: vegetable juice (野菜ジュース)
(babble drink): soda
{{47,59},{(59),02}(leaf' by the shape)}: (any kind
of) tea (茶)
{{47,59},{44,39}(awake)}: coffee (コーヒー)
{{47,59},44( open/a part of 'joy')}: alcoholic
drink/ wine (酒)
: sparkling
{wheat-babble-wine}: beer
{44(open/spread) in 47}: stir (vt. with ge) (攪拌)
{43(rolled) in 47}: knead (vt. with ge) (こねる)
{34(main) in 47}: content, substance (内容)
{{34,47}(substance),16(part))}: element (要素)
{15(recognition),{34,47}(contents)}: meaning (意味)
flowing of meanings: a story (物語)
{33(whole),47}: filled, fill (v. with ge) (満)
{{33,47},20(out)}: overflowed, flow over (v. with gd) (溢れた)
{{07,08}(degree),47(container)}: capacity (容量)
{07(large),47} : large capacity (容量大)
{08(small),47} : small capacity (容量が小さい)
{68(heart),47}: (capacity of heart) toleration,
permit (v. with gd) (心の器)
{07(large){47,68}: tolerant (寛容)
{08(small){47,68}: narrow-minded(ness) (狭量)
{{07,08,47}(capacity),52(heat)}: heat capacity, calorie (熱量)
{52,47,32(unit)}: calorie as the degree unit
{{08,52}(cold),47(holding)}}: holding cold (冷蔵)
holding warm (温蔵)
{47,32(basic unit)}: the basic unit of capacity:
liter/litre (リットル)
Some kind of vessel/ container (何かが入るためのもの)
container/vessel (容器)
{{47,50},28(plane/flat)}: plate; to this character,
it's available to compound
for a large plate,
for a small
plate, and
(under) for a saucer
{{47,50},59(liquid)}: cup (for liquid) (コップ)
teapot, kettle (to pour some liquid out) (ポット)
`uId^ `{{47,50},59,11(a part of 'lid')}: bottle
{{47,50},34(substance)}: jar (to keep some substance
in) (壷)
`u=-#1 `
basket (籠)
{{35,50}(soil),52( heat),47}: pottery as vessels/dishes (陶器の器類)
{{47,50},66(plant)}: plant pot/flowerpot (植木鉢)
refrigerator (冷蔵庫)
{{{24(hard),59(water)} ice, frozen,47,50}: freezer (冷凍庫)
{47,48(cover)}: capsule (カプセル)
{47 for 52( heat )}: pan (鍋)
{{47,52},{17,18}( vertically long )}: cooking
pot (深鍋)
{{47,52},28}( flat )}: frying pan (フライパン/料理用鉄板など)
`uw, `{{01,30}(scale),47}: measure cup (計量器)
{47 of 31(shape)}: molding, mold (a pattern to
mold) (鋳型)
{28,47(container)}: bag/sack (袋)
{{46,63}( hand ),{28,47}}: gloves/mitten (手袋)
{{47,61}( foot/feet ),{28,47}}: socks (ソックス・足袋)
{{28,47},16 part}: pocket
box (箱)
{{13,28,47}( box ),20( out )}: drawer(引き出し)
{{13,28,47,20},26( gathering )}: a furniture/box
with drawers(引出しがまとまったたんすなど)
Bigger size (container of people/human
society) (人間の入れもの)
{41(move ),47(container to carry)}: vehicle, car
{{41,47},07(large)}: larger car as a bus (大型車)
smaller car (小型車)
for car}: parking/garage
{{47,41}viacle, 19,20(in-out), 10place}: bus/train station
{{41,47} on
14rails-shape)}: railway, train. (レールを走る乗り物)
{{10,14{,{41,47}car}: roadway (車道)
{14rails-shape,{41,47}vircle}: train
{02(one),14 in this case, the rails shape, {41,47}viacle}:
{{41,47},{21,(47)}(carry)}: truck, carrier car
{47(container to carry) on 42}: boat/ship(船・舟)
{{47,42},{12,60,66)combat}: warship (軍艦)
{{70(air),21(go)}(fly to go),47}: plane, any kind
of flying vehicle (飛行機など)
{{35,37}(universe),47}: spaceship(宇宙船)
{10(place),47}: room/chamber (部屋)
{10,47,11(limit/partition)}: door
{10,47,{34,39}(eye) }: window (窓)
{10,(47),{47,52(heat)} pan}: (the
room with pans): kitchen (キチン)
{10,47,34(substance)}: closet (押し入れ)
{10(place),37(nature),59(water),47}: lake (湖)
{{10,65(human)}(society),47}: town (町)
{08(small),10, 47,65}: village (村)
{38(artificial)10,47,65}: city (街・市)
{07(large)10,38,47,65}: megalopolis (大都市)
To form a hieroglyphic symbol
Related to 'foot/feet' (象形から、足に関係して)
Related to tongue/taste(象形の舌、味にかかわって)
{39(mouth shape).47(tongue shape)}: tongue (舌)
`upc (the main
function of tongue): the sense of taste, taste (vt.
with gd) (味覚、D動詞:味わう)
{33(abstract code for sense),{39.47}}: taste (n.) (味, )
{{33,39.47}, 44(spread/pleasant)}: sweet, sweetness (甘み、甘い)
{{33,39.47},42(wave/ a part of 'ocean')}:
salty, saltiness (塩からみ、塩からい)
{{33,39.47},64(violent)}: hot spicy (辛み、辛い)
{{33,39.47},20(out)}: bitter, bitterness
(because you want to spit 'out' when you feel this strong
{{33,39.47},17(up)}: sour, acid (酸味、すっぱい)
(Don't you
feel your tongue go 'up' to touch to the
ceiling of the mouth, when you taste acid?)
{{33,39.47},43(close/clung)}: astringent
taste (you feel your tongue clung and shrunk,
don't you?) (渋味、渋い)
{{33,39.47},40(balanced)}: delicious for
any kinds (おいしい)
{{33,39.47},67(life/a part of animal)}:
protein kind of taste (うまみ、うまい)
{{33,39.47},18(down)}: no English word
for this taste (Egui in Japanese):
a kind
of toxic taste like a green part of potato: it's not bitter, sour, hot or astringent, but perhaps your tongue
wants to hang 'down' from your mouth .(えぐみ、えぐい)
{{33,39.47},07(much)}: thick taste/tasteful (濃い味)
{{33,39.47},08(less)}: thin taste/tasteless (薄味)