the hand-shape-sign:
making the base shape opening parallel between {the index, the middle
and the thumb. (人指し・中の二指と親指の間を平行に開いて記号を象る)
the hand-movement-sign:
draw the base shape starting from the bottom edge
name: [te] te
sound of tell ( テ )
ASCII: c (the similar shape, the direction is opposite
phonetic value: unused
definition (single): function, work (機能・はたらき)
vi. work (働く)
vt. use, let (something or someone) work (使う、働かす)
main images in base overlays:
1) Related to some kind of function/work (機能・はたらきに関連)
2) Related to a thing/place/facility for some function (使う/機能するものや施設)
3) to form the picture-like character for hand, and that applications ( 「手」に関連)
4) Related to week, compounding with time (「時」と組んで 週 に関係)
examples of base overlay:
Related to some kind of 'function/work' (機能・はたらきに関連)
(The following 'plus' and 'minus' are by subjective judgment
useful, effective (有効・便利)
{04(minus),46}: {defective work}: harm (有害)
{04,46,29(substance)}: toxic (毒)
{04,46,09(happened thing)}: disaster, calamity (災い)
{04,46,09,37(nature)}: natural calamity (自然災害)
{04,09,46,38(human made)}: human negligence, man-made disaster (人為災害)
{04,46,56(action)}: harmful action, hurt (someone) (with #gd)
{04,46,49(quality)}: harmful temperament(49)} (悪質)
idle/disable situation, go wrong or become out of order (vi. with gd)
opposite),46}: hindrance, obstruction, disturb (vt. with ge) (邪魔)
{17(high),46}: elaborate, elaborately (高機能)
inferior, disabled (機能が劣った)
consistent}: reliable (信頼できる)
{07(much/many),46}: multi-function (多用)
{08(little),46} : narrow functional, (少機能)
{58(possible ),46}: ability (to work for) (機能能力)
{58,46,08}: disability, disabled (障害)
{58,46,08,65 person} (also doesn't it look like a wheelchair?): disabled
person/people (身障者)
{46,30(indication)}: to show(/indication of) the function (for computing/
merchandise) (機能表示)
09(intangible matter)}: job, task (仕事)
{46,56(action)}: labor (労働)
{46,65(person)}: worker (労働者)
{{46,65},09}: occupation/business/ profession (職業)
usage, use (with gd) (使用)
{46,55,65person/people}: user (使用者)
{51(power),46,32(unit)}: the basic unit of work: joule ( J 仕事の単位・ジュール)
`poc (the main function of eyes):
the sense of sight, vision (視覚)
`cCp (the main function of ears):
the sense of hearing (聴覚)
`upc (the main function of tongue):
the sense of taste (味覚)
{{34,39}( eye),46,32}: degree of eyesight (視力の度)
{{36,39}( ear),46,32}: degree unit of hearing (聴力の度)
use, utilization, application (利用)
{46,16(divided)}: allotment, assignment, take partial charge (v. with gd)
{46,26(gathering)}: system (しくみ)
in net),46(work)}: network
{{48,25}security, 24(related to law),46}: police (as an official
{46(function),68}: psychological works (心理作用)
Related to a thing/place/facility for some function (使う/機能するものや施設)
{46,50(tangible thing)}: tool (道具)
{{34,39}(eye){46,50}(tool)}: glasses/eye tool (メガネ)
{{05,12}(saw off),{46,50}} (n. a saw) (のこぎり)
{46,59(liquid)}: liquid for some work which shown by modifier (液剤)
e.g. ( color
- work-liquid ): liquid to put color on, color ink/ dye/stain (染料・カラーインク),
( clean
- work-liquid ): detergent (洗剤)
very/fast)}: machine (as a fundamental character) (機械)
{10,{46,64}( machine )}: factory (工場)
{51(power),38(creation),{{46,64}(machine)}: motor (モーター)
{{46,64}(machine),38}: machine made (機械生産)
{38(artificial),65(human),46}: robot (ロボット)
card (カード)
{{46,28},{38,34}(money)}: cash card (キャッシュカード)
{{46,28},56(act)}: play card (遊びのカード)
organ of living creature (器官)
{47(accept),46,67}: digestive organ (消化器官)
{40(balance),46,67}: the organ system for controlling hormone (ホルモン器官)
{70(air),46,67}: respiratory organ (呼吸器官)
{{46,67},26(gathering)}: system of organs ((生体の)組織)
{39,46(function, tool)}: the organ of sense (感覚器官)
{46,63(controlled)}: hand (as a hieroglyphic fundamental character) (手)
{{46,63}( 'hand' by the shape),28}: palm (手のひら)
{46,63,28,20(out)}: back of hand (手の甲)
{02,25}, {46,63.28}palm}: joining
one's palms together (合掌)
{{46,63},{(63),66}(branch)}: finger (as a fundamental character) (指)
: work with fingers like typing/playing piano
: point with a finger (指差す)
{{46,63},43(rolled)}: fist (拳)
{{46,63},38(creation)}: hand-made, make by hand (v. with gd) (手作り)
hold/catch/receive something by hand (vt. with gd) (手でもつ、つかむ)
{{46,63},21(heading)}: working with hand improving something like writing,
drawing, painting, etc.
{{46,63},16(divided)}: dividing by hand (vt. with #gd) (D動詞:手で分ける)
{{46,63},17(up)}: raising one's hand (挙手)
{{46,63},18(down)}: get hand down (手を下ろす)
48cover}: grip, grasp (vt. with gd) (にぎる)
{{46,63,48},{01,19,20} (each other)}: handshake (v. with gd) (握手)
{{46,63}(hand),25}: aid, assist (with d-verb symbol) (手伝い)
{{33,15},{46,63}(hand)}: hand signs (手話)
( including (hand-shape
signs) and
(hand-movement-sign )
{{46,63},{28,47}(sack)}: glove(s)/ mitten (手袋)
utility (ユティリティ、機能の場)
company, enterprise (企業、会社)
{, 26
compounded}: business group
for 46work}: office
{{34,38}money,{46,10(place)}( facility, establishment)}: bank (銀行)
{10,59(water),46(function)}: bath room, rest room (トイレ)
{{10,59,46},20out}: toilet
{{10,46},{47,59}water-pool}: bath room
Compounding with 'Time' (「時」と組んで)
{36(time),46}: week (as a period of time flowing, not as the length, as
'what or which week'):
This period of time relates to the rotation of human working society, so
46 was chosen for the character.
: 2{{36,46}(week),{36,70(space
between)}( time period): for two weeks , two weeks long (2週間)