the hand-shape-sign:
Both sides of fingers stretch
out from the palm up naturally extended hand
the hand-movement-sign:
Draw the base shape
ja sound of jar ( ジャ )
ASCII: f (f of fever/fire)
phonetic value: [ voiced palatal plosive ] (the base is the upside-down shape of #51) (硬口蓋有声破裂音)
definition (single):
heat, a situation having some heat
(symbolizing warming up from the bottom)
vi. (the subject) reach warm (熱くなる)
vt. warm or heat (the object) (暖める)
main images in base overlays:
Regarding the image of a heating place:
1) Related to temperature (温度に関連)
2) Related to heat, warm/hot things, once heated things or things to heat
Regarding the symbol as the side-looking:
3) Related to a hollow (くぼんだ形に関係)
examples of base overlay:
Related to temperature (温度に関連)
{{07,08}(degree),52} : (general) temperature (温度)
{07(much),52}: hot, become hot (v. with gd), make ... hot (vt. with #ge) (熱い)
{63(gentle),07,52}: warm, warm oneself (v. with
gd), warm up (vt. with ge) (熱い、Dv:暖まる、E:暖める)
{08(little),52}: cold, get cold (vi. with #gd), cold down (vt. with ge) (低温、Dv:冷える、E:冷やす)
sky}: ambient-temperature (気温)
{07(much),{37,70}(sky),52(heat)}: high ambient temperature/hot (暑い)
{63(gentle),07(much),{37,70},52}: warm (あたたかい)
{08(little),{37,70}(sky),52(heat)} : low ambient temperature/
cold (寒い)
{63(gentle),08(little),{37,70}(sky),52(heat)}: cool (涼しい)
{{67,50}(body of
a creature),52}: body temperature (体温)
{07(much),{67,50,52}}: (high)-fever, become feverish (vi. with gd) (発熱)
the basic unit of temperature: degrees centigrade (摂氏温度)
{04(away),52}: cooling, cool down (with
ge) (D動詞:冷める、E動詞:冷ます)
{52,25(added)}: warming,
be warmed (vi. with #gd), warm-up something (vt. with #ge) (加熱)
change of temperature (温度変化)
adjustment of temperature (温度調整)
{52,35(continue)}: thermal (保温(用))
{52,35,49(nature/quality)}: retentiveness of heat (保温性)
Related to heat, warm/hot things, once heated things, things to
heat (熱さ、熱とかかわるものに関係)
underground, 52}: underground heat (地熱)
{{33,44}(the sun),52}: solar energy (太陽熱)
{12(friction),52}: frictional-heat
{06(resist),52}: heat insulating (断熱)
{52,14(go through)}: heat conduction (熱伝導)
{22(origin),52}: heat-source
{52,21(go)}: heating
, heat (vt. with gd) (熱する)
{52,21,27(repeat)}: reheat (vt. with
gd) (再熱)
{{07(much) or 08(little),47}(capacity),52(heat}: heat capacity, calorie
(*it's not size of a pan {47,52}) (熱量)
low calorie
high calorie
{52,47(container),32(unit)}: calorie as the degree unit
{52,68(heart)} : passion (情熱)
{52(warm),{23,33}(color)}: orange color (橙いろ)
{52,44(spread)}(as a picture like
character also): fire, be burnt (vi. with
#gd), burn (vt. with #ge) (火・燃える)
{17(up),44,52}: flame (炎)
{{44,52}, 21(go)}: roasting, roast (vt. with
gd) (あぶる)
{{44,52},10(place)}: fireplace (暖炉・囲炉裏)
{{02,23}(light),44,52}: spark, sparkle (vi. with
gd, vt. with ge) (火花)
{{02,23},44,52}{44,56}(entertainment): firework (花火)
{{44,52}(fire), 29(elemental material)}: oxygen (酸素)
{10(place),37(nature),{44,52}(fire)}: magma (マグマ)
{{15(recognition),30(show)} (message),{44,52}(fire)}: signal fire (のろし)
),{44,52}(fire)}: a fire (火事)
{07(large),09,{44,52}(fire)}: a big fire (大火事)
{06(resist),{44,52}(fire)}: extinguishing a fire (消火)
bonfire (焚き火)
{{44,52},59(liquid)}: (any kind of ) oil (油)
{67 a part of
'animal,{44,52,59}}: animal fat (動物性脂肪)
grease (常温で固まる油脂)
{{15,59,67}(milk),{(59),52,44}(oil)}: butter (バター)
oil/grease for some usage like lubricant/dope/hair dressing (潤滑整髪用などの油性液剤)
{{37,18}(underground),{44,52},59}}: petroleum (石油)
{{44,52},50(thing, goods)}: fuel (燃料)
{{44,52},70(airial),50}: fuel gas (燃料ガス)
pebble)}: coal (石炭)
{61(after),{44,52}}: ash
{62(before),{44,52},in 70(air)}: smoke (煙)
{52,59(water)}: hot/warm
water (湯)
{52,59,11(limit)}: boiling, boiled water (沸騰)
{52,{59,01}(vapor)}: steam (n.) (蒸気)
{52,{59,01},21(go for)}: steaming, steam (vt. with #gd) (蒸す)
{{35,50}( soil
),52(heated)}: earthenware (焼き物)
{{35,50,52},47(container)}: pottery as vessels/dishes (陶器の器類)
{{35,50,52},24(hard)}: porcelain (磁器)
oven (オーブン・かまど)
{{48,52},21(go)}: baking, bake (かまどで焼く)
{47(container) for 52(heating)}: pan (鍋)
vertically long image )}: cooking pot (深鍋)
{{47,52},28}(flat)}: frying pan (フライパン/料理用鉄板など)
{{10(place),47}(a room),{47,52}}: (the room with pans): kitchen (キチン)
Related to the symbol shape as a hollow /depression (くぼんだ形に関係)
{01(to change to see a symbol),52}: a hollow, sunk, curved
in (as a fundamental character) (窪み、凹)
{{01,51}projection,52}: inequality/irregularity (起伏、凹凸)
{01,37(in nature),52}: {hollowed
(nature)}: valley (谷)
place),{01,52}}: basin/an area all surrounded by higher lands (盆地)
{{01,52},70(space)}: hole/an empty space in which something could be, but not go
{{01,52},60(penetrated)}: hole which something can go through like needle hole and
button hole
{{01,52},{17,18}(up and down direction)}: well/vertical hole (縦穴)
{{01,52},{19,20}(horizontal direction)}: cave/horizontal hole (横穴)
{{01,52},46(function)}: utility hole; as manhole (作業用の穴・マンホールなど)
of {67,69}(torso)}: vagina (膣)
{45(relation) of {(01),(52)} and {(01),(51)}(projection) of {67,69}(torsos)}: sex as activity (性交)
* the notations in ( ) are invisible with other notations.