The bottom line extends from the left edge fence,
symbolizing place where things are.
* This base shape has been renewed from
(since April '05)
the straight up four fingers are at right angle to the horizontal
the direction is free. (4指を付け根から直角に上へ)
the hand-movement-sign:
drawing the base shape starting from the vertical line down (縦線から書く)
name: [go] (
go sound of goal ) ( ゴ )
ASCII: l (as l of "land")
phonetic value: [ g ]
definition (single): place (ところ)
main images in base overlays:
1) As pronouns of place (場所の代名詞)
2) As a general noun related to place (場所にかかわる一般名詞)
3) As a field of nature (自然とかかわって)
4) As a social field (社会のなかの場)
5) Related to road and building (建設・建築物に関係)
6) To form a picture-like-character (象形文字を構成)
7) Special idiomatical usage for honorific and despising expressions
putting them in front of a verb symbol
examples of base overlays
As pronouns of place (場所の代名詞)
{{01,34}(the), 10(place)}: there ( the particular spot in a topic)
{{18,34}(this),10}: here (ここ)
{{17,34}(that) 10}: there (pointing far away) (向こうに見える「あそこ」)
{57(wonder),10}: where (wondering where the place is) (どこ)
recognized ),57}: somewhere (どこか)
{10,30(indication),57(wonder)}: which place (どちらの場所)
{10,69(zero)}:nowhere (どこも~ない)
As a general noun related to place including a location of time/era(一般名詞)
60(real)}: an actual (real) spot or field (not just an imagination) (現場)
{01(point),10}: location (位置)
{{20,01(other)},10(place)}: other place (他所)
{10,45(relation)}: place of relation (関係する場)
{38,37,34}{10,45}*(computer relation
place): the Internet (as joined characters)
(インターネット) * This idea was from Fernando@Portugal
edge (端)
{10,12(bipolar)}: pole (one side of a bipolar system) (極)
{10,12,{17,33}(north)}: north pole (北極)
electricity}: electrode (電極)
inside (内側)
{10,20(out)}: outside (外側)
{10, 06}:
opposite side (反対側)
whole}: everywhere. whole area (いたるところ)
{10,16(part)}: division (区域)
:xl {classified place}: section
{10,03(line)}: course, lane (コース)
{10,30(pointed)}: the indicated place (指定場所)
{{34,39} eye,10}: view point (見どころ)
{10,{11,34}(main)}: main place (要所)
place-name (地名)
{10,36(time)}: era/age (時代)
{10,{19,36} past}: past era (過去の時代)
{10,{20,36} future}: future era (未来の時代)
{10,36,67(life)}: generation (世代)
{62(befoe (time)),10,36,67}: the upper generation (上の世代);
*(one's) parents' generation:
{13(same),10,36,67}: the same generation (同世代);
; *(one's) brother's generation:
{10,67(life)}: home, nest; when it means the building, add 48 on the
female}: wife (妻)
male}: husband (夫)
member}: family (家族)
{{10,67},20,19}: husband and wife/ a married couple (夫婦)
{24(firming),{10,67,20,19}}: marriage (結婚)
In case of gay/ lesbian: add the dot in the center of each of above base
meaning oneself{01,19} and the other{01,20} (同性動詞の場合には、自他を意味して、中央に点を追加)
{10,54(being)}: where being now (現在いる場所)
{10,53(situation),54(existence)}: states on site (現場状況)
whereabouts,67(life) }: home address (住所)
original, 10,54}: original address (原住地)
people}: native/aborigine/original or former inhabitant (先住民)
{10,22(origin)}: the starting point, the place of departure (出発地)
{10,21(heading)}: destination (目的地)
{10,15(recognition),31(shape, form)}: (a form for recognition of 'place'):
a map(地図)
information}: address (general/as email address)
landscape (景色)
49(quality)}: character of a place/climate (場所の性格/風土)
{10,{15,33,34} name}: place name (地名)
{10,40(balance)}: balancing of 'place': arrangement, putting in order (整頓)
{10,23(change)}: change of 'place': transfer (移動)
action}: trip/ travel (旅)
10place}: a place to guide as an information center (案内所)
As a field of nature (自然のなかのいろんな場所)
As a social field (社会のなかの場)
{10,65(human)}: society, social (社会)
{{14,60}(study){10,65}(society)}: social science (社会科学)
{17(up),{10,65}(society)}: upper class society (when it has ranks) (上流社会)
{18(low),{10,65}(society)}: lower class society (when it has ranks) (下流社会)
{10,{34,65}(member)}: a social position, a post, a status (地位)
social, {24,40} rule/order: government, administrative (行政)
, 09
matter}: politics (政治)
{{10,54}(whereabouts),67(life) }: home address (住所)
work,{10place,65person}society}: company, enterprise (企業、会社)
cylX {, 26 compounded}: business group
{10,46(function)}: utility (ユティリティ、機能の場)
{10,59(water),46(function)}: bath room, rest room (手洗い)
'out' in a bathroom}: toilet (トイレ)
{{47,59}pool, 10,46}: bathtub
}: shower room/system
10}: school (学校)
22basic}: elementally school (小学校)
17upper}: high-school (高校)
21go forward}: collage (単科大学)
+17upper}: collage for MA or above
{01,25}united}: university (総合大学)
laok {aok
sale, place}: shop/store (店)
human raising ),66(plant)}: cultivated land( in this case, {38,66} is not
{10,{46,64}(machine)}: factory (工場)
{10,25(added),38(human made)}: manufacturing or processing place (加工場)
{10,{34,44}(public)}: public place (公共の場)
{10,19(in),20(out),{34,38}(money)}: a market (市場)
{10,25(joining)}: a place of meeting (待ち合わせ場所)
{{10,65}(society),47(vessel)}: town (町)
{08(small),10, 47,65}: village (村)
{38(artificial )10,47,65}: city (街・市)
megalopolis (大都市 )
{{48,25}security, 24(related to law),10place}: police station
Related to road and building (建設・建築物に関係)
{10,14(way, getting through)}: road (道・道路)
{{10,14{,{41,47}car}: roadway (車道)
{{03,10,14},24 settled, 03(line)}: rail way (鉄道)
{{03,10,14},24 settled, 02(one),03(line)}: monorail
going over}: bridge (橋)
{{10,(14)} road,{14,34} pipe}: tunnel (トンネル)
{10,14,41(move)}: moving road (動路)
{10,14,{03,31} diagonal}: slope, uphill road (坂道)
{17(up),18(down),10(place),14(way)}: elevator (エレベーター)
{(10,13}(levels),14}: stairs (階段)
{10,13,14,41}: escalator (エスカレーター)
{10,14,03(line)}: a (traffic) lane (路線・車線)
{n2, 03,
{14, 10}}: a two lane road (二車線道路)
{10,14,26(piled, crossing)}: intersection, crossroad (交差点)
{{10,14}{15,30}}: street/road sign (道路標識)
vehicle}: parking
{{47,41}viacle, 19,20(in-out), 10place}: bus/train station (駅)
{10,48(cover)}: building (建物)
high,10,48}: tall building/skyscraper (高層ビル)
{10,48,67(life)}: dwelling house (住宅)
{10,48,67,26(group)}: apartment house (集合住宅)
{10,48,{19(in ,20(out),{34,38}(money)} dealing}: shop (店)
{10,48,{34,44}(public)}: public building (公共建築)
{{10,48},17(upper/ top)}: roof (屋根)
{{10,48},18(below/ bottom)}: foundation (of a building) (建物の基礎)
{{10,48},19(inside)}: interior (室内)
{{10,48},20(outside)}: exterior (屋外)
{{10,47}building for 46work}: office
{37 nature, {10,48}}: camp
{10,47(vessel)}: (a place to put something in): room (部屋)
{10,47,11(partition)}: door (戸)
{10,47,{34,39}(eye) }: window (窓)
{10,{47,52(heat)}(pan)}: (the room with pans): kitchen (キチン)
{10,59(water),46(function)}: bath room, rest room (手洗い)
{{15recognition,21heading}trying to know: ,{10,47}room}: class-room (教室)
{10,37(nature),38(humans' work)}: garden (庭)
{{10,37,38}(garden),{34,44}(public)}: park (公園)
car}: parking/garage
{{47,41} vehicle, 19,20(in-out), 10place}: bus/train station (駅)
vehicle, {14,10} road}: roadway (車道)
{10,37,{38,67}(breeding)}: breeding farm, ranch (牧場)
To form a picture-like-character (象形文字を構成)
{10,13(same)}: level, layer (層、階層) (contrary to
{09,13}, this is for visible layered
things) (級)
{10,13,17(above)}: upper layer (than average) (上層、上の階)
{10,13,18(below)}: lower level (than average) (下層、下の階)
{10,07(much),13,17}: very high level (高層)
two levels / a two story (2階建て・2層)
{n2,33}(second){10,13}(level): second
level/second floor (as the US style) (2階・2番目の層)
{10,13,14(way)}: (a way with levels): stairs (階段)
{10,13,14,41(move)}: escalator (エスカレーター)
{10,31(shape)}: (the shape of 10): the right angle (直角)
Special idiomatical usage for honorific and despising
expressions putting them in front of a verb symbol
{10,17}: to honor the subject of the verb(動詞の主語への敬語を構成)
{10,18}: to
despise the subject of the verb(動詞の主語をへりくだらす謙譲語を構成