the hand-shape-sign:
the thumb up, and the index and the middle fingers extend horizontally
the hand-position-sign;
to bring the other signed hand in front of the chin (as the
position of 'an edge' of a face)
name: [to] (to
of toast ) ( ト)
ASCII: ^ (different angle, but similar small shapes)
phonetic value: [function]
glottal stop as its single form, stop diacritic in a base overlay
(to stop the air stream at the place of articulation of a consonant compounded with #11)
definition (single): limited(限られた)
vi. become a limited situation (限られる)
vt. limit, restrict (something) (~を限る)
main images in base overlays:
1) As an image of edge (端に関連)
2) Limited things or distinguishing things (限り・区切り・区別に関連)
3) To form a picture-like symbol as its part, without relating to 'limitation'
examples of base overlay:
As an image of 'edge' (端に関連)
{11,10(place)}: edge (端)
{03(line),11}: border line (境界線)
{11,38(making)}: ending (終末)
{11,36(time)}: time limit (期限)
time limit,
}: debt,
borrow (vt. with gd) (借り)
}: lend (vt.
with gd) (貸し)
starting/leaving (出発)
reaching/arrival point (到達)
{11,21,gc(preposition): until (~までに/の)
for seven days from 2nd through 8th (2日から8日までの7日間)
Limited things or distinguishing things (限り・区切り・区別に関連 )
{11,68(heart)}: admonition (戒め)
{11,15(recognition)}: selection, choice / select (vt. with #gd) (選択)
{11,50(goods)}: a lock / lock (vt. with #gd) (錠)
{06(opposite),11,50}: a key/unlock (vt. with #gd) (鍵)
{11,45(relation)}: special contract (特約)
{11,43(clinging)}: restraint (n.)/ restraint (vt. with #gt) (拘束)
{11,30(indication)}: designation ( 区別して明示)
{11,56(action)}: finish (n.), finish (vi. with #gd) (行為の終了、E動詞:終える)
{08(less),11}: loose (拘束が緩い)
{07(much),11}: much restriction (きつい)
{11,69(zero)}: no limitation (無制限)
{11,06(resistance)}: violation (違反)
only (たった~だけ)
{alone, only}: solitude, lonely (孤独、寂しい)
1^m {being,
only}: unique
{11(limited),58}: limited possibility (限られた可能性)
To form a picture-like symbol as its part, without relating
to 'limitation'