the hand-shape-sign:
pointing up with the extended thumb (親指で上を指す)
the hand-movement-sign:
moving the other signed hand a
fist width upward from the original position
[sa] ( sa sound of sardine ) ( サ )
ASCII: T (the vertical line touches to the Top line)
phonetic value: [function]:
(vi.) rise, become the upper position (上になる、昇る)
(vt.) raise, let something be up (上げる)
main images in base overlays:
examples of base overlays:1) Related to 'upper/above direction' (上)
2) Related to 'upward/move up/rising' (上昇または上向きにかかわって)
3) Related to 'psychologically upper/higher' (心理的な上方に関係)
4) To point a far particular thing in the sight (遠くを指すのに関係)
5) As the image of 'honor' with the looking 'up' manner; to use for ancient tales
6) As the meaning of 'quality high' (sometimes subjectively) (質的な「上」)
7) Related to 'north' (「北」にかかわって)
Related to 'upper/above direction' (「上」にかかわって)
{17,28(surface)}: the upper surface; 'on' with gc ( but only upper side ) (上面)
same level),17}: the same or upper, upper than... (より上)
{{10,13}(level),17}: upper level/ higher lank ( than standard ) (~より上級)
{17,16(part)}: upper part (上部)
{11,17(above)}: the upper limit (上限)
{03(line),17}: over line (上の線)
{17(up),18(down)}: up and down (上下)
{17,18,23(change)}: reverse up and down: upside down (上下逆)
{17,18,23,54(be)}: a hand-stand or to be standing in upside-down (逆立ち)
{42(flowing),17}: the upper stream, upstream (上流)
{60(true),17}: right above (真上)
{61(front),17}: the front above (前方の上)
{62(back),17}: the back above (上後方)
{01 (the
point),17}: the top point, summit (頂点)
{17,{11,12}(limitation)}: supreme, top ( for any highest images) (極上)
{17,{01,10}(position)}: high position ( for any position) (上位置)
celestial (not the meaning of Chinese old culture) (天)
{{17,37,20(out),10(place)}: Heaven (天界)
{{11,28}(wall),17}: ceiling (天井)
{{10,48}(building),17}: roof (屋根)
{17,{44,52}(fire)}: flame ( as hieroglyphic also) (炎)
{17,58('hang' in this case by the shape)}: hanging up, hang up( vt. with gd) (吊り上げ)
{17,58,50(tool)}: hanger (ハンガー)
{17(up),18(down),10(place),14(way)}: elevator (エレベーター)
{{02,14}(hair),{04,39}(mouth),17(above)}: mustache (口髭)
{{02,14},{34,39}(eye),17(above)}: eyebrow (眉毛)
part)}: forehead (ひたい)
{44 a
part of the sun, 17above, 36time}: noon (正午)
{70 duration including
}: day-time
{62 before
(as time)
}: before-noon (昼前)
{61 after
}: after-noon
{{33,44}(the sun),17}: rising sun (朝日)
(heading)}: upward, head up (vi. with gd) (上向き)
{{17,51(power)}: lifting up , lift
up (vt. with gd: by the subject power) (D動詞:もち上げる)
{17,{41(move),68}(emotion)}: stirred up/excitement, excite (vi. with gd) (興奮)
{17,43(rolled)}: winding up, wind up (v. with gd) (巻き上げ)
{17,41(move)}: going up, climb (D動詞:登る)
{17,{41,43}(reptile)}: crawling up, creep up (vi. with gd) (D動詞:よじ登る)
{17,70(space)}: to
float (in the air/to the air on water; vi. with gd) (浮遊、D動詞:浮く)
{67life,17(upward)}: growing
As the image of "psychologically upper/higher" (心理的な上方に関係)
{{21,17}(upward), 68(heart)}: upward feeling (気が軽くなる)
{{34,39}(eye),17,68}: looking-up-heart: respect (n. and v. with
gd) (尊敬)
{17,15(recognition)}: favorable criticism, be well received( passive
v. with {gd,47}) (好評)
{17 from 12(friction)}: conquer, over come (vi. with gd) (克服)
{17,55(want),68}: aggressive (上昇志向)
{17,{10,65}(society)}: upper class society (when it has ranks) (上流社会)
{17(related to the sky image),{33,23}(color)}: blue (青・空色)
*Before the base, 17 was used for upper generations
and relatives, but the usage has been canceled, taking the meanings as before-time
generation/relatives. (September, 2006) See #67-base overlays for relatives.
As the meaning of pointing a far particular thing in the sight :(遠くを指すのに関係)