the hand-shape-sign:
Touch the fingertips to each other
like wrapping an egg downward:
the shape of covering and protecting a growing important
thing inside.
You might feel that the internal space is filled
by energy from the top: the center of the palm.
the hand-movement-sign:
Draw the base shape in
one stroke starting from the bottom joint (下の接合部から書き始める)
[a] ( the same vowel to this phonetic function) ( ア )
ASCII: A (the similar looking shape)
phonetic value:
[a]: front-open vowel (the base symbolizes the large opened mouth) (母音で前舌のア)
definition (single):
as the upside-down shape of 'heart', it means a life/ lives. (命、生)
vi. live (生きる)
vt. make (somebody/something) alive (生かす)
main images in base overlays:
1) Related to the body or a part of a human/animals (人や動物の体とその一部に関連)
2) General terms about conditions/quality/needs of 'a life' (命のいろんな状態や質などの一般概念)
3) Related to a process of life (生きる過程)
4) Related to Relations of lives (世代関係/男女・雌雄・親族の区別)
5) Related to various living creatures and organic things (いろんな生物・有機物)
6) To form a picture-like fundamental character for 'fruit' ( 「果実」を示して象形文字の構成)
examples of base overlay:
Related to the body or a part of a living thing (生物の体とその一部に関連)General terms about conditions/quality/needs of 'a life'
{09(intangible thing),67}: living (暮らし)
{04,67}: {minus direction of life(68) }: bad for health
{67(life),25}: healing, cure (治癒)
{67,25,65(occupation)}: medical doctor (医者)
{{67,25}{46,63,25}(assist),65}: nurse (看護人)
{{67,25}{29,50}(chemical material)}: medicine/
drug (薬剤)
{{67,25}{29,50},65}: pharmacist (薬剤師)
{67(life),47(acceptation)}: consumption/nutrition, take foods
(v. with gd) (摂取)
{67,47,{46(function),(67)}(organ)}: digestive organ (消化器官)
thing )}: food (食べもの)
nutrient (栄養)
carnivorous, predatory/pray/carnivore (肉食)
plant,{47,67}consumption}: herbivorous/herbivore (草食)
{06(opposite),67}: killing, kill
(vt. with #ge) (殺)
{06,67,65(person)}: killer (殺し屋・屠畜者)
stress (ストレス)
{67,30(indication)}: symptom, phenomena of a living body (症状)
emergency (緊急)
condition),67(life)}: safe (安全)
}: journey (旅)
health (健康)
{67,40,25(plus)}: healthy (健康的)
{67,40,04(minus)}: ill, sick (病気)
growing (生育)
drooped, dejected, weakened (衰え、弱った)
{05(denied),67}: death, die (vi. with gd)
{67,{21,61} facing forward}: fresh,
lively (新鮮)
{67,{21,62} facing backward}:
old/opposite of fresh (古い、鮮度の落ちた)
{67,44energy expansion}: fine (of the life) (元気あふれる状態)
breathing (息)
inhaling (吸気)
20(out)}: inhale and exhale (呼吸)
from the bottom of one's heart and life): love (愛)
{06(reverse),{67,68}}: hatred, hate (v. with
gd) (憎しみ)
{21(facing to a direction){06,67,68}}: grudge, ill blood (恨み)
: long life expectancy (寿命が長い)
{08(less),67} : short life expectancy (短い寿命)
{11(limit),67}: life span (寿命)
{08 (less),11,67}:
shorten one's own life (vi. with gd) (D動詞:自分の寿命を縮める)
{07(more),11,67}: extend one's
life (v. with ge) (E動詞:長寿化する)
{35(continuation),67}: inheritance, heredity (遺伝)
{35,67,22(original thing)}: gene (遺伝子)
{35,67,22,15(recognition)}: genetic code (遺伝情報)
{14 way,
life continuation}: culture (文化)
{10(place),67}: home, nest; when it means the building,
add 48 on the top. (家庭、巣)
{10,67,{34,65} member}:
family (家族)
{{10,67},{19,(67)} woman}:
wife (妻)
{{10,67},{20,(67)} man}:
husband (夫)
{{10,67},20,19}: husband and wife/ a married couple
{24(firming),{10,67,20,19}}: marriage (結婚)
In case of gay/lesbian: add the dot in the
center of each of above base overlay,
meaning oneself{01,19} and the other{01,20} (同性間の場合には、自他を意味して、中央に点を追加)
propose marriage (結婚の申し込み)
{{10,54}(whereabouts),67(life) }: home address (住所)
{{10,48}(building),67}: dwelling house (住宅)
{10,48,67,26(group)}: apartment house (集合住宅)
{38(human made),67}: raised lives,
bred products (飼育されている動物)
{{38,67},09(intangible matter)}:
breeding (飼育)
breeding farm, ranch (牧場)
Related to a process of life (生きる過程にかかわって)
{33,67(life)}: egg (卵)
{67,22(origin)}: birth, be born (v. with gd),
bear (vt. with ge) (誕生)
{23(change),31(form),67}: metamorphosis (変態)
{57(wonder),67}: child (early life time
surrounded many 'wonders' to live) (早期の命・こども)
childish (こどもじみた)
}the main part of insect
child}: larva/larval (幼虫)
{57,67,{38,66}(sprout: very early
life)}: baby (also this total shape looks like a baby wrapped by clothes)
{58(possible to do for oneself),67}:
adult/become an adult (with #gd)/make someone grow up (with ge)
{57,58,67}: life
time between child and adult (大人と子どもの境目の時期)
{66,67,58( possible,
a part of adult)}: ripen (熟した)
main parts of insect,
adult/mature}: imago (成虫)
: {36(time),67}:
age (of living thing) (年齢)
{07(much),{36,67}(age)} : old, aged (高齢)
{08(less),{36,67}}: little aged: young (歳が若い)
Related to Relations of lives
{67,14(go through)}: a relative/relatives (親族)
generation (世代)
as time),10,36,67}: the former generation (前の世代);
*(one's) parents'
{13(same),10,36,67}: the same generation (同世代);
*(one's) brother's
{20,67}: male/man/men (for
the general or single term : fundamental character) (男性・雄)
{20,67,27(plural)}: men/males
(only for plural)(男たち)
{{57wonder,67}child,20(out/male)}: boy (少年)
{19,67}: female/woman (fundamental
{19,67,27(plural)}: women/females
(only for plural) (女たち)
{{57,67}(child),19}: girl (少女)
To represent a vertical relations in a family, EL uses
62 (back) and
61 (front)
in the family history, according to where the members
belong seeing to from a standard point.
* (Before
(upper/above) and
(lower) were used instead of
Still you might see some older versions of base overlay related to 'family' such
as mother and children
in other pages as old poem pages. The following is the renewal. ...October, 2006)
{62back in the family
history,67life} as a fundamental character: parent (親)
{62,67, 35(long
continuous)}: ancestor (祖先)
parents (親たち)
{62,67,19(female)}: mother (母)
{62,67,19,n2}: grandmother (祖母)
{62,67, 19,n3}: great grandmother (曾祖母)
{62,67,20(male)}: father
{62,67, 20,n2}:
grandfather (祖父)
{62,67, 20,n3}:
great grandfather (曽祖父)
{62,{13,67} sibling}:
uncle and/or aunt (おじ・おば)
aunt (おば)
{62earlier, 20(male),{13,67}}: uncle (おじ)
{61front in the family
history,67}: child (the relation from the parents; the age is not the
{61,67,35(long continuous)}:
descendants (子孫)
children (子どもたち)
daughter (娘)
2-generation-lower daughter: granddaughter( 孫娘)
great grand daughter (ひ孫娘)
son (息子)
grandson (孫息子)
niece (姪)
nephew (甥)
* For a relative in low, express it as joined characters with
(low) in front;
for an adapted relative, put
{25 added, 45 relation} on the relative's head.
same level),67( life )}: lives of the same level: siblings (as the fundamental
character) (兄弟姉妹)
{19(female),{13,67}}: sister (姉妹)
{20(male),{13,67}}: brother (兄弟)
{n2(secondly ),13,67}: cousin (いとこ)
{n3,13,67}: cousin's cousin (またいとこ)
{67,13,19,n2}: secondly far female
in the same generation: female cousin (従姉妹)
{67,13,19,n3}: second female cousin (また従姉妹)
{67,13,20,n2}: secondly far female
in the same generation: male cousin (従兄弟)
{67,13,20,n3}: second male cousin (また従兄)
Related to various living creatures and organic
things (sometimes animals have
other forms according to their characteristic shapes,
so animals do not always have #67) (いろんな生物・有機物)
{67,29( element/material),26(compounded)}: organic
compound (有機化合物)
{67( life ),29}(a life needs this element to grow)
: nitrogen (窒素)
{02(one),{01,67}(cell; 01 is invisible in this case)}
(one cell
living thing): bacteria including some kind of fungi;
be infected (bacteria
work in the subject's body) (with gd) (細菌)
{02,67,21(heading)}: fermentation, ferment
(vt. with ge) (発酵)
{41(move),67}: animal (動物)
{41,67,02(single cell)}: protozoan (原生動物・単細胞動物)
{41,67,{63,66}(branch)} (wood branch looking
animal): coral (サンゴ)
{{67,24}( shell ),41(move)}:
clams (bivalves shell-fish) (二枚貝)
{67,24,41,43(rolled): snails
{{67,24}(shell),66,45}(also a picture-like character):
crustacean (甲殻類)
{{67,24,66,45},{17,18}(up-down: symbolizing
'vertically longer')}: shrimp/prawn/lobster (エビ)
the left-right symbolizing 'horizontally longer')}: crab
mammal (哺乳動物)
(#15 symbolizes
nipples of a mammal )(#15で乳首を象形して、哺乳類・哺乳に関わる)
{38(human raised),{15,41,67}mammals}: domestic mammals (家畜)
See here for various
kinds of mammals.(哺乳動物の各種類に関しては左のリンクをご覧ください。)
Composing a picture-like
character (fundamental character) with another symbol
{66(plant),67} (shaping a fruit using 'life'
and 'plant'): fruit; bring the result(s) (v. with #gd) (実)
{66,67,48(cover)}: peeling (果皮)
{66,67,59(liquid)}: nectar (果汁)
{{34,67}(meat),{(67),66(plant)} (fruit)}: flesh
of fruit (果肉)