the hand-shape-sign:
the index and middle fingers extend horizontally together
the hand-movement-sign:
drawing the base shape from the upper line connecting the two
lines diagonally
name: (le sound
of let ) ([ l ] 子音のレ)
ASCII: = (the similar mark)
phonetic value: [ Y ] (near fully close front rounded vowel)
definition (single): equal (等しい)
vi. become equal (等しくなる)
vt. make something equal (等しくする)
main images in base overlays: equal, same, level or lank
1) As the meaning of the same/equal (「同じ」に関係)
2) Relating to some level, class, layer kinds by this symbol shape (層を成す形から)
3) Relating to the parallel lines of this symbol shape (平行な線の形に関係して)
examples of base overlay:
As the meaning of 'the same' (「同じ」に関係)
same,02(one)}: the same one (同一)
=, : the same point
}: difference, different situation (違い・違う)
06(opposite), 13}: discrimination, discriminate (v.) with #ge (差別)
discrimination in the classes/ranks/grades (階級差別)
sex/racial discrimination (男女や人種の差別)
07(much),13}: more, the same or more than (comparing to something after
gc) (以上)
: The degree
is 6 or more (その度合いは6以上だ)
{08(little),13}: less, the same or less than (以下)
upper, upper than...(より上)
{18(down),13}: lower, lower than...(より下)
inner, inner than... (より内)
{20(out),13}: outer, outer than... (より外)
{61(front),13}: more front, more front than... (より前)
{62(back),13}: more back, more back than... (より後ろ)
{15(recognition),13}: similar (同様)
: a butterfly like a leaf (葉っぱのような蝶)
{13,15,56(action)}: imitating, imitate ( vi. with gd ) (真似)
{13,15,50(goods)}: imitation (goods) (模造品)
{{57,67}(child),{13,15}}: childish (こどもじみた)
Primates (霊長類); used in biological Order and Family (生物分類の霊長目とヒト科に相当)
mankind (人) and
similar (同類){ (
recognition (認識),
the same (同)}}
See here for examples of kinds of
Primates. (霊長類の種類の例はここでご覧ください)
{38(artificial),13}: copy (写し)
{13(same),31shape}: conformity, convergent (相似形)
26overlap, 31}: symmetry (対称)
{13,25(join)}: approval, approve (v. with gd) (賛成)
commonness, common (共通)
{13,23(change)}: assimilation, assimilate (vt. with ge) (同化)
{13,16(divided)}: equally divided, divide equally (vt. with ge) (等分)
{13,35(continuous)}: maintenance, maintain (vt. with ge) (保持)
{42,13}(constant up and down): normal (正常な)
{{42,13},05(not)}: abnormal (異常な)
{13,21(heading)}: being along, follow (vi. with gd), along (preposition
with gc) (沿う)
{13,22(origin)}: the same root (同源)
{13,44(open/spread)}: solution, melt (vt. with ge), be dissolved (vi. with
gd) (溶解)
{13,68(heart)}: sympathy, sympathize with (v. gd sympathize gc a person)
{13,45(relation)}: equality, even(ly) (平等)
{13,60(penetrated)}: penetrated, penetrate( v. with gd ); this base
overlay looks like the symbolic picture also.(貫通した)
{13,40(balanced)}: average (n.), average (vt. with ge) (平均)
{13,03(line)}: family line, kinds (同類)
{13,03,{33,44}(the sun)}: family of the sun: star (恒星)
*For general usage for stars (any twinkling stars in the night sky), you
can use a picture-like symbol:
{13,03,{33,34}(parts of the earth): similar kinds of the earth : planet
{13,03,69('ellipse shape' (for the orbiting path)),34}(similar to the
planet but the track is ellipse):
comet ((楕円軌道で)彗星)
Relating to the parallel lines of this symbol shape
parallel (平行)
thickness (厚み)
{11,13,07(much)}: thick (厚い)
{11,13,08(less)}: thin (薄い)
{11,13,28(sheet)}: sheets with thickness: board (板)
{11,13,42(wave)}: thickness of waves: amplitude of vibration (振幅)
=#H (grid)
/=#H (no-grid)
=-#1 (woven 織られた)
e =-#1 (weave (verb) 織る)
=L-#1 (weaving 織ること)
H=-#1 (woven-fabric 織物)
/H=-#1 (unwoven-fabric 不織布)
u=-# (basket 籠)