the hand-shape-sign:
straight up the extended index and middle fingers,
the back of the hand faces to the hand owner (指は開かない)
the hand-movement-sign:
drawing the base from the upper one side connecting the two lines
name: [ lo ] (lo
sound of loan) ([ l ]子音のロ)
ASCII: # (there are parallel lines in this symbol)
phonetic value: [ l ]
(alveolar lateral approximant, and works as the lateral release diacritic in a base overlay )
definition (single): passing through , a way (n.) (道・方法)
vi. pass through, go through (通る)
vt. make something pass through (通す)
main images in base overlays:
1) Related to 'going through' (通じることに関係)
2) To mean a 'way' in which something goes through (何かが通る手段)
3) To mean a 'way/method/manner' ( to do something ) (手段・方法)
4) Related to some width ( by the symbol shape ) (文字の形から、「幅」に関係して)
5) Because of the plural long lines, it joins to form picture-like characters
related to parallel vertical lines or a thick long thing, forgetting its original meaning.
examples of base overlay:
Related to 'going through' (「通」にかかわって)
To mean a 'way' in which something goes through (何かが通る手段)
{10(place),14}: road (道・道路)
{10,14,41(move)}: moving road (動路)
{{10,14{,{41,47}car}: roadway (車道)
{(10,13}(levels),14}: stairs (階段)
{10,14,{03,31}(diagonal)}: slope, uphill road (坂道)
{10,13,14,41}: escalator (エスカレーター)
{17(up),18(down),10.14}: elevator (エレベーター)
{10,14,26(piled, crossing)}: intersection, crossroad (交差点)
{{10,14},03(line)}: a (traffic) lane (路線・車線)
03, {14, 10}(road)}: a two lane road (二車線道路)
{{03,10,14},24 settled, 03(line)}: rail way (鉄道)
{{03,10,14},24 settled, 02(one),03(line)}: monorail
{{10,14 of
59(water)}: canal (運河)
{10,{14,70}(going over)}: bridge (橋)
{{10,(14)}(road),{14,34}(pipe)}: tunnel (トンネル)
{10,14,41(move)}: moving road (動路)
in this case, the rails shape, {41,47}vehicle}: train (レールを走る乗り物)
{02(one),14 in this case, the rails shape, {41,47}vehicle}: monorail-car
{59(water),14}: water supply (水道)
{19in{59,14}}: fresh water supply (上水道)
sewerage (下水道)
{14,48(cover)}: gate (門)
pipe (by the shape, also) (管)
{{14,34},{(14),10}(road)}: tunnel (トンネル)
{{14,34},{37,66}(tree)}: bamboo (竹)
{03(line),14}: a line for something going through it (何かが通う線)
{03,14,51(power)}: power line (電線)
{03,14,{36,42}(sounds)}: telephone line (電話線)
To mean a 'way/method/manner' (to do something) (手段・方法 )
same),14}: commonness, be common( with {gd,53}) (共通)
{14,21(heading)}: method, way (方法)
{14,31(shape, form)}: style, form (様式)
{67(life),14,31}: the way to live/life-style (生活様式)
meaning,14(way)}: theory (論理)
{{11,61},14way}: conclusion (結論)
{07(many),14}: diverse, diversification, diversify (vt. #ge) (多用)
{14,57(wonder)}: how (どうやって)
{14,24(stable)}: rule (規則)
{56(action),14}: manner (マナー)
{41(move),14}: transport (交通)
{14,37(nature), 60(true)}: nature science (科学)
{{14,60}(science),68(heart)}: psychology (心理学)
{{14,60}{10,65}(society)}: social science (社会科学)
65human},14}: education way (教育法)
made),14}: technology (技術)
the way to think of, 22 the base/foundation of, 54 existence}:
philosophy (哲学)
{40,60,14(way)}: art
{14,{46,63}(hand)}: technique, skill (わざ)
{46(function),14}: usage, application (利用)
14 way}: narrative, the skill of speech (話術)
religion (宗教)
*Main religions in the world
: Judaism,
Hinduism and Shinto etc.,
: Buddhism
Related to some width(by the symbol shape) (文字の形から、「幅」に関係して)
width (はば)
{07(多),{11,14}} : wide (ひろい)
{08(少),{11,14}} : narrow (せまい)
{02,14}: hair (any kind, any location)(種類を問わず「毛」)
{02,14,{34,54}(head): hair ( on the head)(髪)
{02,14,{15,33,66} face}: hair on the face (any location)(ひげ)
{02,14,{34,39} eye}: eye lashes(まつげ)
{{02,14},{34,39} eye,17(above)}: eyebrow (眉毛)
{02,14,{04,39} mouth,17(above)}: mustache (口髭)
{02,14,43(curled, rolled)}: curly hair (巻き毛)
{02,14,70(space)}: feather (羽)
{{02,14}(hair/straight lines),{21,36,39}(fish)}: fin(ひれ)
{02,14,{24(stable),66(plant)} root}: root hair (of plant) (根毛)
48covered}: covered by hair/hairy
=#H (grid)
/=#H (no-grid)
=-#1 (woven 織られた)
e =-#1 (weave (verb) 織る)
=L-#1 (weaving 織ること)
H=-#1 (woven-fabric 織物)
/H=-#1 (unwoven-fabric 不織布)
u=-# (basket 籠)