the hand-shape-sign:
horizontally wide opened thumb and pinkie; these fingers symbolize two
dots of this base.
the hand-movement-sign:
pushing the air with the other signed-hand each one time at the left and
the right of the original position
name: [ gi ] (gi
sound of gift ) (ギ)
ASCII: ; (because of the similar two dots)
phonetic value: [function]
to change a voiceless sound into a voiced sound (diacritic for voiced) (有声音化)
definition (single): recognition, recognizing (認識)
: recognize (認識する)
: let ( someone ) know (知らせる)
Choose the verb symbol according to who recognize it;
if it's the subject or the object of the sentence.
main images in base overlays:
1) As the meaning of 'recognition/recognizing' (認識に関係)
2) To mean symbols to recognize things (なにかを象徴する記号の意味で)
3) To symbolize eyes and to form a face shape with #33,66 (「顔」 の形の構成要素)
4) Related to 'mammals' (symbolizes nipples of a mammal) (乳首を象形して、哺乳類・哺乳に関わる)
{gc,15(recognition}: as (being considered; preposition) (~として(の))
examples of base overlay:
As the meaning of 'recognition/recognizing'認識に関係
{04(reduce),15}: forgetting (忘れ)
{15,25(join)}: knowledge, know (v. with gd) (知識、D動詞:知る)
(as the independent usage) 'I don't know' (単独で「知りません」)
much (well) informed (よく知っている)
{15,11(limit)}: selection, select (v. with gd: the recognition must be in
a brain work
of the subject of the sentence) (選択、D動詞:選ぶ)
{12(friction),15}: confusion (混乱)
{15(recognition),13same}: similar, about (同様)
: a butterfly like a leaf (葉っぱのような蝶)
{13,15,56(action)}: imitating, imitate (vi. with gd) (まね)
{13,15,50(goods)}: imitation (goods) (模造品)
{{57,67}(child),{13,15}}: childish(こどもじみた)
{15,16(divided)}: analysis, analyze (v. with gd) (分析)
forward}: try/trial, try (v. with gd) (試み)
{{20,21}go forward, 15recognition}: recommendation (勧め)
{15,22(origin)}: standard (規準)
{23,15(recognition)}: transition (of one's recognition/ image) (見方の推移)
of 45(relation)}: comparison, compare (vt. with #gd) (比較)
{15,24(firm)}: judgment, judge (判断・判決)
through}: I see (as the independent usage), consent,
understanding, understand (v. with gd) (「わかります」の合図、理解、D動詞:わかる)
{05,{14(through)15}understand}: (as the independent usage)
'I don't understand (your talking)' (単独で「わかりませんが・・」の合図)
{15,39(feeling)}: perception, notice (v. with gd) (感受、動詞符とともで:気づく)
55 request}: call (for someone's attention) (呼びかけ)
{{34,39}(eyes),15}: reading ( recognition trough eyes), read( v. with #gd)
{{36,39}(ears),15}: listening to( recognition through ears), listen to(
with #gd) (聴)
{38(creation),15( recognition)}: supposition, suppose ( v. with gd) (想像)
{15,44(spread)}: popularization, diffuse( become well known, v. with ge)
{38 of
15(recognition),44(spread)}: advertisement (宣伝)
)}(not clear but recognizable)}: some/any (なにか)
{{15,57},09(intangible thing)}: something (to happen)/anything (なにかのこと)
{{15,57},50(tangible thing)}: something (to be seen or touched)/ anything
{{15,57},10(place)}: somewhere/anywhere (どこか)
{{15,57},65(person)}: someone/ anyone (だれか)
{{15,57},36(time)}: sometime/ anytime (いつか)
{15(recognition),58(possible)}: recognizable (認識可能)
able,15 recognition,30signify}: approval (承認)
{05( not ){15,58}}: unrecognizable (認識不可能)
{15,61(front)}: new (新しい)
{{15,30}information,{15,61}new}: news
{15,62(behind)}: old (旧い)
{15,64(shock)}: impression, impressed, be impressed( v. with gd) (印象的)
{15,68(thought/heart)}: consciousness, conscious (意識)
{{15,68},53(condition)}: notice (n., v. with #gd) (注意、気付く)
{{15,68},25(plus)}: careful (注意深い)
{{15,68},04(reduce)}: careless, 'excuse me'( as the independent usage)
{15,69(empty)}: ignorant (無知)
{15,69,53(condition)}: idiocy, idiotic (白痴的)
{15,69,65(person)}: idiot (白痴)
{15(recognition),30}: information (情報)
, 14go
through}: message (伝言)
{15,30,21(go)}: dispatch (of a message), send (v. with gd) (送信)
{15,30,47(accepted)}: reception (of a message), receive (v. with #gd) (受信)
{10(place),{15,30}}: address (general/as email address) (住所・アドレス)
{15,30,33systematical abstract concept}: cord (符合)
{48,{15,33} (language)}: cipher/secret code (暗号)
{15,30,48(cover)}: envelope (封筒)
{15,30,48,21(heading)}: (a) letter (手紙)
{15,30,{44,52}(fire)}: signal fire (のろし)
{{15,30}information,46,28}: cards for inform something, such as medical
To mean symbols to recognize things (なにかを象徴する記号の意味で)
{15,33(abstract symbol)}: (any) language (言語)
{15,33,32(unit)}: a word (単語)
{33,15,21(going)}: description, describe (vt. with #gd) (述)
{33,15,21,65person}: author, writer (著者)
{33,15,21,32(unit)}: sentence (文法的な意味で「文」)
O;k^ {,11stop}:
paragraph (段落)
O;k^w {,11stop, 30
indicator}: period of a sentence (終止符)
{33,15,20(out)}: foreign language (外国語)
{15,33,42(wave, a part of 'sound')}: spoken language (音声言語)
{33,15,42,21(go)}: speaking, speak/talk (v. with #gd) (話すこと・動詞符と組んで話す)
*for only making voice without meaning: {{04,39,42}(voice),21go}
{15,33,42,20(out)}: announce, speak out (v. with gd) (アナウンス)
{ +65person}: announcer
{33,15,14(going through)}: communication ((言語を介する)交流)
formal greeting for starting a communication time as a conference (開会の挨拶)
formal greeting for closing a meeting (閉会の挨拶)
s;#O {15,33,42} speech,14(going
through)}: conversation (会話)
s;#Oc {+ 46 a part of machine}:
phone-call /telephone (電話)
{{15,33,42}, 56 action}: speech (講義・講演)
{33,15,34(to show proper nouns/main/subject): name (名前)
,05 no}: nameless/obscure (無名)
,44 spread}: famous, eminent
place-name (地名)
;od{15,34,50}: identity: the thing to prove one's ID
{15,33,31(shape)}: visual symbols, notations included letters and
characters (視覚的な記号・文字)
{15,33,31,28(sheet)}: notations on sheets: document (書類)
{33,15,31,21(go)}: writing, write( v, with gd) (書)
{33,15,31}{40,60}(art): calligraphy
{26 (gathering) of visual symbols (especially ideograms)}: dictionary of
ideograms (字典)
{{33,15},{46,63}(hand)}: hand signs (手話: 手の形・動き両方を含む)
{48,{15,33}(language)}: cipher/secret code (暗号)
{15,,31(shape),28(surface)}: picture, illustration (絵)
{15,,31,28,41(move)}: moving picture (映画)
{15,31,50(solid/three dimension body),41}: 3-D movie (立体映画)
{15,30,28(sheet)}: file (for computing usage) (ファイル)
{15,30,{13,28}(for the shape): table (chart) (表)
{15,30,28,03(line),23(change)}: line chart (線グラフ)
{15,30,{33,07,08}(ratio; also by the shape)}: pie chart (円グラフ)
{15,31(shape),10(place)}: map (地図)
{10(place),{15,30}(information)}: address (general/as email address)
{15,{34,47}(contents)}: meaning (意味)
uo;. {,32unit}: concept (概念)
{15,{34,47},42(flowing)}: flowing of meanings: a story (物語)
{15,{34,47},14(way)}: theory (論理)
To symbolize eyes and to form a face shape with #33,66 (「顔」の形の構成要素)
{15,33,66}: face( as a fundamental character), represent (v. with gd) (顔)
{15,33,66,54(existence)}: representative (代表)
{15,33,66,44(opened)}: laughter, laugh (vi. with gd) (笑い、D動詞:笑う)
{15,33,66,(+21)}: face to (対面、D動詞:向き合う)
{15,33,66,(+50 thing)}: masterpiece (代表作)
{15,33,66,18(lower)}: chin (あご)
{15,33,66,17(upper)}: forehead (ひたい)
{15.44.68(heart)}: smile (from heart) (n., vi. with gd) (variation from
) (微笑み)
Related to 'mammals'( #15 symbolizes nipples of a mammal ) (乳首を象形して、哺乳類・哺乳に関わる)
{15,{41(move),67(life)}(animal)}: mammal (哺乳動物)
{15,41,67,{51,48}(leg)}: horses (馬)
See here for various kinds of
{59(liquid),{15,67}(main part of mammal)}: milk (ミルク) See 67
for more things related to milk
{15,{67,69}(torso)}: breast (胸)
Primates (霊長類); used in biological Order and Family (生物分類の霊長目とヒト科に相当)
(人) and
similar (同類) {(
recognition (認識),
the same (同)}}
See here for examples of kinds of