Fundamental Characters (1)


A part of living things,
Process of a life,
Kinds of living things,
Fundamental base overlays
work like extended bases as each simplified picture or abstract symbol
by its total shape;
and are used for creating more base overlays relating to them.
Here are some examples of such fundamental characters and their application
A part of living things
Fundamental parts and organs of human, animal or plant bodies
are often shown as picture-like characters, and used for many applications.
Many of these characters, which human has, were simplified from human
part shapes. But they
can be used widely as the characteristics for other animals too. Also
relating to their functions, concepts of tools, actions and conditions can
be expressed with another character. Some organ has plural functions. A
base overlay concept is set by which base/another fundamental
character is compounded on top of the
fundamental character.
* For application characters, you also can express the elements separately
connecting with hyphen
Examples of human body parts
: head {34,54}; d-verb: lead, take an initiative
chief, boss, leader:
hair of the head:
{02,14} hair);
you can write it as 

: face {15,33,66}; d-v.: represent
: brain {34,37} (symbol of under scull image, organ relating to memory);
d-v.: think, consider / e-verb: raise a question (make someone's brain work)
(+38 artificial)
(+47 accepted)
(+{01,09} item)
formula (thinking method):
(+14 way)
(+10 place)
(N.B.) The above three fundamental characters are all related to important
situations when applying them to a human society; distinguished as: head
relates to totally and politically important parts, face relates to
out looking, and brain relates to actual and technical terms.
: eye(s) {34,39}(organ to catch view); d-v: see (look at) / passive-d-v:
look / e-v: show (let someone see)
reading (recognizing something through eyes)
(+15 recognition)
search, looking for:
(+55 want) / respect(+17 up) / despise(+18 down)
pupil of eye
(+01 dot)
eye lashes
(+02,14 hair)
glasses including contact lenses:
(+46,50 tool)
(+09 matter)
a show (event for showing something):
(+{09,44} event)
: ear(s) {36 shape of ear,39 sensor }( organ to catch sound); d-v:
listening (recognize something through ears):
(+15 recognition)
articles to hear like CD and tape:
(+50 thing/tool)
: mouth {04,39 human mouth shape}
(opening space to in and out);
work with mouth (occasionally eat, speak, making voice, using only when
the other knows the situation).
(+48 wrap, cover)
voice or making voice situation:
(+42 wave; it is an element of sound{36,42})
eat (accept with mouth):
(+47 accept)
(+{28,45} touch)
(+24 hard)
: nose {31,66} (a part of body where nostrils are; for any animals);
d-verb: breath through nose
feel smell, sniff:
(+39 sensor)
smell, scent (recognition through nose sensor)
(+{15,39} sense)
hum, humming
(+{36,42} sound)
(+06 regist,39 feeling)
nasal passage:
(+14 way to go through)
: tongue {39,47} (shape of tongue in a mouth); d-verb: (feel) taste
sense of taste:
(+33 for abstract concept)
sweet (+33,44 spread) /astringent (+33,43 roll in and shrink)
hot spicy (+33,64 severe)
/salty (33,42 wave from 'ocean' character)
bitter (33,20 out) /sour, acid taste (+33,17 up)...See Dic33
for more taste
: hand {46 work,63 slow} (hand shape); d-verb: handle (do something
with hand)
(+38 human made)
(+25 joined)
working with hand improving something like writing, drawing, painting,
(+21 toward)
(+28 plane)
(+{63,66} branch}); d-v: work with fingers, like typing and
playing piano
receiving, accepting with hand:
(+47 vessel, accept)
raising hand:
(+ 17 up) / getting hand down:
(+ 18 down)
(N.B.) Hands, feet, legs and many human organs work various ways,
so these fundamental characters work as a part of joined characters with
another character of some situation, forming the meaning that the organ becomes
the situation.
For example,
(joined characters) {28,46,63} palm and {56
action,64 shock}
As you see, human body parts and these ideograms makes many understandable
You'll see more human body parts ideograms in the
Illustrated Dictionary; also you can download
a printable version for body-parts and these applied ideograms with more
The parts, which other creatures have but no humans do, also
sometimes are used figuratively for human's matters relating to those
functions or characteristics.
: wing(s) {23,37,70} (shape of wing in the sky {37,70}); d-v: fly (be
in the air)
flying (aiming to some direction)(+21 go) / opened wing(+44 opened)
closed wing(+43 rolled)/ artificial wing like airplane one(+38
: tail {62,69}(combination of 'behind '(62) and 'torso', also the shape
of a tail and bottom)
moving tail or wag: (+41 move) / position or place of the end,
almost dropping out: (+10 place)
: antenna {39,66}(shaping a insect face using 'sensor' base (39));
d-v: become careful to collect information
artificial antenna: (+38 artificial) / catching (signs): (+47 accepted)
: hone {60,66}(mammals
honed head shape); d-v: threaten
This character is used as a symbol of extension of human's fighting
power in a base overlay.
(+12 collision)/ war:
/ arms, weapon:
(+50 thing)
soldier including any kind of military member:
(+65 occupation, person)
: shell {24,67}( hard(24) shell covering a life);
d-verb: shut oneself
up (in the shell) / e-verb: shut someone up, confine
clam type shell fish (bivalves):
(+ animal{41,67})
snail: (
43 rolled) /
(+10 place)
crab and lobster group of animals (Crustaceans):
(+45,66 for the shape)
: milk {{15 (two dots)- 67 life}: the symbol of mother's breasts, 59:liquid}
powder milk: (+{01,53} powder) / milk products: (+50
thing, goods)
: organ of living creature {46,67}(part(s) of a life which has some
function(s)); d-v: (the organ) work naturally
digestive organ: (+47 a part of 'digestion' (or taking food into
body) {47,67})
organ system for controlling hormone: (+40 balance)
: membrane {28,67}(sheet of living things); d-v: interrupt, block
skin: (+20 outside) / leather and hide: (+20,50 goods)
: root(s) {24,66}(shaping 'root', also the location of a plant(66) is
fixed(24) with root);
d- v: take root / e-v: plant (some tree )
(+23 from 'grass'{23,66})
: stem
a part of stem, combined plant and road (for water and
tree trunk (not including elephant's):
(+ tree {37,66})
bark: (+20 outside,37,)(..outside of tree trunk)
bulbous, bulb (+59 a bulb shape attached to the stem at the bottom)
: branch {63,66}(branched shape using 'plant' base); d-v: separate
off, split / e-d: divide, share
a branch (of office, shop):
(+10 place)
: leaf (leaves) {02,59}(not only this shape-type, any kind
of leaves are included)
needle leaf (+03 line shape) / large leaf (+07 large)
: flower {66,68}(shaping a flower); d-v: be dolled up / e-v: decorate
(+44 opened) / fragrance (of flower): (+15,31,39 parts of 'sense')
bud: (+43 rolled) / flower season: (+36 time) / bract: (+48
cover) /
cultivated flower: (+38 grown by human) / artificial flower: (+31,38
artificially shaped) /
lovely nature: (+49 nature, temperament) / petal: (+ 28 plane)
/ bouquet: (+26 bunch) /
: fruit {66,67} (shaping a fruit using 'life' and 'plant'); d-v: bring
the result
ripen: (+58 possible, a part of adult) / peeling: (+{20,48} cover
away) /
harvest: (+47 accepted) / nectar: (+59 liquid)
Please use the dictionary to
find out symbols of the following matters and more:
chemical materials:
buildings and clothes:
vessels, vehicles and interior:
products and goods:
water and liquid:
hands, tools and machines:
various places:
shapes and marks:
abstract elements
#36 , value and
#34 ,
emotion and psychology:
relating to indication and convenient terms for
colors, tastes, language and directions:
symbols for various verbs: 
and #ge
to the next. to
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