The base shape is a half frame diameter circle in the center of the frame,
making feel one each individuality.

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( If you don't understand how to read this page, see here first )

the hand-shape-sign:
make a little circle with thumb and other fingers, the palm faces to the reader (全指で丸)
the hand-position-sign:
in front of the center of the chest (胸中央の位置記号)

name: [ o ]: the same as the sound of this phonetic symbol (唇を丸めたオ)

ASCII: o (the similar shape)

phonetic value:

[ o ] ( the back/close mid vowel with round lips ), also works as the diacritic for round lips.

definition (single):

( function ) It works as the nominative indicator.
It shows that the following character or phrase is the subject of a sentence.

main images in base overlays:

1) To form pronouns (代名詞の構成要素)
2) Terms related to the EL grammar (地球語の文法用語)
3) Related to identified subject (主体に関係)
4) Relating to something 'substantial as the main thing' (内容・主なものに関係)
5) Relating to 'importance' or 'value' (価値・重要さに関係)
6) As a part of picture-like fundamental characters (象形文字の一部)

examples of base overlays:

To form pronouns (代名詞の構成要素)

(NB) The case of a pronoun is shown according to its position or a grammatical symbol.
For example, in any case of I, my, me, the pronoun itself is shown by the same one character.

{61(front),34} : you, your; (this hand-sign points front by the thumb in front of the chest) (あなた)
{62(back),34} : I, my, me (by its position) ; ( this sign points the center of the chest by the thumb) (私)
{19(in),34} : she, her (彼女)
{20(out),34} : he, his, him (彼)
{01(pointed),34} it (also the thing or the person
(regardless of gender; indicated by a topic) (話題の「それ、その」)
{01,34,24(stable/ruled)}: This works to signal the presence of a proceeding noun: 'the', as the U.S.
But it doesn't need so much as English uses; it's only for special cases.

{ the, globe}: the planet earth (地球)
* English needs definite article 'the' for particular things like the earth, the sun and the moon,
but EL characters include 'the' in these meanings, so is not necessary to put in front.
It needs when you say 'the lady' or 'the event'.
{17(above),34}: that (pointing a thing which is far away);
This sign points up by thumb in front of the chest (遠くの「あれ」)
{34,50}: the thing/those things (それ(もの)
(This distinguishes to be the thing/the things, when plural pronouns are in a sentence )
{18( below),34}: this (pointing a thing which is close by); this sign points down
by thumb in front of the chest.
{{34,18}(this),21(heading)}: come (from another place to here) (来る)
{55(request) for{34,18,21}come}: asking to come this way/call (n./v. with gd) (呼び寄せ、呼ぶ)
{{34,17}(that),21(heading)}: go (from here to there) (こちらからあちら側に行く)
{{(01),34}(the),36(time)} : that time, then (そのとき)

If it's single or plural is not minded as a general term or so, just these single form pronouns are used.
Adding #27 on top of the above pronouns, they clearly signify plural forms.

{61,34,27}: plural you or your (あなたがた)
{62,34,27): we, our, us (私たち)
{19,34,27}: the ladies, the females (including animals) (彼女たち)
{20,34,27}: the men, the males (including animals) (彼ら)
{01,34,27): they, their, them (the things or the people( regardless of gender) pointed in a topic)(それら)
{17,34,27}: those (pointing things which are far away) (あれら)
{18,34,27}: these (pointing things which is close by) (これら)

The special usage of :
{{01,34}(the), 33globe}: the earth(地球) {{01,33,34},10(place)}: the world of the earth (地球世界)
{{01,33,34},28(surface)}: the ground, earth (not means the material soil) (大地)
{33,34,{03,13}(the same kind)}: planet (地球の同類として:惑星)
{it moves like planet, but its track is ellipse): comet (惑星のように太陽の周りを回るが楕円軌道)彗星)

Terms related to the EL grammar

{22(original direction),34}: the 'subject' case of a sentence in the EL grammar. (主格)
{30(grammar symbol),34}: the 'object' case of a verb in the EL grammar:
noun or substantive that receives the action of a verb which happens to the subject of the sentence.
This type of object is preceded by #30.
e.g. 'it' of 'He saw it' (The person who did the action of the verb is the subject.)
{31(grammar symbol),34}: the 'accusative' case of a e-verb in the EL grammar:
noun or substantive that actually acts the verb by the influence of the subject of the sentence.
This case is preceded by #31.
e.g. 'her' of 'He makes her work'. ( The person who actually works is she, not the subject, he.)

* By having these concepts, vocabularies can be reduced and
messages could be clearer beyond cultures.
See more information in the grammatical symbols and the verb section.
(詳しくは、動詞のページ を参照してください)

Related to identified subject

{34,49( temperament)}: autonomy (the ability to decide by him/herself) (主体性)
{02(one),34}: each (それぞれ)
{34,65(person)}: member (員)
{26(gathering),34,65}: group, gathering of members (people) (人のグループ)
{13(even)),34,65}: (one's) fellows, associates (仲間)
{14(going through),34,65}: friend (友だち)
{{34,65}(member),{(34),54}}(head)}: head of members: boss, chief (長、チーフ)
{{34,65}, 22(original direction)}: host (主催者・客に対して「主人」)
{{34,65}, 21(toward)}: guest (客)
{{01,19}(own) - 01(because #01 is invisible in the base overlay),{34,65}}: ally,
take a side with (vi. with gd ), gain (a person) over to one's side (vt. with ge) (味方)
{{01, 20} other) - 01,{34,65}}: opponent, rival or enemy (敵、相手)
{{10,67}home, member}: family (家族)
{24stable,{34,65}(member)}: regular member (常連)
{44(opened),34}: public (公)
{43(closed in this case),34}: private (私的な)

{15 recognition,34}: title
{26 gathering of }: contents (of a book/a web site etc.) (もくじ)
{{33,15}language for 34): name (名前)
{,05 no}: nameless/obscure (無名)
{,44 spread}: famous, eminent (著名)
{10(place),name): place-name (地名)

Relating to something 'substantial as the main thing' (内容・主なものに関係)

{34,47(container)}: content, substance (内容)
{{34,47}(substance),16(part)}: element (要素)
{09(intangible matter),34}: gist (要旨)
{16(part),34}: main (adj.)/the main part (n.) (主な/主な部分)
{ 34,60(true, penetrate)}: essence, true nature, essential (*be careful with) (本質・真髄)
{29(material, kind of substance)34}: molecule (分子)

Relating to 'importance' or 'value' (価値・重要さに関係)

{10(place),34}: important position (要所)
{07(much),34}: important (重要)
Bod {,50thing}: valuables (貴重品)
{08(less),34: trifle, trifling (些細)
{34,57( ? )}: how much (money or value) (どれだけ)
{25( + ),34}: benefit, advantage, profitable, gain, benefit (vi. with gd) (得)
{fortune + {25,34} profitable}: good-luck (幸運)
{04( - ),34}: loss, unprofitable, be at a disadvantage (vi. with gd) (損)
{fortune + {04,34}loss}: bad-luck (不運)
{04,34,56} {loss action(56)}: error (失敗)
{55 for 34(value)}: demand (ask to get an expected money/ thing) (請求)
{{55,34},28(sheet)}: account, bill (請求書)
{05(not),55,34}: free (from fees) (無料)
{34,68(heart, emotion (it's a personal thing))}: value, valuable (it's subjective) (価値)
{{34,68} is 25 plus-image}: good (善・良)
{{34,68}(value in mind) is 04minus}: bad (悪い)
{04,34,68, 15(recognition)}: shame (恥)
{{34,68} value,24(solid, firm)}: treasure (this value is also subjective) (宝)
`aok {value, go to work}: sale, selling including service business(売)
`laok {aok sale, place}: shop/store (店)
{34,69}: valueless/worthless (無価値)
{34,38(artificial)}: manmade value (as a measurement): money (お金)
This works as a fundamental character, compounding with others.
{{34(value),38(artificial)}(money),32}: price/cost/adding the country code in front,
dollar, yen, pond, etc. (価格、前に発行圏の文字を入れるとお金の単位、$、円など)
`ndo {goods, money}: price (物価)
`Jonx {money, association} or aoJx  {value association}: trade (交易)
{{34,38}(artificial value),{33(circle),41(move)}turning around}: (modern) economy (近代経済)
{{34,68}value,{33,41}} might be used for 'ancient economy' (昔の経済)
{{34,38}(money),19(in)} : revenue, income (収入)
{{34,38}(money),20(out)} : expenses, expend (with gd in front) (支出)
{{34,38}(money),28(sheet)} : a bank note or paper money (紙幣)
{{34,38},{24,29}metal}: coin
{{34,38}(money),22(origin)} : capital, funds (資本)
{{34,38}(money),21(heading)} : buy, use money (with gd) (買う)
{{34,38}(money),61(front)} : investment, invest (with gd) (投資)
{{34,38},13the same value,20out}: payment, pay (v. with gd) (支払い・支払う)
{{34,38,13,20},28} (paper for payment): check/cheque (小切手など)
{{34,38}(money),{46(function),10(place)}(facility, establishment)}: bank (銀行)
{{34,38}(money),47(accept or container),19(in),20(out)}: banking
{{34,38},47(container),19(in)} : saving (money), deposit (預金)
{{34,38},47(container),20(out)} : withdrawal (預金の引き出し)
{{34,38}, 08less}: small amount of money/change (小銭)
{{34,38}, 07much}: big amount of money (大金)

As a part of picture-like fundamental characters (象形文字の一部として)

{34,39(sense)}(eye-shape): eye, see (v. with #gd), look (with the passive gd), show (vt. with ge)
`poc (the function of eyes): sense of sight, vision (視覚)
{{34,39},15(recognition)}: reading (recognition through eyes, read (v. with gd) (読むこと、D動詞:読む)
{{34,39},55(want)}: seek, search, look for (v. with gd) (D動詞:捜す)
{{34,39},21(heading)}: gazing, gaze (v. with gd) (見つめる)
{{34,39},21,68(heart)}: watching, watch (v. with gd) (観察)
opw {{34,39},30indicate}: eye-sign such as wink
opx {{34,39},45contact}: eye contact
{, cover}: eyelid (まぶた)
{, close, open}: blink (まばたき)
{{34,39}{02,14}(hair (by the shape)): eyelash (add #17 above) on top of this character for 'eye-brow')(まつげ)
{{34,39}{46(function),50(thing)}(tool)}: glasses (めがね)
How about {{34,39}(eye),40(balance),50(goods)} for 'contact lenses'
{{34,39},{44(open),09(matter)}(event)}: (a) show (an event mainly to be seen) (ショウ・主に見るイベント
{{34,39},59(water)}: tear, weep (vi. with #gd) (涙、D動詞:泣く)

{34,37}(the shape of important thing covered by scull): brain,
consider (vi. with gd), raise a question (make someone's brain work) (vt. with ge) (脳を象り「脳」)
{{34,37},{01,09}item}: idea (アイデア)
{14(way),{34,37}}: formula (thinking method) (考え方、方程式)
{{34,37},47(accept)}: memory, memorize (v. with gd )(記憶)
{38(artificial ),{34,37}(brain)}: computer (コンピュータ)
{{38,34,37},47(accepted)}: computer memory (コンピュータ・メモリー)
{{38,34,37}, {15(recognition),16(separated, parts)}: analysis: computer analysis,
analyze with computer (v. with gd) (コンピュータによる分析)
{{34,37},10(place)}: the main office or center of operations and control of anyone in command

{34,54(existence)}(as a fundamental character by the shape of the part of a body): the head,
conduct, lead (v. with gd) (頭・D動詞:指揮する)
{{51,24},{34,54}(head)}: skull (頭蓋骨)
{{10,24}(land),{34,54}}: king (王様)
{{34,65}( member ),{(34),54}}}(head of members): boss, chief (長、チーフ)
{{34,54}(head),48(cover)}: hat/cap (帽子)

{34,66(plant)}: (a) seed (種)
{34,67(a part of life)} (substantial part of a living thing): meat of animals (肉)
{{34,67} meat, {47,67}} consumption}: carnivorous, predatory/pray/carnivore (肉食)
{34, {67,66(plant)} (fruit)} : the main edible part of fruits (果肉)

As a part of a picture-like symbol:
{33,34} : ring (輪)
{21, 33,34} (as rings for going to somewhere; simplified): (any kinds of) bike
{21, 33,34,63slow}: bicycle (with no motor)
{21, 33,34,64fast/a part of 'machine'}: motorbike
{21, 33,34}: trike
{21, 33,34, 08small}: children's trike
{33,34,25}: wheel (as the picture like symbol) (車輪)
{03(a long thing),34}: (a) stick a thing which has length and some thickness shown by the little circle) (棒)
{14(a way which something goes through),34} : pipe (管)
{34,35(infinite}: pebbles (and a symbol of the kind of shaped thing) (小石)
{34,59(water)}: (a) drop (of liquid (しずく)
(as a picture-like symbol): the Galaxy (銀河)

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