the hand-shape-sign:
the hanged down hand shapes a half vertical globe
the hand-movement-sign:
draw a half vertical circle from the upper edge (上から縦半円)
name: [ ri ] re
sound of refine ( r-舌の「リ 」)
ASCII: C (the similar shape)
phonetic value:
[ Alveolar approximant ], also works as the diacritic for Retroflex ( curled tongue ) in a base overlay
definition (single): time (時)
main images in base overlays:
1) Related to Time flowing {past/now/future} (過去・現在・未来の時の流れに関係)
2) A particular position of time 特定のとき
3) A time period/an indicated time in a day (一日の中の時間・時 刻にかかわって)
4) Term or Duration; Length of time (時間の長さ、単位、期間)
5) Frequency and various time (頻度や時の順など)
6) Related to Time of Life (生きる時間にかかわって)
7) No relation to 'time'; Relating to its shape , or forming a picture-like fundamental character
examples of base overlay:
Related to Time flowing (時の流れに関係) A particular position of time (特定のとき)
** new change: The usages of and
for time has been changed since Sep. 2006,
taking Jo Chen's suggestion and help from Germany.
"Before" in English and "前" in Japanese/Chinese contain the meaning of
that is opposite of (behind) in the new setting
. But since we human walk to the front,
a later thing is in front and an earlier thing is behind of a time.
The German expression is in this way, and it's more logical than others.
English and Japanese users, please be careful about this part.
{{(01),34}(that),36}: the/that time (そのとき)
{36,62(earlier)}: earlier time: the time spot has not come yet (特定時間より前)
{36,62,09 affair}: preparation, prepared (準備)
{gc for preposition, 36,62}: before (as time preposition) (前置符 時間的に~の前に)
{{36,62}earlier something,54existence}: remaining, remain( vi. with gd),
leave/let something remain (vt. with vt.)(遺跡・残る)
{36,61(later)}: later time (it's already over a particular time spot)
{36.61,53(condition)}: late (遅れている)
{gc for preposition,36,61(later)}: after (as time preposition)
(前置符 時間的に~の後に)
{36,44}: date
or day (as a period of time flowing, as 'what or which day'; but not as
the duration). It borrows a part of
the sun, because it relates to a time unit while
the sun looks like it turns around the earth because of the earth's
rotation. (太陽に合わせた時の位置基準「日」)
*: the second day (of a period) <= the second as 'day'
: two days (not the time length; as "two
days this week, we had a rain") (不特定の2日)
'yesterday', 'tomorrow' and 'today'
{day of
now{36,60}}: today (今日)
,62behind}: yesterday
(the day behind) (昨日)
,61front}: tomorrow
(the day in front)(明日)
* For tomorrow/yesterday, { today, 61/62} might be more correct; but 60 is omitted for
When a number 'n' with a circle is in front of 'yesterday' or 'tomorrow',
it shows the day of 'n' days ago or 'n' days future from 'today'.
,44}: that day
(the particular day) (当日)
that day,62earlier}: eve/the day before (a particular day) (前日)
time,44,61later)}: the day after (翌日)
' week'
week (as a period of time flowing, not as the length, as 'what or which
week'): This period of time relates to the rotation of human working
society, so 46 was chosen for the character.
this week (今週)
last week (先週)
next week (来週)
: the second week (of a period) (なにかの第2週)
: two weeks (not the length; two
different weeks of an event or something) (何かのうちの2つの週)
: the week of two weeks ago(先先週) Days
of the week are simply
shown using numbers from Monday, avoiding friction between cultures.
Now usually seven days a week, but it could be changed.
{{36,44}day,{(36),46}week}: a day of the week (曜日)
: Monday (月曜日)
: Tuesday (火曜日)
: Wednesday (水曜日)
: Thursday (木曜日),
: Friday (金曜日)
: Saturday (土曜日)
: Sunday <== day of week 7 (日曜日)
: Tuesday of last week ( Remember that a
character modifies the right next character)(先週の火曜日)
: Friday of two weeks ago (先々週の金曜日)
*: five days a week (not the time length; as "We work five
days a week") (5曜日:週5日)
{36,49} shows
a time period, 'month' (長さでなく時の位置を表す「月」)
(as a period of time flowing, not as the length, as 'what or which
49 has the shape of a half moon,
symbolizing a period related to the rotation of the moon.
: the fifth month (of a period)
* {combination of day and month}: a day
of a month (月のうちの日)
: the first (day) of a month (ついたち)
: the days of fifth and 20th of a month (5日(いつか)と20日(はつか))
; five days a month (not the
time length; as "Rain came five days a month") (月に5日)
{36,{(01),48}around}: year (長さでなく時の位置を表す「年」)
(as a period of time flowing, not as the length, as 'what or which year')
*48 is chosen for the period included all seasons around.
: five a-year-units of a period
* {the combination of year and month}:
a month of the year (1年の中の月〇がつ)
: the first month of the year/month of the year 1
=> January (1月)
: the fifth month of the year => May (五月)
: the twelfth month of the year =>
December (12月)
: which month (of the year)
* {the combination of year and
day}: a day of the year (1年のうちの日)
: 88th day of the year
(They pick tea leaves around this day in the old Japanese calendar)
: 88 days a year (as "88 days a year
have rain in that area") (年に88日)
year,''this year' and 'next year'
{36,48,60}: this year (今年)
last year (去年)
next year (来年)
The basic point of the EL era is set at the year 2000 in the
Christian calendar
as the year when the Earth People's world starts. (for
more information about it )
{{(01),22}starting point or origin,36}: the starting point of the Earth
People's era (紀元・ 地球民紀元参照 )
{{22,36},61front}: after the starting point of the EP era (紀元後)
{{22,36},62behind}: before the starting point of the EP era (紀元前)
: year 2 of the Earth People's era (the year of
2002) (紀元2年)
: the year 2 before the Earth
People's era (1997) (紀元前2年)
The number of a year is counted as 0, 1, 2, 3,.. to the future,
and -0, -1, -2.. to the past in the mathematical way, not like the present
0-year is the period from the starting point of the Earth People's era
until just finishing that year;
It's the similar way to count age in English, as zero-age before a
-0-year is the year from just after a year before the standard point
until just before reaching the standard.
In this way, it would be simpler to know how far from (-n)-year to now
as always the sum of x + n and some months. When starting from 1-year
without +0
and -0 years, even for yesterday it could be counted two years ago as n +
x = 1+1.
*The year 1999 is as the mathematical way. Don't miss to count it.
Wednesday, December fourth in the year 6 after the Earth People era
* Ideograms about solstice and equinox:
Summer solstice (夏至):
Winter solstice (冬至):
Spring equinox (春分):
Autumn equinox (秋分):
(The contents of the above ideograms)
solstice (太陽時間の極限点)
duration including
(the-sun-up-time) noon}: day-time
: up,
: time,
: a part of the sun; and
symbolizes the sun
limit} limitation,
much}: the most (最多)
little}: the least (最少)
daytime and
equal}: equinox (昼夜平分点)
: 15 minutes 30 seconds past two o'clock P.M.
( 32 shows
'a unit', and in this case it works similarly to a decimal point)
Term or Duration; Length of time(時間の長さ、単位、期間)
{36,{(01),70}between (limits)}: a period of time between, duration (期間)
a long term, to be extended (time) (with d-verb symbol) (長期間・D動詞:時間になる)
a short term (time), to be shorten (time) (with d-verb symbol)
(an) hour (the standard unit of time-length) ((1)時間/時の長さの基本単位)
If the standard will be changed, the definition of the base overlay will
follow it too.) (時を計る基準単位:時間)
{08small,32,36}: minute (分)
{15recognition,32,36}: second (15 is added for recognition of more detail)
two hours 15 minutes 30 seconds 01 (二時間15分30秒01)
{{36,70}a period/time-length,57}: how long (for a period) (どのくらい長い期間)
A particular length of time with 70 (期間に関係)
{36,44,70}: a day long (1日間)
: for two days, two days long (2日間)
*Compare the followings:
: the second (day of a month)(二日)
: the second day (of some event)
n2{{36,46}week,70}: for two weeks, two
weeks long (2週間)
02{{36,49}month,70}: for one month,
one month long (1ヶ月間)
57{{36,48}year,70}: how many years
(since 70 is compounded, this base overlay shows a duration) (何年間)
*Compare to: : what year (どの年)
,C {01,36time}: a moment (一瞬)
{35infinite,36}: infinity, eternal(永遠)
{{36,46,70},61late}: weekend (週末)
{{36,49,70},61}: the end of (the) month (月末)
{{36,48,70},61}: the end of (the) year (年末)
frequency (33 is for abstract measurement) (回数、頻度)
{07much,33,36}: often (しばしば)
{08little,33,36}: sometimes, reduce (the times) (with d-verb symbol)
08,33,36,64very}: rare, rarely (珍しい・珍しく)
all/whole,36}: every time (毎回)
first time (はじめて)
{{33,36}frequency,42wave}: rhythm (リズム)
{27plural,36}: repeating times => again (再び)
{02one,36}: a
time, once (一度)
{08 little,36,53condition}: temporary (一時的)
the same time (同時)
{13,36,53condition}: synchronous/simultaneous (同時性の)
instant (瞬時)
sudden(ly) (突然)
{{64,36}sudden,09 affair}: accident (突発事件)
{67life,64shocking,36}: emergency (in the term of emergency room) (救急)
{63gentle/slow,36}: gradual(ly) (そろそろ)
{36,{22,33}sequence}: chronological/sequence of time flowing (時間順)
time}: a time limit, (with) deadline (時限)
having}: rental
}: debt, borrow (vt. with
}: lend (vt. with gd)(貸し)
being with time => waiting, wait (vi. with #gd), let (somebody) wait
(vt. with #ge) (待つ状態)
{10place,36}: era (時代)
{36,53condition}: the atmosphere at a time or term (時代の様子)
{09affair,36}: matters along time flowing => history (歴史)
{07much,09,36}: long history (永い歴史)
{08little,09,36}: short history (短い歴史)
CV# {36,{24,14}rule}: calendar (暦)
Time of Life, 'new' and 'old' (生きる時間・新旧にかかわる)
{36,67life}: age (of living thing) (年齢)
{{10,36}era,67lives}: generation (世代)
as time),10,36,67}: the former generation (前の世代);
*( one's ) parent generation: (両親の世代)
same ),10,36,67}: the same generation (同世代);
*( one's ) brother's generation:
{07much,{36,67}age}: old/aged, get old (vi. with gd) (老、年寄り)
:{08(little),{36,67}(age)}: young (若)
year-old (歳)
{36,37nature,25join,23change}: weathering, weathered, weather (vi. with
gd) (風化)
(is) {36,60}now}: new (for any tangible or intangible) (新しい)
old, aged (as a thing), antique (骨董、物が旧い)
new (a short time after it was made) (比較的に新しい品)
{{36,60}now,50}: brand new (新品)
No relation to 'time'; Relating to its shape, or forming a
picture-like fundamental character
Human's ear-shape
ear(s) auditory organ (36 shows the shape of ear, also the ear-sense works
with 'time') (耳)
Cpc (the main function of hearing) :
the sense of hearing (聴覚)
Cpk' {ga, 21heading to, 36,39}:
listen to (with gd)(耳澄ます)* ga is needed to distinguish from (fish)
{47accept,{36,39}ear}: hearing ('ears' catch), hear (v. with gd), let
(someone) hear (vt. with ge) (聞き取り)
{15recognition,{36,39}ear}: listening to reason (with gd) (聴き分け)
{36,39,09affair}: auditory thing (聴くこと)
CpsH {{36,39}ear,
{(36),42}sound,28sheet}: tympanic membrane (鼓膜)
{{36,39}ear, 19in}: inner ear/the labyrinth (内耳)
{{36,39}ear, 20out}: external ear/the auricle (外耳:外から見える耳)
{{36,39}ear, 20,18under}: ear lobe/lobule (耳たぶ)
{{36,39},46function,50goods}: aural aid (補聴器)
{{36,39},58 available}: audible (聴き取れる)
58}: inaudible (聴き取れない)
{{36,39},25 adding, 50 goods}: earrings
{{07,08},{36(ear shape),39(sense)}ear,46(function)}: (degree of) audition
08less}: defective hearing (難聴)
05denied}: deaf (聾)
{{36,39}(ear),{44,(39),68}(enjoy),09(event)} or : concert (to listen to)
sound (a sort of wave recognized by 'ear' and with 'time') (音)
CskS {{36,42}sound,
{21,42}flowing,{21,41}go}: melody
49quarity}: timbre/tune (音質)
{{36,42}sound,26}: composite sound (複合音)
49quarity}: timbre/tune (音質)
{{36,42}sound, 07much}: loud/high volume sound (大音量)
08less}: low volume sound (小音量)
{07,08} degree/level}: sound-volume (音量)
64shocking}: roar (轟音)
63weak/gentle}: soft-sounded (弱音)
17upper}: high tune (高音)
18lower}: low tune (低音)
{17,18}}: the pitch of sound (音の高さ)
{10,13}level}: musical scale (音階)
{{36,42}sound,50goods/instrument}: musical instrument (楽器)
{36,42,40balance,44opened}: music (音楽)
{{36,42},{44,56} performance}: playing music (演奏)
{{36,42},{44,56},65 occupation}: musician (音楽(演奏)家)
{31shape of
36}: (an) ark (円弧)
As a part to form a fish-shape
fish ( as the fundamental character by the shape ) (魚)
{38,{21,36,39} fish}: aqua-cultured fish (養殖魚)
{{02,14}(hair/straight lines ),{21,36,39}(fish)}: fin(ひれ)
{{21,36,39}fish,53condition}: swimming, swim (vi. with #gd) (泳ぐ状態)
{{21,36,39}fish,58hook shaped}: fishing (釣り)
{{21,36,39}fish,65personoccupation}: fisherman (漁師)