the hand-shape-sign:
Open between the index and the thumb
showing the base shape
the hand-movement-sign:
Draw the base shape
in one stroke (一筆で描く)
[ si ] si sound of sit ( シ )
ASCII: y (as the partner base of
phonetic value:
[ s ] voiceless alveolar fricative
(the base symbolizes the center of the front teeth, since the air stream goes though there)
([s] 気流が通り抜ける上前歯の隙間を象った記号;上歯茎に舌先を近づけて出す摩擦無声音)
definition (single): human, person (人間、ヒト)
main images in base overlays:
1) Related to general person or people (一般的な人の意味にかかわって)
2) As the meaning of a social human or society (社会または社会人の意味で)
3) Related to one's occupation (職業にかかわって)
4) As the meaning of human beings/mankind (人間の意味にかかわって)
5) To form a fundamental picture like character (象形文字の構成)
examples of base overlay:
Generally related to person or people (一般的に人の意味にかかわって)
{02(one),65}: an individual person (個人)
{65,27(plural)}: persons (人々)
public/people (民衆)
{17,65}: a title of honor (as unisex) (ユニセックスの敬称、~様)
{20(male),17(for a term of respect),65}: Mr. or
Gentleman (~殿、男性への尊称)
gentlemen (複数の男性への尊称)
{19(female),17(for a term of respect),65}:
Ms. or lady (女性の敬称)
ladies (ご婦人方)
{19,20(male),17,65}: Mr. and Mrs. (男女カプルへの尊称),
{19,20,17,65,27}: ladies and
gentlemen (紳士淑女たち)
{57(?),65(person)}: who/whose
{{15,57}(now the recognition is in '?', but some),65(person)}:
someone/anyone (だれか)
{65,30(indicated),57(?)}: which person (どちらの人)
everybody (みんな)
{34,65}(as a fundamental character): member (員)
{26(gathering),34,65}: group; gathering of members
{13( even)),34,65}: (one's) fellows,
associates (仲間)
{14(going through ),34,65}:
friend (友だち)
{{34,65},{(34),54}}(head)} (head of members): boss,
chief (長、チーフ)
{{34,65},22(original direction)}: host (主催者;客に対しての「主人」)
{{34,65},21(toward)}: guest (客)
{{(01),19}(own),{34,65}}: ally, take a side
with (vi. with #gd), gain (a person) over to one's side ( vt. with
ge) (味方)
{({01),20}(other),{34,65}}: opponent, rival or
enemy (敵、相手)
{{34,65},24(stable)}: regular
{{(01,10}(position),{34,65}}(also {10,65}: society): a social
position, a post, a status (地位)
{{34,44}(public)}.{(34),65}}: public figure (man/woman) (公人)
participant (参加者)
promoter (推進者)
{{55,25}(apply),65}: volunteer (志願者)
apply),65}: applicant (申請者)
{{45,70}(mediation),65}: agent, middleman (仲介者)
{08less, 46function,58possibility,65person/people}: disabled (障害者)
{{24.30}proof,65person}: witness (証人)
{24,21,65}: administrator/whose
decision relates to progressing of things/projects/organization
supervisor/someone who supports as an important pillar of works in a
worker (労働者)
{{46,65},09(affair)}: occupation/business/profession (職業)
{45(relation),65}: human
relation/relationship (人間関係)
{{16,45}classification,65human}: (human) race, racial (人種 )
{03(line),65}: a line of human relation in the society (人脈)
{09(affair),65}: personnel (human) affairs (人事)
{{09,65,46(work)}: personnel (人事課)
As the meaning of a social human or society (社会または社会人の意味で)
{65,45(relation),68(heart),14(way): moral (倫理)
culture education, be educated (vi. with #gd), educate (vt. with #ge) (教育)
+ 10 place}: school (学校) See #10 for more details about school,
such as elementally school, collage etc.
{10(place),65}: society, social (社会)
{{14,60}(study){10,65}(society)}: social science (社会科学)
{17(up),{10,65}(society)}: upper class society (when it has ranks) (上流社会)
lower class society (when it has ranks) (下流社会)
company, enterprise (企業、会社)
{, 26 compounded}:
business group
social, {24,40} rule/order: government, administrative (行政)
09 matter}: politics (政治)
town (町)
{08(small),10, 47,65}: village (村)
{{10,65}(human society),47(container)}(town),16}:
of a town/city/village (地区)
{38(artificial)10,47,65}: city (街・市)
{07(large)10,38,47,65}: megalopolis (大都市)
Related to one's occupation (職業にかかわって)
{{(01),14,68(religion)},65: religious person as
priest/pastor/minister (宗教家)
{{60(seek truth),14(way)}(staudy/science),65}:
scholar, scientist (学者)
{{24,15},65}: judge
medical doctor (医者)
{{67,25}{46,(25)}(assist),65}: nurse (看護人)
{{67,25}{29,50}( chemical material ),65}: pharmacist (薬剤師)
{{60,66},65( occupation )}: soldier(s)
{{48,25}security, 24(related to law),56occupation}: police officer
{{34,39}eye,65}: watchman
{{15,68,25},56action},65occupation}: career/baby-sitter
{{09,56,68}ceremony,65 person}: ceremonial leader/as priest etc.
{{38,09}(producing),66(plant), 65}: farmer (農民)
{65,{56,44}(entertain)}: entertainer/ actor/ actress (エンターテイナー・俳優)
{36,42,44,56,65}: musician
{{15,33,66,44}(laugh),65}: comedian (コメディアン)
person): athlete (スポーツ家)
{65,41(movement),44(spread)}: campaigner, activist (活動家)
translator (翻訳家)
{{21,36,39}(fish ),65}: fisherman (漁師)
killer (殺し屋・屠畜者)
universe),65}: astronaut/cosmonaut (宇宙飛行士)
robber (強盗)
{{06,60}(false),65}: swindler (詐欺師)
As the meaning of human beings/mankind (人間・ヒトの意味にかかわって)
human shape(d) (人がた)
{31,65,50(instrument)}: doll (人形)
{38(artificial),65(human),31}: mannequin(マネキン)
{{46,64}(machine)65,31}: human shaped
robot (人がたロボット)
{38(artificial),65,46(function)}: robot (ロボット)
{08(small),65}: dwarf (こびと)
{07(large),65}: giant (巨人)
human power (人力)
{05(denied),65}: atrocious situation, become atrocious (v. with #gd) (人でなし)
: Primates (霊長類); used in
biological Order and Family (生物分類の霊長目とヒト科に相当)
mankind (人) and
(同類){ (
recognition (認識),
the same (同)}}
See here for examples of kinds
of Primates. (霊長類の種類の例はここでご覧ください)
As a part of a picture like character (象形文字の構成の一部)
{64,65}(a human shape with the extended
arm; also the opposite shape of 'branch'):
'arm' between the shoulder
and the wrist (腕)
(See here for more details of the
arm and body parts.)
48cover}: hug (n., v. with gd) (抱擁)