A dot shape at the center of the frame (真中の点)
* The dot size of this font has been enlarged
(April 2016), but old images of bases overlay in this contents haven't
been modified.


( If you don't understand how to read this page, see
here first )
the hand-shape-sign:
point straight to the front with the index finger (人差し指で前方を指す)
the hand-movement-sign:
quickly bend/flick the wrist and return to the original position
with another signed hand (他のサインの手の手首をすばやく曲げて戻す)
[po] ( po
sound of poach ) (ポ)
ASCII: , (as a dot shape)
Phonetic value: [function] staccato for single usage/ some
pause for plural usage
; (the amount is related to the length of the pause) (1つでスタカット、複数で
definition (single): (grammatical symbol; the usage is
main images in base overlays:
- Tangible very tiny things as flour or a tiny element
- Related to some abstract image of a pointed matter, spot or
position (指示や指定の位置に関連)
- Related to the image of point as score point (得
- As the the image of a point which links to the origin of the
universe (宇宙の根っこにつながる源点)
examples of base overlay:
1 As the the image of a dot or things composed of many tiny dots
(点または点状のもの) :
( the shape) is
recognized as a dot }: dot (点)
{01.53}: {
(the condition)
is mass of dots }: powder or powdered condition (粉・粉状)
{01,59}: {
(water) is as 01
(powder)}: vapor including steam (蒸気)
(vapor) in
condition) }: fog (霧)
{01,29}: {
the individual dot-like elements of
(materials) }: atom (原子)
{01,29,16(parts)}: elementary particle (素粒子)
{01,29,16,19( inside )}:proton (陽子)
{01,29,16,20( outside )}: electron (電子)
{01,29,16,60( penetrate )}: neutron (中性子)
{01,67}: {
tiny elements (units) forming
(life)}: cells of lives (細胞)
cell membrane (細胞膜)
2 Related to some abstract image of a pointed matter, spot
or position (指示や指定の位置に関連)
forms various
pronouns }: it/that ( a pronoun for the certain thing in a topic)
When another noun follows this, it works like its /that (話題のそれ、その)
{01,34,24(stable/ruled)}: This works to signal the presence of a
proceeding noun: 'the', as the U.S.
But it doesn't need so much as English uses; it's only for special cases
the, 33 globe}}: the planet earth(地球)
* English needs definite article 'the' for particular things like the earth,
the sun and the moon, but EL characters include 'the' in these meanings,
is not
necessary to put in front. It needs when you say 'the lady' or 'the event'.

{{01,34,33}(the earth), 28}: the ground, earth( but not means the material
soil ) (大地)

{{01,34,33}(the earth), 10 place}: global world (地球世界)
{01,60} {
(true, strict) point}: focal point, a
focus, be focused (vi. with gd) (焦点)
{01,39} {the
point of
(feeling, sensor)}: the point of any kind of sense (感覚点)
{01,40} {the
point of
(balance)}: the center of gravity (重心)
{01,19} {the
status position is
(in)}: oneself, one's own (自身)
{19,{01,10}(position)}: one's own place (自分側)
{55(asking),21(heading to),{01,19}(oneself)}: invitation/invite (招待)

{{01,19}(self),{51,48}(leg/support)}: independent (独立)
{01,20}: {the
status position is
(out)}: other (他)
{{20,01},10(place)}: other place (他所))
to),{01,20}(the other)}: a visit/ visit (to other place) (v. with gd) (訪問)

to),{01,20}(the other)}:
arrangement for a visit/get an appointment (v. with gd) (訪問のうかがい)

{{01,20}(other),{51,48}(leg/support)}: dependence, rely (依存)
{19.01.20}(as the combination of 'self' and 'other'{20,01}}: each other

{{46,63,48}(grasp),{01,19,20}}: handshake (v. with gd) (握手)
{{01,19,20} each other, 23}: change/relief/alternation (交代)

reciprocally standing (相互依存)

mutual understanding (相互理解)

reciprocity (相互利益)
{01,30}: {dot
(indication)}: scale (of a measurement) (めもり)
{01,48}: {a dot
is surrounded by
(cover)}: surrounding, around (周囲)
{around of
circle)}: circumference (円周)
11(edge)}: frame (縁・枠)
{01,09}: {a
(intangible matter)}: item (項目)
{01,10}: {a
point of
(place)}: location (位置)
69}: zero location of axis (ゼロ地点)
{01,23}: {the
point to be
(changed)}: turning (changing) point (変わり目)
{(pointing the center of the
( square or surface or aspect )}: center (中央)
* The base overlay with
might look better for this meaning, but the character could be mistaken
hand- written. So I chose
for it.
{pointing the middle of
(the space)}: middle (中間)
{01,70,68(heart)} (putting one's heart between thoughts: out of thinking):
meditation (瞑想)
{01,70,56(action)}(between actions): rest (休憩)
{01point, 06}: conflict point (対立点)
{01,14} {
pointing in the middle of a
(way, route)}: halfway, on the way (途中)
{01,21} {the
point of a
(heading direction)}: (final) aim (目的)
{01(point),22(origin)}: basis (基準)
{01,22,15(recognition)}: standard, criterion (規準、標準)
(fixed, settled) point}: fixed (settled)
point (定点)
out the edge of
(above)} the top, summit (頂点)
out the edge of
(below)}: the lowest, the bottom (どん底)
{01,61}(pointing out the top
(front)}: the first, the top in front (先端)
{01,62}(pointing out the edge of
(behind)}: the tail/the last (最後)
{01,16} {the
spot to be
(separated)}: turning point to diverge, junction (分岐点)
{01,11}: the
spot of
limit): end (終点、終わり)
,X {01,26piled}: joint(合わせ目)
,x {01,45relation}: a point of contact (接点)
,/ {01,05deny}: negative point (否定点)
,C {01,36time}: a moment (一瞬)
3 Related to the image of point as score point
{01,19,33}: {point of
(my (our) own side),
makes abstract symbols}: score point (得点)
{point of
(other side)}: loosing point (失点)
4 As the the image of a point which links to the origin of the
universe (宇宙の根っこにつながる源点)
{pointing the core of
(heart)}: spirit or soul (魂)
{14(road) of
{01,68}}: religion (宗教)
{14,01,68}(religiously),17(above)}: sacred (神聖)
{55(seeking),{01,14,68}}: seeking religious way (求道)
The renewed 01 of Earth4 Font and the examples of bases
overlays with it
The new [01(dot)] symbol is only a change of the size: enlarged as the
period circle size.
By that way, [01(dot)] can be distinguished, even if the line of another
base were
at the same position. So lots of new overlays can be made.
The dictionary needs a lot of alterations
in many pages related to this little change. (2016)