This shape points to the original direction (of the flowing of writing);
the vertical line is added on the right edge for protecting confusion with
21. (進行方向と反対の、元方向を指す閉じた三角)


( If you don't understand how to read this page, see
here first )
Open forward
the thumb and the extended four other fingers like this
the hand-movement-sign:
Draw the base shape 'forward' starting
from vertical line down first
(move the other signed hand down and
forward up and return to the starting position)
[kw] ( coo of cook ) ( ク )
ASCII: K (similar elements are included in those shapes)
phonetic value: click at the place of articulation shown by the
consonant in a bases overlay
definition (single): original direction
To express 'from A', #22 is put at the right next of A.
For a preposition like English 'from', use the base overlay
with the preposition symbol #gc in front of A.

vi. (the subject) turn back (もどる)

vt. return ( put (something or someone) back )(もどす)
close to have been (doing or some situation), but this tense does
not include present.
an original direction,
represents the past situation of the subject until just a moment

: He was here
{10,18,34,} until just a moment ago. (Now he is not)
main images in base overlays
1) Related to origin, source (by its shape pointing the original
direction) and returning
2) Related to an original direction and sequence from
the beginning
3) Special usage (特殊な重ね文字)
examples of base overlays:
Related to origin and returning (by its shape pointing the
original direction)
basis, bases (as the location of place or time) (基準)
{01,22,15(recognition)}: standard (規準、標準)
{22,24(stability)}: foundation,
be founded/be established (with gd) (基礎)
{02(one),22}: one source origin (一元)
{07(many),22(origin)} : multi-polar (多極・多元)
matter),22(original)}: origin, cause (原因)
{12(friction),22(origin)}: the cause of friction (摩擦の元)
{{12,22},65(person)}: trouble maker (迷惑な問題人物)
{13(same,22(origin)}: the same root (同源)
{14(way),22(origin)}: reason (理由)
{22,57(question)}: why (なぜ)
),22(origin)}: criterion ((批評の)標準)
element (素)
{37(nature),22}: primitive/primary (原始)
{22,53(situation)}: original
condition (元の状態)
{22,41(move)}: return
{22 origin, 44 open}: originated, originate (vt. with ge) (創始)
{{22,44}, 65 person}: founder (創始者)
{21,22,41}: round-trip, ply (往復)
{67(life),22}: birth,
be born (v. with gd), bear (vt. with ge) (誕生)
{22(origin),38}: invention (発明)
capital, funds (資本)
waterpower, hydraulic (水力)
Related to an original direction/from and sequence
{33(abstract thing) ,22(from)}: sequence (順番)

: 25th (25番)
{33,22,{02,19}(the left)}: sequence from the left (左からの順)
{33,22,{02,20}(the right)}: sequence from the right (右からの順)
: {36,{22,33}(sequence)}: sequence of time flowing (時間順)
{{33,22 }(sequence),62earlier}: the sequence is just before: last time/
former (前回)
{{33,22 }(sequence ),28(surface, sheet),62earlier)}: the former
page (前のページ)
{{33,22},62,{01,10}position}: former position (前の位置)
{{33,22}(sequence),61later}: the sequence is just after: next time/ next (次)
{{33,22}(sequence),28(surface, sheet),61later}: next page (次ページ)
{{33,22 },61,{01,10}(position)}: next position (次の位置)
22(original direction)} : host (主人)
{10(place),22}: the starting point, the place of departure (出発地)
starting/leaving (出発)
{22,36(time)}: the base of the Earth People's era (紀元・
地球民紀元参照 )
See more related to this in #36 (time-section)
origin (is)
now }:
new (for any tangible or intangible) (新しい)
Special usage (特殊な重ね文字)
direction),34(alone: notation for the 'subject' case of a sentence)}:
the 'subject' case of a sentence
in the EL grammar (文法用語「主格」)