the hand-shape-sign:
Wide opened fingers like showing nothing
is held
the hand-movement-sign;
Draw the base shape starting
outward from the bottom
[noN] (SAMPA) ( ノン )
phonetic value: unused
definition [single]: 0 (zero)
vi. come to nothing (無になる)
vt. bring to naught (無にする)
main images in base overlays:
1) mathematical expression to make clear figures of large or infinitesimal numerals
2) Meaning zero or empty (ゼロまたは空っぽを意味して )
3) To form a picture like fundamental character, regarding this base shape as a torso/main part of body.
4) Related to ellipse, or some oval shaped things (楕円形、または楕円のなにか)
examples of base overlay:
Mathematical expression to make clear figures of large
or infinitesimal numerals
{{02(one),69(zero)}(ten),26}: ten
times (10倍)
{n3,69,26}: a thousand
times (千倍)
For more examples, please see
here. (#69の数学的な利用に関しては、
ここをご覧 ください)
Meaning zero or empty (ゼロまたは空っぽを意味して)
{69,12(friction)}: nonresistance, unresisting (無抵抗)
unlimited (無制限)
nowhere (どこも~ない)
no matter/nothing (which happens) (なにごとも~ない)
(tangible) nothing (なにも~ない)
nobody/no one (だれも~ない)
no time (~なときがない)
valueless/worthless (無価値)
appearing (vi. with gd) (有)
neutral (ニュートラル)
{28(surface),69 empty)}: blank,
blank paper (白紙)
{15(recognition),69}: ignorance, ignorant (無知)
idiocy, idiotic (白痴的)
idiot (白痴)
69}: zero location of axis (ゼロ地点)
{69 in the 70(space)}:
empty/vacancy (distinguishing with
(meaning 'no room between') (空っぽ)
of 68(heart)}: emptiness (of heart) (心の空虚)
empty space) by the total shape with 35}: bubble (泡)
: soda ,
: sparkling wine,
{ wheat-bubble-wine }: beer
{69,35,26(gathering)}: foam (泡の集合)
{69,35,50(goods)}: soap (石鹸)
Related to a torso/main part of body (because of
the shape), forming a picture like fundamental character
{48(cover),69}: clothes
{{48,69},24(stable)}: uniform (ユニホーム)
{{51,48}(leg),{(48),69}}: pants/trousers (ズボン、パンタロン、袴)
{19(inner),{48,69}}: underwear, lingerie (下着)
{19,17(upper),{48,69}}: underwear for upper torso
like brassiere/undershirt (上半身用の下着)
{19,18(under),{48,69}}: underwear for lower torso
like a brief/trunk (下半身用の下着)
{17(upper),18(under),{48,69}}: suit kind of clothes
{02(one),{48,69}}: one-piece dress or the kind of clothes
{17(upper),20(outer),{48,69}}: jacket kind of clothes
{20(outer),{48,69}}: coat kind of clothes (コート類)
shape)}: torso; sit (vi. with #gd: support torso without depending
upon legs)
{67,69,62(back)}: back (of torso) (背中)
{67,69,61(front)}: stomach (腹)
{67,69,19(in)}: internal organ/ bowel/entrails/
guts (内臓)
{67,69, 62,18(under)}: bottom(尻)
{15,{67,69}(torso)}: breast (胸)
{67,69,01(dot)} (a dot in the middle of torso): navel(臍)
{{01,51}(swelled thing) of
{67,69}(torso)}: penis (陰茎)
{{{01,52}(hollow) of {67,69}(torso)}: vagina (膣)
{45(relation) of {(01),(52)} and {(01),(51)}(projection) of {67,69}(torsos)}: sex as activity (性交)
{torso, 62back,
mouth}: anus/vent
shoulder (肩)
sit, sitting (座)
{{69,54},50(goods): chair (椅子)
also the total shape looks like the back of a sitting dog with its tail):
tail (尾)
Related to ellipse, or some oval shaped things
ellipse, oval (楕円)
'beetle' (by the shape) (甲虫)
{{02,23}(light),{45,66,69}}: firefly (ほたる)
{{43,41}(reptile),69}: turtle/ tortoise (亀)
moves like
planet, but its track
is ellipse): comet