the hand-shape-sign:
the dome shaped hand (手をドーム状に)
the hand-movement-sign
draw an upper half circle
with the other signed hand (他のサインの手で上半円を描く)
[fa] fa sound of father, without extension of the
vowel ( ファ )
ASCII: N (meaning Nature)
phonetic value: [ f ] ( voiceless labiodental fricative )
definition (single): nature (自然)
main images in base overlays:
examples of base overlay:1) Related to 'nature' distinguishing varying meanings in the wide 'nature' by the other character
2) Relate to sky (空にかかわって)
3) Related to the fundamental character, brain (象形文字の脳にかかわって)
4) To form a picture-like fundamental character or related to the curved shape
Related to 'nature' distinguishing varying
meanings in the wide 'nature' by the other character (自然にかかわって)
{36(time),37} (time of nature): season (季節)
{36,37,17(up)}: spring (as a season) (春)
{36,37,20(out)}: summer (as a season) (夏)
{36,37,18(down)}: fall (as a season) (秋)
{36,37,19(in)}: winter (冬)
{37,49(quality)}: natural quality/constitution, nature (素質・性格)
{37,40(balance)}: natural regulation (自然の秩序)
{37,47(accepted)}: harvest (収穫)
{37,48(cover)}: nature environment (自然環境)
condition),67(life)}: safe (安全)
{37,68(heart)}: peace of mind, feel relieved (vi. with #gd), set (someone) at ease
(vt. with ge) (安心)
{37(natural),55(want)}: natural desire, instinct (本能)
{37,{16(separated),45(relation)}: kind (sort of nature) (種族)
{37,30(show),09(thing)}: natural phenomenon (自然現象)
{37,53(situation)}: natural (自然な)
{37,60(truth)}: natural truth (自然の真理)
{37,60,14(way)}: science (科学)
{37,54(existence)}: wildness (野生)
{37(naturally),41(move)}: free (自由)
{10(place),37}: nature (the world of nature) (自然界)
{38(human made){10,37}}: garden (庭)
{34,44}(public),38,{10,37}}: public garden: park (公園)
{17(above),37(nature)}: celestial (not the meaning of Chinese
old culture) (天)
{20(out),37}: super natural (超自然)
{{17,37},20(out),10(place)}: Heaven (天上界)
{18(below),37}: underground (地下)
{{18,37},20(out),10(place)}: Hell (地獄)
37}: mountain/hill (山)
{{(01),37,51}(mountain),07(big)}: great mountain (高山)
{(mountain),08(small) }: hill (丘)
{(mountain),35(continuous)}: a mountain range (山脈)
valley (谷)
Relate to sky (空にかかわって)
{37,70(space)}: sky, the atmosphere (as the fundamental character) (空)
{{37,70},53(condition)}: weather (at a time) (天気)
{37,42(wave): cloud (as the fundamental character) (雲)
{37,42,70}(clouds in the sky): cloudy (曇り)
{08(less),{37,42,70}}: little cloudy (薄曇り)
{05(denied),{37,42}}: (the weather) become fine (clouds
go away) (vi. with gd) (雲がなくなる)
{{37,70},44(opened/a part of 'the sun')}: clear sky (晴れ)
{{37,70},41(move)}: movement of weather (空模様)
{12friction,{37,70}(sky)}: haze, hazy (もや)
{38(artificial){12,37,70}}: smog (スモッグ)
{{37,70}sky, {12,34}electric}: electric phenomenon in the sky: thunder/lightening
{{12,34,37,70}{02,23}(light)}: lightning (稲妻)
{{12,34,37,70},42(a part of 'sound')}: thunder (雷鳴)
{37,59(water)}: rain ( as the fundamental character ) (雨)
{{37,59},63(gentle)}: drizzling rain (小雨)
{{37,59},64(very),07(much)}: heavy rain (豪雨)
{{37,59},24(solid)}: snow (雪)
{37,{01(dot).59}(vapor)}: fog (霧)
{{18,37}(underground),59(water)}: ground water (地下水)
{28(surface),37,59}: dew (露)
{24(solid)28,37,59}: frost (霜)
{37,42,59,64,70}(combination of rain, wind, cloud and violent):gale, rainstorm (暴風雨)
Related to the fundamental character, brain (脳にかかわって)
{34,37}(the shape of important thing covered by scull): brain, consider
(vi. with gd),
raise a question (make someone's brain work) (vt. with
#ge) (脳、D動詞:思考・計算する、E動詞:考えさせる)
{{34,37},{01,09}(item)}: idea (アイデア)
{14(way),{34,37}}: formula (thinking method) (思考法)
{{34,37},47(accept)}: memory, memorize (v. with gd)
{{34,37},21(heading to)}: think about (v. with gd)(考える)
{38(artificial),{34,37}(brain)}: computer (コンピュータ)
{{38,34,37},47(accept)}: computer memory (コンピュータ・メモリー)
{{38,34,37}, {15(recognition),16(separated, parts)} analysis}:
computer analysis, analyze with computer (v. with gd) (コンピュータ解析)
{{34,37},10(place)}: headquarters (the place where the
total decisions are made in a society) (司令部)
{{34,37},42(wave)}: brain waves (脳波)
To form a picture-like fundamental character or related to
the curved shape
{37,39}: dome (ドーム)
{31(shape),37}: a curved shape, curving (曲がった)
(木){37,66(plant)}: tree (木)
{14,{37,66}}: trunk (幹)
{{14,34}(pipe){37,66,}: bamboo (竹)
{38(human growing){37,66}}: forestation (植林)
{{37,66},26(group),10(place)}: forest (森)
of 'bird'} (as the total shape also): wings (翼)