the hand-shape-sign:
the whole hand shapes a vertical hemisphere (片手で半球を象る)
the hand-movement-sign:
draw a half circle started from the bottom, distinguished from
the movement sign of #40
[fu] foo of foot ( フ )
ASCII: D (the similar shape)
phonetic value: unused
definition single): quality (質)
Without modification, this single base itself is not used for a verb form.
main images in base overlays:
Regarding the symbol as a half moon shining upon the original direction:
1) Re late to general meanings of quality (一般的な質にかかわって)
2) Related to one's nature/character/temperament (個々の性格・素質にかかわって )
Regarding the half moon shape:
3) Related to the symbol shape: moon/a half circle (半円・月にかかわって )
examples of base overlay:
Re late to general meanings of quality (一般的な質にかかわって)
negative, become negative (with #gd), make negative (with #gd) (ネガティブな)
{25(plus),49}: positive,
become positive (with gd), make positive (with ge) (ポジティブな)
{49(quality),17(high)}: high level quality, be qualified (with gd) (高級・高質)
refinement, refined, refine (vt. with ge) (洗練)
low level quality (低質)
{49,18,38(made)}: deterioration (低質化)
{35(long continuous),49}:
continuity (継続性)
endurance/permanence (耐久性)
{{52(heat),35}(thermal),49}: retentiveness of heat (保温性)
{49,23(change)}: change in
quality (変質)
{{05(not),13(same)}(different),49}: alien (to)/extraneous (異質の)
{59(water),06(resist),49}: water-proof/water resistant (防水性)
Related to one's nature/character/ temperament (個々の性格・素質にかかわって)
natural quality/constitution, nature (素質・性格)
common nature (共通性)
attribute/attribution (属性)
characteristic, feature, peculiarity (特徴)
character of an affair (ことがらの質)
character of the place (場所柄)
behavior/property (性状)
{49,21(heading direction)}:
inclination/ tendency (性向)
{67(life),49}: constitution
body)},49}: looking quality of a living body (体格))
{39(sense),49}: sensitivity (感受性)
{39,49,07(much)}: sensitive, susceptible (高感性)
{17(up),39,49}: elegance, grace (上品)
{18(below),39,49}: vulgar (下品)
49quarity}: timbre/tune (音質)
temper): defiant temper (反抗性)
{04(minus),46(work),49}: harmful temperament (有害性)
35(continue),49}: dominant (優性)
recessive (劣性)
acute (急性)
neutrality (中性)
permanence/constancy (不変性)
flexible),49}: flexibility (弾力性)
rigid (剛質)
{31(shape),23(change),49}: plasticity (可塑性)
{{43,44}(spring),28(sheet),49}: elastic (弾性)
{59(water),49}: aquatic
{59,05(denied),49}: dry
type (乾性)
{07(much),46,49}: busy
bee/hard worker (勤勉)
{08(little),46,49}: idle
{19(in),21(face to),49}: introverted (内向性)
{20(out),21,49}: extroversion (外向性)
{43(clinging),49}: adherent
anti-adherent (粘らせない)
{44(opened),49}: openhearted/open (開放的)
autonomy (the ability to decide by him/herself) (主体性)
{49,68(heart)}: personality (性格)
{24(hardness),{49,68}}: stubborn, persistent (頑固)
{{06(reverse),24}(flexible),{49,68}}: flexible minded (柔軟な心)
continuous),{49,68}}: patient (根気強い)
{{05(denied),35,{49,68}}: the type getting soon tired of and sticking to
nothing (あきっぽい)
{43,45}(cling),{49,68}}: adhesive personality (粘着質)
{05(denied),{43,45},{49,68}}: frank (さばさばした)
{59(wet),{49,68}}( wet type of personality): sentimental (しめっぽい)
{{05,59}(dried),{49,68}}: not sentimental, crisp businesslike (ドライな)
{61(front),{49,68}}( putting one's heart in front): positive (as the
personality) (積極性)
{62(back),{49,68}}( putting one's heart in back): negative (as the
personality) (消極性)
{20(out),{49,68}}: sociable (社交的な)
{19(in),{49,68}}: private, withdrawn (内気な)
Related to the symbol shape: moon/ a half circle (半円・月にかかわって)
{31(shape),49}: a half
circle (半円)
{33,49(a half moon shape)}
(sometimes circle/a half circle): moon (as a fundamental character) (月)
{{33,49},{13,03}(kindred)}: (natural) satellite (衛星)
made){33,49},{13,03}}: manmade satellite (人工衛星)
a time period, 'month'( as a period of time flowing,
not as the length, as 'what or which mouth' ). #49 has the shape of a half
symbolizing a period related to the rotation of the moon.
(month of the first): January (1月)
1{{36,49}(month),70(space)}: for one
month, one month long (1ヶ月間)
{{36,49},62(before with 36}: last month (the month before this month)(先月)
{{36,49},61(after with 36)}: next month (the month after this month) (来月)