the hand-shape-sign:
The upward index curls like the base
the hand-movement-sign:
Draw the base shape in one
stroke starting from the round part.
[ke] ke sound of kettle ( ケ )
phonetic value: unused
definition (single):
The basic meaning is 'question: a condition that is not clear; doubted'.
To form special sentences:
at a beginning of a sentence indicates that it's an interrogative
sentence. (see here for the details and examples)
at the end of a sentence shows that the talker is
wondering/doubts: as "I wonder ..."
Also this single form
is used to show a point of question, positioning in
front of that word.
vi. ( the subject ) is doubted ((なにかが)疑問とされる)
vt. perplex/doubt ((主語がなにかを)疑問におもう)
the talker has a question about 'the verb' with these verb symbols.
main images in base overlays:
1) Related to 'doubted' (疑いに関係)
2) To form interrogative pronouns (疑問代名詞)
3) Related to some kind of 'wonder/question' (なぞ・ふしぎ)
4) Related to child as the life-time (子供にかかわって)
examples of base overlay:
Related to 'doubted' (疑問にかかわって)
{05(not),57}: undoubted/clear
{31(shape),57}: obscure
{07(much),57}: doubtful (疑わしい)
{08(less),57}: doubtless
believed (信じ込まれた)
get lost, stray (vi. with gd) (D動詞:方向に迷う)
{57,{21,68}(intention)}: perplexing, be puzzled (vi. with #gd), puzzle (vt.
with #ge) (心の迷い)
{57,68(heart)}: suspicion, suspicious (疑惑)
Some interrogative pronoun (疑問代名詞)
intangible thing/ forming a noun),57}: what (happens) (何ごと)
{57,50(tangible thing) }: what (kind of things) (なに、どんなもの)
who/whose (だれ、誰の)
{57,36(time)}: when (いつ)
{57,14(through/way)}: how (どうやって)
{57,10(place)}: where (wondering where the place is) (どこ)
{57,22(origin/cause)}: why (なぜ)
{15(recognition),57}(not clear but recognizable): some/any (なにか)
{{15,57},09(intangible thing)}: something (to happen)/anything
{{15,57},50(tangible thing)}: something (to be seen
or touched)/anything (なにかのもの)
{{15,57},10(place)}: somewhere/anywhere (どこか)
{{15,57},65(person)}: someone/anyone (だれか)
{{15,57},36(time)}: sometime/anytime (いつか)
a part of 'money/value' ),57}: how much (money or value) (いくら)
57}: how many (numbers) (いくつ)
{{33,32},36time,57}: how many times (何回)
{{36,70}a period/time-length,57}: how long (for a period) (どのくらい長い期間)
which (どちら)
{10(place),30,57}: what place (more specific than where) (どちらの場所)
{36(time),30,57}: what time (何時)
{65(person),30,57}: which person
Related to some kind of 'wonder/question' (なぞ・ふしぎ)
{55(request ),57}:
(making) a question/ ask, inquire (v. with #gd) (質問)
{06(opposite of the meaning) of {55,57}}( question )}: an answer,
solve (v. with #gd) (解答)
{38(created),57}: a puzzle, (パズル)
{37(nature),57}: mystery (神秘)
magic, elixir (魔術・錬金術)
never solved mystery (永遠の謎)
{57,54(existence)}: goblin (妖怪)
{57,29(elemental material)}: unknown material (未知物質)
odd/strange/ weird (奇態)
{57,{39,68}(feeling)} (unclear what one feels): blank surprise,
be stupefied (v. with #gd) (呆然)
{57,67(life)}: child (early life time surrounded many 'wonders' to live) (早期の命・こども)
{57,67,{13,15}(similar)}: childish (こどもじみた)
{57,67,{38,66}(sprout: very early life)}:
(also this total shape looks
like a baby wrapped by clothes) (赤ん坊)