This shape shows a 225 degree on the right side as a large angle; and
represents 'much'.
the hand-shape-sign:
the vertically wide opened shape between the index finger and
the pinkie shows the large angle
the hand-movement-sign:
drawing the base shape from the upper edge (上から記号の線を引く)
name: (la
sound of large without the extension) (L子音のラ)
ASCII: B (in this case, it's not by shape, but as Big)
phonetic value:
[function] It is always used in a base overlay with another character,
and changes a vowel opening wider, or making an additional function more.
(e.g. high tone higher, long sound longer) (重ねた相手の機能を拡大する補助記号)
definition (single): many, much ( subjectively large as the amount, or much as the ratio )(多)
vi. gain or increase (the subject itself) (ふえる)
vt. increase something (ふやす)
main images in base overlays:
1) Related to the meaning of much( large quantity subjectively) 多の意味を加える
2) Related to the meaning of big (subjectively). 大の 意味を加える
3) Relating to degree of something, working with #08 程度に関係
examples of base overlay
Related to the meaning of much ( large quantity
{07,51(power)} : strong, become strong (v. with gd), make (something)
strong (with ge)(強)
{07,{18(downward),51(power)}(weight)}: heavy (重)
: hot, warm oneself (v. with gd), warm up (vt. with ge) (熱い、d動詞:あたたまる)
{07,{37,70}(sky),52(heat)} : high ambient temperature (暑い)
{07,{01,59}(vapor)-01( because it cannot be seen ),70( space )}: high
humidity, humid (高湿)
direction}: tall, become tall (vi. with gd) (高い)
{07,18(under)}: deep under (底深い)
deep inside (奥深い)
far, faraway (遠い)
{07,{11,14}(width)}: wide (幅がひろい)
{07,{11,13}(thickness)}: thick (厚い)
{07,{24,31}(solid)}: rigid (堅くて曲がらない)
{07,11(limit)}: much limitation: tight, severe (窮屈)
{07,45(relation)}: complexity, complicated situation, become complicated
(v. with gd) (複雑)
{07,46(function)}: multi-function (多用)
(looks like a pie chart) large percentage (割合大)
{07,34(value)}: important (重要)
{07,34,50tangible thing}: valuable object (貴重品)
part of the character of 'a light'),33}('color' as a fundamental
character)}: colorful (多色・多彩)
{07,{02,23}(light)}: bright, light( as irony of 'dark,' not as weight),
(subject) much shine (vi. with gd),
shine on, light up (vt. with ge) (明るい、d動詞:明るく照る)
way)}: diverse, diversification, diversify (vt. with ge) (多様)
{07,13(same)}: more, more than (comparing to something with gc +
something) (..より多大)
{07,63(weak)}: not that many but some (いくらか)
{07,64(intensity)}: very much, a great deal (of) (非常に多い)
),61} : much front (非常に前方)
much advanced (進度大)
{07,{21,64}(fast)}: very fast (特急行)
{07,{21,63}(slow)}: very slow (非常にゆっくり)
{{36,42}sound, 07much}: loud/high volume sound (大音量)
{07,{11,31(shape)} corner} (many corner shape): polygon, polygonal (多角形)
{07,22(origin)}: multi-polar (多極・多元)
piled up situation)}: multiplex (多層・多重)
{07,15(recognition)}: well-known (よく知られた)
{07,57(question)}: doubtful (疑わしい)
{07,55(want)}: acquisitive, greedy (貪欲)
{07,56(action)}: briskness, active (行動的)
{07,12(friction)}: much friction (摩擦大)
{07,40(balance)}: steady (安定的)
{07,67(life)}: long life expectancy (寿命が長い)
{07,68(heart)}: generosity, generous (寛大)
{07,,61(front)}: much front (非常に前方)
{58possibility,07(much)}: much possibility, probably (可能性大)
muB {mu
possession, 07 much}: rich, abundant (豊か)
{47(holding),07(much),{34,38}(money)}: rich (not for 'heart', but for
money) (お金持ち)
Related to the meaning of big ( subjectively). (大の意味を加える)
line),07} (large as line): long, stretch (vi. with gd), lengthen, extend
(vt. with ge) (長い、D動詞伸びる)
{07,28(two-dimension, area)}: large square measure, wide, widen (vt. with
{07,50(body)}: big, large volume, expand (vi. with gd), swell out, inflate
(vt. with ge)
{{07,50},64(very} : huge (巨大)
space)}: large as the space: vast (広大)
{07,47(container, vessel)}: large capacity (容量大)
{68(heart),{07,47}}: broad-mindedness, tolerant (寛容)
{07,09(intangible matter)}: serious, important (重大)
{07,65(human)}: giant (巨人)
{07,66(plant)}: large plant (巨木)
{07,{36(time),67(life)}(age)}: old, aged (高齢)
{07,39(sense)}: sharp(ly), keen (鋭敏)
{07,{21,33}(angle)}: (a) large angle = (an) obtuse angle (鈍角)
{07,29(material, substance)}: large mass (as scientific term) (質量大)
{07,31(shape)}: enlargement, magnification, expand (vi. with #gd), magnify
(vt. with #ge) (拡大)
{07,37(nature)} : grand, magnificent (壮大)
{07,54(existence)}: greatness, great (偉大)
{07,23(change)}: big change (変化大)
{07,41(move)}: (a) large movement (大動)
{07,42(wave)}: (a) big wave (大波、うねり)
{{07,03}(long),42}: long wave (長波)
little, small)} : (by the combination of { much or little} or {large or
small}) degree, measure. This base overlay makes many applications related
to a measure or a degree.
(NB) When you are not familiar with EL symbols, you might mistake the
diagonal line of {07,08} with #03 or #05
Please be careful about the angle and whether or not it is attached to the
vertical line of #08
in the base overlay.
{03(line),{07,08}}: measure as line = length (長さ)
{{07,08},28(surface)}: area, square measure (面積)
{{07,08},50( body)}: volume (体積)
{{07,08},47(container)}: capacity (容量)
{{07,08},70(space)}: three dimensional width of a space (空間の広さ)
{{07,08},29(chemical element)}: mass( as scientific term) (質量)
{{07,08},51(power)}: (degree of power) strength (力の大きさ)
{{24,31}(solid),{07,08}}: degree of hardness (of a solid thing, not the
meaning of difficulty) (硬度)
{{07,08},52(heat)}: (general) temperature (温度)
{{07,08,47}(capacity )52( heat)} : heat capacity, calorie (熱量)
{{07,08,52}(temperature),{37,70}( sky)}: temperature( of environmental
air) (気温)
{{07,08},17(upward)}: height (高さ)
{{07,08},18(downward)}: (downward) depth (底深さ)
{{07,08},19(inward)}: (inward) depth (奥深さ)
{{07,08},20(outward, away)}: distance (距離)
{{07,08},{34,39}(eye),46(function)}: (degree of) eyesight (視力)
{{07,08},{36(ear shape),39(sense)}(ear),46(function)}: (degree of)
audition (聴力)
{07,08} degree/level}: sound-volume (音量)
{{07,08},{21,33}( direction, angle)}: (a) degree of angle (角度)
{{07,08},{17,33}(northern)}: (a) north latitude (北緯)
{07,08,{18,33}(southern )}: the south latitude (南緯)
{07,08,{19,33}(western)}: the west longitude (西経)
{07,08,{20,33}(eastern)}: the east longitude (東経)
degree in a pie chart : percentage (割合、パーセンテージ)
balance)} : degree of stability (安定度)
{{07,08},{24(hard) ,31(form, shape)} (solid)}: hardness (of a solid thing,
not the meaning of difficulty), firm (硬度)
{07,08,21(go)}: degree of advancement (進度)
{{07,08},{21,64}(fast)}: speed (速さ)
{{07,08},61(front)}: a degree from the front position (前からの度合い)
{{02,,23}( light ){07,08}}: (a degree of) illumination (照明度)