This shape shows a 225 degree on the right side as a large angle; and represents 'much'.

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( If you don't understand how to read this page, see here first )

the hand-shape-sign:
the vertically wide opened shape between the index finger and the pinkie shows the large angle

the hand-movement-sign:
drawing the base shape from the upper edge (上から記号の線を引く)

name: (la sound of large without the extension) (L子音のラ)

ASCII: B (in this case, it's not by shape, but as Big)

phonetic value: 

[function] It is always used in a base overlay with another character,
and changes a vowel opening wider, or making an additional function more.
(e.g. high tone higher, long sound longer) (重ねた相手の機能を拡大する補助記号)

definition (single): many, much ( subjectively large as the amount, or much as the ratio )(多)


vi. gain or increase (the subject itself) (ふえる)
vt. increase something (ふやす)

main images in base overlays:

1) Related to the meaning of much( large quantity subjectively) の意味を加える
2) Related to the meaning of big (subjectively). の 意味を加える
3) Relating to degree of something, working with #08 程度に関係

examples of base overlay

Related to the meaning of much ( large quantity subjectively)

(NB) In English and many traditional languages, 'high' is used for some of these expressions
instead of 'much' like 'high pressure'. But EL uses 17(up, high), 18(down, low)
for expression of a degree of quality , and 07(much), 08( little ) for mainly
the matters which can be measured/scaled or visible to see the quantity.

{07,51(power)} : strong, become strong (v. with gd), make (something) strong (with ge)(強)
{07,{18(downward),51(power)}(weight)}: heavy (重)
{07,52(heat)} : hot, warm oneself (v. with gd), warm up (vt. with ge) (熱い、d動詞:あたたまる)
{07,{37,70}(sky),52(heat)} : high ambient temperature (暑い)
{07,{01,59}(vapor)-01( because it cannot be seen ),70( space )}: high humidity, humid (高湿)
{07,17(upper direction}: tall, become tall (vi. with gd) (高い)
{07,18(under)}: deep under (底深い)
{07,19(in)}: deep inside (奥深い)
{07,20(out)}: far, faraway (遠い)
{07,{11,14}(width)}: wide (幅がひろい)
{07,{11,13}(thickness)}: thick (厚い)
{07,{24,31}(solid)}: rigid (堅くて曲がらない)
{07,11(limit)}: much limitation: tight, severe (窮屈)
{07,45(relation)}: complexity, complicated situation, become complicated (v. with gd) (複雑)
{07,46(function)}: multi-function (多用)
{07,33}: (looks like a pie chart) large percentage (割合大)
{07,34(value)}: important (重要)
{07,34,50tangible thing}: valuable object (貴重品)
{07,{23(a part of the character of 'a light'),33}('color' as a fundamental character)}: colorful (多色・多彩)
{07,{02,23}(light)}: bright, light( as irony of 'dark,' not as weight), (subject) much shine (vi. with gd),
shine on, light up (vt. with ge) (明るい、d動詞:明るく照る)
{07,14( way)}: diverse, diversification, diversify (vt. with ge) (多様)
{07,13(same)}: more, more than (comparing to something with gc + something) (..より多大)
{07,63(weak)}: not that many but some (いくらか)
{07,64(intensity)}: very much, a great deal (of) (非常に多い)
{07(much ),61} : much front (非常に前方)
{07,21(go)}: much advanced (進度大)
{07,{21,64}(fast)}: very fast (特急行)
{07,{21,63}(slow)}: very slow (非常にゆっくり)
{{36,42}sound, 07much}: loud/high volume sound (大音量)
{07,{11,31(shape)} corner} (many corner shape): polygon, polygonal (多角形)
{07,22(origin)}: multi-polar (多極・多元)
{07,26(layer, piled up situation)}: multiplex (多層・多重)
{07,15(recognition)}: well-known (よく知られた)
{07,57(question)}: doubtful (疑わしい)
{07,55(want)}: acquisitive, greedy (貪欲)
{07,56(action)}: briskness, active (行動的)
{07,12(friction)}: much friction (摩擦大)
{07,40(balance)}: steady (安定的)
{07,67(life)}: long life expectancy (寿命が長い)
{07,68(heart)}: generosity, generous (寛大)
{07,,61(front)}: much front (非常に前方)
{58possibility,07(much)}: much possibility, probably (可能性大)
muB {mu possession, 07 much}: rich, abundant (豊か)
{47(holding),07(much),{34,38}(money)}: rich (not for 'heart', but for money) (お金持ち)

Related to the meaning of big ( subjectively). (大の意味を加える)

{03( line),07} (large as line): long, stretch (vi. with gd), lengthen, extend (vt. with ge) (長い、D動詞伸びる)
{07,28(two-dimension, area)}: large square measure, wide, widen (vt. with ge)(面積が広い、E動詞:ひろげる)
{07,50(body)}: big, large volume, expand (vi. with gd), swell out, inflate (vt. with ge)
{{07,50},64(very} : huge (巨大)
{07,70( space)}: large as the space: vast (広大)
{07,47(container, vessel)}: large capacity (容量大)
{68(heart),{07,47}}: broad-mindedness, tolerant (寛容)
{07,09(intangible matter)}: serious, important (重大)
{07,65(human)}: giant (巨人)
{07,66(plant)}: large plant (巨木)
{07,{36(time),67(life)}(age)}: old, aged (高齢)
{07,39(sense)}: sharp(ly), keen (鋭敏)
{07,{21,33}(angle)}: (a) large angle = (an) obtuse angle (鈍角)
{07,29(material, substance)}: large mass (as scientific term) (質量大)
{07,31(shape)}: enlargement, magnification, expand (vi. with #gd), magnify (vt. with #ge) (拡大)
{07,37(nature)} : grand, magnificent (壮大)
{07,54(existence)}: greatness, great (偉大)
{07,23(change)}: big change (変化大)
{07,41(move)}: (a) large movement (大動)
{07,42(wave)}: (a) big wave (大波、うねり)
{{07,03}(long),42}: long wave (長波)

{07,08( little, small)} : (by the combination of { much or little} or {large or small}) degree, measure. This base overlay makes many applications related to a measure or a degree.
(NB) When you are not familiar with EL symbols, you might mistake the diagonal line of {07,08} with #03 or #05. Please be careful about the angle and whether or not it is attached to the vertical line of #08 in the base overlay.

{03(line),{07,08}}: measure as line = length (長さ)
{{07,08},28(surface)}: area, square measure (面積)
{{07,08},50( body)}: volume (体積)
{{07,08},47(container)}: capacity (容量)
{{07,08},70(space)}: three dimensional width of a space (空間の広さ)
{{07,08},29(chemical element)}: mass( as scientific term) (質量)
{{07,08},51(power)}: (degree of power) strength (力の大きさ)
{{24,31}(solid),{07,08}}: degree of hardness (of a solid thing, not the meaning of difficulty) (硬度)
{{07,08},52(heat)}: (general) temperature (温度)
{{07,08,47}(capacity )52( heat)} : heat capacity, calorie (熱量)
{{07,08,52}(temperature),{37,70}( sky)}: temperature( of environmental air) (気温)
{{07,08},17(upward)}: height (高さ)
{{07,08},18(downward)}: (downward) depth (底深さ)
{{07,08},19(inward)}: (inward) depth (奥深さ)
{{07,08},20(outward, away)}: distance (距離)
{{07,08},{34,39}(eye),46(function)}: (degree of) eyesight (視力)
{{07,08},{36(ear shape),39(sense)}(ear),46(function)}: (degree of) audition (聴力)
{{36,42}sound, {07,08} degree/level}: sound-volume (音量)
{{07,08},{21,33}( direction, angle)}: (a) degree of angle (角度)
{{07,08},{17,33}(northern)}: (a) north latitude (北緯)
{07,08,{18,33}(southern )}: the south latitude (南緯)
{07,08,{19,33}(western)}: the west longitude (西経)
{07,08,{20,33}(eastern)}: the east longitude (東経)
{07,08,33}: degree in a pie chart : percentage (割合、パーセンテージ)
{07,08},40( balance)} : degree of stability (安定度)
{{07,08},{24(hard) ,31(form, shape)} (solid)}: hardness (of a solid thing, not the meaning of difficulty), firm (硬度)
{07,08,21(go)}: degree of advancement (進度)
{{07,08},{21,64}(fast)}: speed (速さ)
{{07,08},61(front)}: a degree from the front position (前からの度合い)
{{02,,23}( light ){07,08}}: (a degree of) illumination (照明度)

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