A horizontal line; similar to the minus sign that is already known
* The shape of this base was renewed on May 17, 2006
(before it was shorter)
the hand-shape-sign: horizontally extended
index finger
the hand-movement-sign: horizontally straight movement at
least a hand length long
[ i ] ( like i of it ) (イ)
phonetic value: [ i ]
(The front close vowel ); Compounding with a consonant, it works as the
diacritic for palatalization
definition (single): going away (also minus in
mathematical signs) (退)
vi. leave, go away (退く)
vt. remove, let (somebody) leave (去らせる、除く)
main images in base overlays:
1) Related to the images of departed (from), leave, go away, took away or lacking
2) Related to the images of minus, loss, defect, disadvantageous (subjectively)
3) Relating to something horizontal, because of the shape
4) Not related to it's own image, to form picture-like symbols as a part for a fundamental concepts, or to form arrows.
examples of base overlay:
Related to the images of departed (from), leave, go away, took away
or lacking (退却・不足に関連)
* Contrary to #05 simply denying the meaning of the other
character in a base overlay,
04 adds the
image of leaving or lacking from the original situation.
Related to the images of minus, loss, defect, disadvantageous (subjectively).(価値がマイナス)
{04,34}: {situation of the minus value(34)} : loss (損)
{04,34,56} {loss action(56)}: error (失敗)
{04,34,68} {{34,68} (value in mind) is minus}: bad (悪い)
{04,34,68, 15(recognition)}: shame (恥)
{04,49(quality)}: negative, become negative (with #gd), make negative
(with #gd) (ネガティブな)
{{heart(68), sense(39)}(sensory part of mind) goes minus direction}: hate,
dislike (v. with #gd) (嫌い)
{04,46}{defective work or function(46) }: harm (有害)
{harmful material(29)}: toxic (毒)
{harmful matter(09)}: disaster, calamity (災い)
{04,09,37,46} + 37(nature): natural calamity (自然災害)
{04,09,38,46} + 38(human-made): human negligence, man-made disaster (人為災害)
{04,46,56}{harmful action(56)}: harmful action, hurt (someone) (with ge)
{04,46,49}: harmful temperament(49)}(悪質)
injure one's health, making ill (体に悪い)
of minus}: anxiety (懸念)
{04,06}{opposing (06) minus}: turn to plus from minus (プラスに逆転)
Relating to something horizontal, because of the shape (形から、横長に関わる )
{04,31}: {the shape(31) is horizontal}: horizontal (横)
{{04,31}(horizontal),{10,24}(land)}}: plain (geographical sense), field (平らな土地、はらっぱ)
horizontal line(03) (横線)
{03,04,27(plural)}: horizontal stripe (横縞)
Not related to it's own image, to form a picture-like symbol as
a part for a fundamental concepts
{04,39}(human mouth shape): mouth (as the fundamental character) (口)
{04,39,48}{48(cover) of mouth}: lips (唇)
{04,24,39}: {24( hard) mouth}: beak (くちばし)
{04,39,47}{the mouth acceptance(47)}: action of eating, eat, bite (with
#gd) (食・口にする)
{04,39,59(liquid)}: saliva (唾液)
{04,28,39,45}{ mouth, touch{28,45}}: kiss
{42(a part of sound(36,42) from the mouth}: voice, making any kind of
including speaking, crying, barking, mewing and singing (vi. with gd )
mouth} or
: anus/vent (肛門)
{04,13}{the shape of three parallel lines}: parallel (平行)
=-#1 woven (織られた)
e =-#1 weave (verb) (織る)
=L-#1 weaving (織ること)
H=-#1 woven-fabric (織物)
/H=-#1 unwoven-fabric (不織布)
{04,20}: the right pointed arrow mark (右矢印)
When compounded with another ideogram, it compose an ideogram adding a
meaning of the function of an arrow.
->J {{4,20},56 (act/ the shape of
a fork)}: thrusting/tilting, thrust (vt. with gd) (突き刺す)
If it's in a violent way, add 64 on top. (凶暴な場合には64も重ねる)
->k {{04,20},21 go}: poke
->I {{04,20},59 liquid}: jet
(n.), jet (vt. with ge) (噴出)
->c {{04,20},46 work}: arrow as a
weapon (矢)
->,R {{04,20}, {01,61} top head}:
arrowhead (鏃)
->cB {{04,20},46 work, 07 large}:
harpoon (銛)
->cq {{04,20},{46,63}hand}: lance
->d {{04,20},50 tool} (the shape
of 50 looks like a bow too): a bow (弓)
{04,19}: the
left pointed arrow mark (左矢印)
When compounded with another ideogram, it makes an ideogram adding the
meaning of going inward.
-<_ {{04,19}, 70 space between}:
inserted, insert (vt. with ge), be inserted (vi. with gd) (挿入)
-<c {{04,19}, 46work}: plug
-<I {04,19},59 liquid}: infusion,
infuse/inject (vt. with ge) (注入)
-<Id {04,19,59}, 50 tool}:
injection filler (n.) (注射器、注入器)
{02,04,30,31} as a picture-like symbol: for any kinds of shining stars in
the night sky including the sun level stars, planets and galaxy.