Earth Language Based on "Nature"
「自然」を基とする地球語 (May 2020)

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The Model is Nature

The Universe is one in total.
It has created countless things from "nothing" with hidden infinite energy,
and has been increasing its contents.
While expanding, it still keeps all existences as one,
connecting everything to the hidden origin.

Things can not really exist in this world
as long as they are hiding in the original chaos
or dispersing out of the universe.
They can exist only in the balance of the powers
to separate from the origin and
to be pulled back to keep connection to the origin
where the source of each one's energy came from.

Humans have given a word for everything in nature,
as soon as they distinguished it from other things in each culture.

The earliest people imaged that the same principle of the universe acts
on not only things but also words.

When speaking out words in the sky,
they felt that the words separated certain things from eternity,
 and connected them to the origin at the same time
to bring the specific energy shown by the words.

The Japanese ancestors called "Kotodama or the spiritual energy of a word"
for the energy with which a spoken word linked to the origin.

The U.S. indigenous people had lived with the same idea, too.
The basic syllable of the root-word is still surviving in many traditions.
So the earliest ancient ancestors of the world might be the same, too.

The ancestors who believed Kotodama did not tell a lie.
The spoken words are always heard by heaven and the origin.
When the words were true, the origin could give them
the proper energy of these words, they'd learned.
Even now, a true thought can eventually come true, too.

However, in this area innumerable words are spoken carelessly;
and propaganda, lies and tricks come and go.
People got too eager for the efficiency to wait for conforming truth;
and numerically calculate thing・� such as energy, pleasure, value, and so on.
Human minds are getting away from the original infinite richness.

Earth Language respects the traditional spiritual energy of word-sounds.
While keeping each traditional vocal language preciously,
EL works with more universal energy of "form" of the symbol
which energy connects to the origin.

When you write a form of a symbol or
signing it with your hand or gesture to show a meaning, 
the form is immediately seen not only by the people around it
but also by heaven or the universe.
And the form energy connects to its deep origin at the same time.

In the world using a language always to link to the common origin,
not only a message comes,
but also hearts of people are bound together through the origin.

Humans feel a movement of a society or a person's mind,
as of overlapping with a phenomenon of nature.
Various expressions of nature phenomena,
such as open, wither, warm or rising, can express
conditions of a human heart or a society.
Because both humans and the society are a part of nature.

Also the natural objects from an electron to the Milky Way consists
of the fractal hierarchy characteristics of the material.
Not only the classification of living creatures and things
but also "time" and "places" can be classified
by "quantity,""property,""position""function," and so on.

In nature, there are unlimited things which were named by humans.
But those constituent elements have only 92 kinds plus isotopes.
The bond of elements, the bond of bonds, and the further repeated bonds
make innumerable materials and things and living creatures.

The human's memory is also stored
as a connection of the limited neurons.

The language should be able to follow such structure of nature.
But in reality, multiple languages mingle,
and the linguistic world changes to more complexity,
without minding the important roots of the words.

As much as the world diversifies,
easiness of looking out over of the whole world becomes important.

The common standard measurement of thought is needed now.
It must have the system to arrange information with the order of nature.
And it works by binding and rebinding limited basic elements,
so that anyone can understand easily.
It must be the container of thoughts to push forward understanding
while always pulling the image back to the origin.

Earth Language (EL) plan is going to develop such a new system
jointly all over the world and share it
as the second mother language with a traditional language.
It's to evolve the human world slowly into the new society
where people respect truth with freedom and equal relationship.

The EL of this site tells about the tentative plan of the system
using concretely designed symbols.
The ideas are to prove the possibility that
one systematized language grants both the transmission of meanings
and the visual transmission of sounds with a partner
under whatever kinds of conditions in the world are encountered.

So all the details of the plan are still a rough draft,
to improve it to the ideal Earth Language
through trials and checking by all kinds of people in the world.

It is thought that EL spreads without destroying traditional languages
and both languages grow up together.
And it is going to be a new art and culture of all Earthians,
by cooperating together to keep using and continuing the creation
over generations.
The people involved in the process deepen their mutual relations.
  By such assumption, the EL structure has been built up.

* As for the rough-planed summary of EL, please see "The System" and "The EL Dictionary."
In this philosophy section, you will see more details of the basic symbol forms of EL than the dictionary introduces. Please wait, now it's on the way to being prepared.

Recognizing "virus" with "recognition" symbol

What does it mean that the energy of the symbol form links to the origin,
for example?

The symbol of the tentative plan of EL to express "recognition" is formed
as two horizontally located dots in the middle of the frame.
This form calls the following image.

Human beings each have a couple of eyes.
They have a couple of ears, too.
Because of the pairs of sensors,
humans can recognize the reality of an object
with its position, the depth of it, the distance to it,
and its three-dimensional impression.

Recognition is always done by comparing two points.
The first point is at the object that you are facing now.
  The second point is at your memory
that you've experienced similarly to it.
The animal compares these two and recognizes and judges it.

The humans can have two different viewpoints.
One is his or her own viewpoint.
Another is the viewpoint from the other side.
Seeing from both directions at the same time
is the attitude of recognition only for the human.
And it is the key point to keep peace in the world.

Whenever you see or use this symbol,
your subconscious receives such a stimulation
from the origin of your being.
  So you would try to recognize things as the human way.

For example, how do you recognize the new corona virus?
Now COVID19 is suddenly changing the way of our lives.
Then the majority of people see the virus from only the human side,
and probably recognize it as "a powerful enemy of humanity
letting the world face a great critical situation."

However, if you were affected by the symbol power of EL,
you are going to see it from the virus side, too.
  You come to want to know more about the virus.

It is said that the organisms of the earth were born about 3.8 billion years ago. The virus is a marginal existence between a organism and an inanimate object. It cannot multiply by getting energy by itself. And yet since there was the trace that it was parasitic on some earliest organisms. So various opinions are about when a virus start to appear. Anyway the virus is the old-timer who has lived in the earth for an extraordinarily longer time than humans.

The virus has proteins and genes, and parasites in other creatures to take the energy from the host cell away. Then it behaves like an organism and multiplies a copy of itself.

The RNA of the virus easily makes a mistake of copying when multiplying, because it has a simple long one line structure. Therefore variation occurs frequently in its descendants and also may let a descendant of the host mutate.

The evolution of the creatures on the planet advanced by mutation and natural selection. Without the variation action of the virus, the creature could not diversify, and the human race might not exist.

Modern people use such a virus very much, too. It has been widely used for such things as producing vaccines for epidemics of poliomyelitis and measles, new kinds of treatments of genetic disease and cancer, selective breeding or creating unusual species of animals and plants, etc.

Viruses actually have greatly contributed to human beings.

Viruses came to bring an epidemic in the human world after humans started a community to depend on farming and livestock farming. Humans raised plants and animals and human beings became the host of viruses, and various contagious diseases spread. In recent years corona viruses have mutated into new types and raged over the world. And the newest kind caused a historic pandemic.

All human beings and their societies got confused and troubled by the pandemic, but, on the other hand, both the air and the water over the earth cleared up as the result of Stay Home & Stay Safe, they saw the big difference from space.

On the way, let's check about the oldest creature, bacteria.

Humans are afraid of bacteria, too.
Because it invisibly transmits diseases, rots foods and their bodies.

However, no creature can live without bacteria. No plants can live without the bacterial achievement to handle the dead body of a creature to make soil, so no animals: the eater of the plant can live, too.

Importance of bacteria is not only that. About one kilogram of various bacteria live in each human bowel to help digestion of the food. We humans can absorb the thing which we ate owing to their achievement.

Among the bacterial ability to change a creature's quality, we call the convenient case for humans "fermentation." And humans have produced various fermented foods and beverages, such as wine, pickles, cheese, yogurt, tempe, natto etc. and have made their living style richer.

Both the virus and the bacteria have a great variety,
and never disappear.
They don't have their will like humans
and just work by following the order of Nature.

It means that this pandemic could be a big message
from Mother Earth to send out her will to humans.

What is Mother Earth's will?

The creature world of the earth is not
as the high rank expels others,
even if evolution advances from the most primitive existence to humans.
Every existence depends mutually
and is useful for something to others,
and all actions circulate to be in one.

The will or order of Nature must be
in such a naturally balancing structure
that the whole can last long harmoniously
while every part of nature acts in each particular way.

What have human beings done to Mother Nature?

Weren't they full of conceit with their growth and strength
by breaking off the natural circulation and the order?
How useful did they work for harmony
and sustainability of the whole world?
Have you been truly happy with the past way of your living?

A human exists to think unlike a virus.
We can not live just by only following natural order like a virus.
We all have to think
how to respond to the message from Mother Nature.

Now, each person in the entire world is urged by COVID19
to feel remorse for the past way of life,
and to search for a new way of life.

Each person is going to face the whole world
to check himself and herself from the nature side to connect each other.
And the door of the new world is going to be opened by all of them.

The tentative plan of Earth Language is
full of ideas to assist the new way of life.
Please check it up to get your new creative inspiration.

May, 2020
Yoshiko McFarland


宇 宙は、全体で一つだ。
無 限のエネルギーを秘める「無」から「有」を生み

モ ノは、元の混沌の中に潜在し続けても
分 かれて散ってしまってもこの世には存在できない。
全 エネルギーの源の潜在始原から分かれる力と
元 につながる力のつりあいの中でのみ、モノは存在する。
全 てが一つにつながって存在するのが宇宙だ。

ヒ トは、森羅万象の違いに気づくたびに
そ れぞれにそれぞれのやり方でことばを与えてきた。

原 初の人々は、モノゴトだけでなく
こ とばにも上記と同じ宇宙の原理が働くとイメージした。

こ とばを口から天に放つとき
こ とばは無限の中からあるモノゴトを分別すると同時に
始 原とつながり
そ れが示す特有のエネルギーを取り分けると感じた。

日 本人の祖先は、
発 することばが始原とつながるエネルギーを
米 先住民も同じアイデアの下に暮らしていた。
語 根となる基礎音節は、どの伝統語にも永く生きている。
世 界中の祖先も最初は同じ考えだったかもしれない。

言 霊を信じる祖先たちは、嘘をつかなかった。
発 したことばはヒトのみでなく天・始原に伝わる。
真 から出たことばでなければ、
言 霊がつなぐエネルギーは得られない。
現 代でも、真の思考は実現に導く。

し かし今、無数のことばが垂れ流され
プ ロパガンダや嘘やトリックが行き交う。
高 率化を競い、
エ ネルギーも快や価値も有限の数値で計り比べて
目 先の有利を目指す。
ヒ トの心は、
原 始に備えていた無限の豊かさを失ってゆく。

地 球語は、各伝統ことばの音声の力を尊ぶ。
そ れらを大切に保ちながら、
地 球語では、より普遍的な「形霊」と共に働く。
形 霊とは、原点につながる形のエネルギー。

あ なたが文字・手話・身振りなどで
意 味を分別する記号の「形」を示すとき、
形 は、見る者にも天にも即時に伝わり、
そ の「形霊」が形ある世の原点とつながる。

常 に原点と結ぶ言語を共用する世界では、

ヒ トは、社会の動きや個人の心の動きに
自 然事象との重なりを感じる。
開 く・しぼむ・暖か・上昇・変化など
さ まざまな自然事象は、
ヒ トの心や社会事象の表現にも通じる。
ヒ トも社会も自然の一部だからだ。

自 然物はまた、電子から銀河まで
物 質のフラクタルな階層性で成り立っている。
生 命体やモノの分類だけでなく、時や場も

自 然界でヒトが名づけて区別するモノは
限 りなくあるが、
そ れらの構成元素は、92種+同位体しかない。
元 素の結び、そのまた結び、
さ らなる連結を繰り返し、
無 数の物質やモノや生命体が成り立っている。

ヒ トの記憶も、限りあるニューロンの
つ ながりとして保存される。

言 語もこんな自然のしくみに習えるはずなのに、
現 実は、多言語が入り混じり複雑化へと突き進む。
大 切な言語の根を顧みないで。

地 球世界が多様化すればするほど、
世 界全体の見渡しやすさが大切になる。

少 ない要素をつなぎ替えて情報整理し、
多 様な内容を自然の秩序に基づいて
誰 にも分かりやすく記録する、
ヒ トの思考の共通基準尺が要る。
常 にイメージを原点に引き戻しながら
理 解を進める思考の器が要る。

地 球語計画は、
そ んな新言語を世界中で共同開発し、
伝 統言語と共に第二の母語として共有し、
ヒ トの世を、真を尊重する自由で対等な社会へと

こ のサイトの地球語は、
具 体的な記号を用いて構築した試案だ。
世 界中のどんな条件下の相手とも、
一 つの体系の言語の中で、
意 味内容の伝達と、音声の記号伝達の
ど ちらも叶えるしくみの可能性を証明している。

そ して地球語試案は、世界中で試用し、
理 想の地球語へと改良するための「たたき台」だ。
伝 統言語を滅すことなく普及し、
両 語が共に育つよう考えられている。

人 類が協力し世代を越えてその創造をつづけて、
地 球語は、地球人の新しいアートになり、
文 化になる。
そ してその過程に係わる人々は
互 いに理解と関係を深めてゆく。
そ んな想定で試案は築かれてきた。

◎ 伝達手段としての荒削りな概要は、



地 球語試案の「認識」を表す記号は、
横 並びの2点の形で示され、
次 のイメージを呼び寄せる。




こ の記号を見、使うたびに、
あ なたの潜在意識は、原点からこんな刺激を受ける。
そ して、ヒトとしての認識を心掛けようとするだろう。

た とえば、新型コロナウイルスをどう認識するか?
COVID19 によって突然暮らしを変えられた今、
と 認識しているのではないか。

け れど地球語のシンボル力の影響を受けたあなたなら、
ウ イルス側からも見ようとする。
ウ イルスについてもっと知りたくなる。

地 球の生物は、約38億年前に誕生したという。












ウ イルスも細菌も多種多様にあり、無くなりはしない。
そ れらは、ヒトのような意志を持たず、
自 然の秩序のままに働いている。

と いうことは、このパンデミックは、
母 なる地球自然がウイルスによって
そ の意志をヒトに伝えるメッセージなのかもしれない。

地 球自然の意志とは?

地 球の生物世界は、
最 も原始的な存在からヒトまで進化が進んでも、
上 位が他を駆逐するようには成り立っていない。
あ らゆる存在が相互に依存し合い、
す べてが他の何かに役立ち、
一 つにつながって循環するようにできている。

部 分がそれぞれ個性的に活動しながら、
全 体が自然に均衡して永く存続する、
そ れが地球自然の意志であり
秩 序と言えるだろう。

そ んな地球自然に対して、ヒトは何をしてきた?

自 然の循環を立ち、秩序を壊しては
自 分の成長と強さに自惚れて来なかった?
地 球全体の調和と持続のためにどう役立った?
こ れまでの暮らし方が、
あ なたにとって本当に幸せだった?

ヒ トは、ウイルスと違って思考する存在だ。
ウ イルスのようにただ自然の定めのままには
生 きられない。
み んなが考えねばならない。

今 世界中のヒト一人一人が
COVID19 によって
過 去のあり方を深く反省させられている。
新 しい生き方を探るよう促されているのだ。

一 人一人が自然全体と向き合い、
そ こから自分を見直しながらつながって、
新 しい世界の扉をヒトは今開こうとしている。

地 球語試案には、
そ のためにお手伝いするアイデア満載です。
創 造的閃きを得るために
ご 自由にお試しください。

2020 年5月1日

マ クファーランド・ヨシコ