The Basic philosophy of the system and
Symbols 基本のしくみとシンボルがどう働くか |
Articles related to the EL philosophy
or symbols 地球語のシンボルまたは考え方に関しての記事 |
# The Basic Philosophy (May 2020) "The Model is Nature 根本の考え方 「自然がモデル」About where the EL(Earth Language)
leads the users to. # The
meaning of the frame/the empty square
# Learning from the Ninja way to survive in 2021How ninja were getting over their harsh stress. ---Dec. 2020--- #The Magical Method of a Grandma (March 2020) 婆の魔法のツールThe COVID19 Pandemic brought the
darkness over the world. We can see even a small light in the
Isn't it a chance to find out the sign of an ideal future? A Grandma talks this 1-8 series with her magical method. (with the symbols of "nature,""artificial,""time,""past,""now,""future." 2020年、コロナウィルスが世界に闇をもたらしました。 闇だからこそ小さな光も見えます。未来の理想を見出すチャンスです。 ある婆が魔法のツールを使って未来を探り語るシリーズです。---March 2020--- (「自然」「人工」「時」「過去」「現在」「未来」のシンボルを通して考える) (1) - (3) (4) - (6) (7) - (8) |