A Poem and the Pictograph in Earth Language (EL) - April '04 -

"Yellow Butterfly" by Reiko Nakagawa 短歌中川禮子作「もんきてふ」

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This is an EL (Earth Language) experimental page to enjoy
the image of a haiku/short poem originally in English/Japanese.
When you can't see the Japanese parts, please don't mind and just skip those parts.

Thank you very much, Ms. Akiko Sueyoshi in Tokyo. She has sent a donation for developing the  EL typing tool (it's coming very soon); also presented a Tanka book "A Spring of Thyme"(Publisher: Yume-kobo 2003) by Reiko Nakagawa , for this corner.  This book has a nice English translation by William  I. Elliott. I'm happy to share one of these Tanka with you.

Japanese usually doesn't make a clear distinction between single and plural as well as EL. Although the English verse took "a butterfly," I chose several butterflies in the pictograph, because the kind of butterfly wasn't alone in my old memory in Japan. I tried to imagine that "my" heart beating when waiting for "your letter" in the mid-spring with a full bloom tree. I hope girls still have this kind of excitement, even in the email era.

東京の末吉暁子さん が、地球語エディタ開発へのご寄付と、このコーナーのために 中川禮子さんの短歌集『麝香草』 (夢工房 2003)をお贈りくださいました。暁子さん、どうもありがとうございます!
William I. Elliott 氏による英訳つきのこの本から、今月は、中川さんの春爛漫の短歌をシェアさせていただきます。


Tanka by Reiko Nakagawa; Translated by  William I. Elliott:
A yellow butterfly
under the tree.
The postman
picks out your letter.

Japanese Original:

EL Translation:

Symbols in this pictograph:
: butterfly (蝶)
: tree (木)
: you/your あなた  (の)

{ color,out}(the color looked like coming out): yellow (黄色)
{ the main parts of insect, sheet}(as a picture-like-character): butterfly (蝶)
: d-verb symbol to form a verb (動詞符)
{ sky, }(the shape of wings in the sky;  a fundamental character): wing(s) (翼)
: move 動き
(move and move with the wings of the subject of the sentence): flatter (vi.)  (Plural symbols for a movement shows repeating the movement) I expressed this way using only fundamental symbols to show the feeling of the original expression, "Hirari-Hirari" : 
(翼でひらひら動く (なんらかの動きを表す文字が複数並ぶときは、その動きのくり返しを意味する)ひらりひらりの感じをだそうと、あえて基礎的な文字のみで表現しました。)
For  more detail of verb, please refer to the verb section.
{ preposition, down/below}: under (preposition) (~の下に(で)
: that (in the topic) (それ・その)
{ , plant}:  tree (木)
(as its single form): the grammatical symbol to show the following words are the subject of this sentence (後続語が主語だと示す文法記号)
{ (see below), go}: mail (not email) (郵便)
{ {receive and go} (carry), person}: postman/mail-carrier (運ぶ人・配達人)
: e-verb symbol  to show that the subject makes something the following situation 何かを、これに次ぐ語の(状態にする意味で動詞を構成)
{ out from the bag in this case}: discharge/coming out from a kind of container (排出、出る状態)
: the grammatical symbol to show the object that works as its e-verb shows
... : the subject take out ... (of his bag) (... を取り出す)
{{ to form a pronoun,front}}: you/your (あなた(の))
{ { show, recognition} message, cover/covered}: envelope with  message/a letter (封書)

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