Examples 0f E-Chi
For a break from your work . For healing a pain . A short standing E-Chi .
E-Chi Example (2) After the Rain(地球語太極拳「雨上がり」)
If you don't know what is E-Chi, please read here first.
# Becoming a Butterfly on the Ocean;
To have a break from your work in the sitting situation:
Let's use this poem for the image.
1. sitting with 90 degrees opened legs touching floor with whole soles.

2. Face to the left leg direction, exhaling by Tantien power.

3. Bring both palm up hands in front of each shoulder with obtuse angle arms and stand the both four fingers from the horizontal palms, while inhaling: these are the shape of #10 meant 'place'; a part of {10,42}: the sea.

4. Move the signed hands to the right leg direction, drawing #42( wave) shape with each hand, exhaling and controlling by the Tantien muscles: the torso above Tantien changes the facing direction too. You imagine the wide sea with these plural 'sea' signs.

5. Naturally turn the hands making #37( nature) shape, and bring them up( a fist width)( for #17){17,37}: the heaven. Bring #37 hands back down to above the left leg again while inhaling, and turn them into #10 again. ( The poem doesn't say about the heaven, but when you see the sea, you see the heaven above the horizon too, also this insert helps to continue signing naturally and smoothly )

6. repeat 4-5 until you feel ocean waves enough.

7. After the last performing of 4, face back to the front, while inhaling and turning the left hand shape straightened and stand it up facing to the front (for #26), making #66 shape with the right hand at the same time, then draw #45 shape with the 66 signed hand while keeping the 28 left sign: {28,45,66}: butterfly.

8. Then you become the butterfly, using your full arms and hands for the wings. Move the wings with the deep inhale/exhale rhythm by Tantien, shaking your torso slowly front and back : Both palms meet in front about one foot distance close and go far from each other sometimes not much, another time stretch out as much as both arms can, sometimes upper, other time lower, the wings flap. The Elbows and wrists are flexibly bent. ( This part is by gesture)

9. Put the left hand down, make #70 shape with the right hand and move it along #42  wave line to the right: {43,70}: wind. Seeing far over the hand with exhale, imagine the wind on the sea.

10. This time, Both hands become the wings, facing to the 45 degrees right front, repeat flapping with Tantien power and the torso slow shake. Don't make hands too close. Imagine you are a strong batterfly.

11. Put the right hand down and do the same thing to 9 in the opposite way using the left hand, imaging another wind.

12. Stand the left hand and extend the right hand to the front, then shake both hands together: this is for  {41,42}: means 'shaking'

13. Continue to move the wings again using hands or arms, flapping larger or smaller, whichever you feel better at the time.

14. Both hands make each #21 (heading) shape, and slowly push forward a little (front) with the signed hand (meaning 'going ahead'), and gentlly finish.

You can make this version shortened or lengthened to fit to your condition.

# For healing a pain:
Concentration for praying all through one's body and soul isn't that easy. Don't you try E-Chi for healing? eg:
 To remove pain
Almost touch the painful place (of yourself or other's) with your hand, and imagine to suck it on the palm while inhaling extra slowly using the Tantien muscles.

Gently turning the hand into #04(going away) sign and continue the pose while exhaling sinking Tantien in as longer as you can.

Then at the end of the breath, moving the hand like throwing a thing out and turn back above the pain spot, imagining the pain goes away and melts in the nature space.

Repeat above moves and concentration. Your movement is looked like slow and elegant, but Tantien uses much energy for it. If the patient could watch you, he/she might forget the pain at least for a while.

Like this way, you can use EL signs when you need serious concentration, symbolizing the most necessary work. You make the sign and the meaning of the sign return to you strongly.  You know this is a kind of old traditional idea worldwide. Now people depend on scientific medications, but sometimes these prayers work well without aftereffects, making good human relations especially among a family. Practice well ( Don't forget to use Tantien power ), and good luck for the effects.

# An E-Chi program being a tree (April 00)
This is a standing short E-Chi program used the image of this poem.

This simple E-Chi is done almost without stepping, but powerful.
I'll use the following abbreviations for this:
L: the left, R: the right, C: the center of the gravity, S: sink/sinking (keeping the center of gravity low )

1. Stand leaving a fist width space between the feet, be relax.

2. Sift C on R with little S, and change L-foot position making the space wider about shoulder width between the feet, then shift C on L bringing R-hand higher facing diagonally R.

3. While slowly S in the center, bring R-hand in front of the center of the chest ( position-sign for 34 ), pointing the chest by the thumb ( sign for 62 ): {34,62} means 'I'.

4. Both hands back of fingers touch each other in front of the abdomen sinking deeply. Gradually spread the arms wider to the upper in front opening the fingers, and stretch them and both legs, looking up far away, keeping both whole soles touching to the ground with deep roots: This is a gesture for 'longing'.

5. Sift C to R, naturally bringing down R-hand, and signing 66 with L-hand at a little right under in front of the L-shoulder. Move the 66 signed hand to L drawing an upper half circle for 37 , while shifting C to L. {37,66} means 'tree'. Changing the diameter larger, do the same thing in the opposite way to R, and again repeat it to L changing the diameter much larger : This movements symbolizes the tree growing. The face always follows the signed hand during the movement 5. Now C is on L.

6. Bring back C to the center, changing L-hand sign into pointing the center of the chest for {34,62} (: my). Change L-hand sign into 68 (: 'heart' ) in front of the L-shoulder, shifting C on L. Then keeping the posture, change the L-hand shape into 19 ( pointing inward by the thumb: means 'in' ) : Total 6 means 'in my heart'.

7. Still C is on L. Do the completely opposite of R and L of 5. C is on R in the end.

8. Both hands sign 37 in front of the abdomen, while bringing back L-leg to the original position, turning C in the center and sink. Slowly bring up the 37 hand vertically, and drawing a quarter circle symmetrically by the hands , spread the arms diagonally, stretch the legs, catching the ground by whole soles and the deep roots: This shows a big tree with the whole body; You feel you are the Big tree.

9. While relaxing the legs, bring the hands close to each side of eye, pointing each eye with index fingers, and move them straight forward to the chest height to touch each other index finger tips : This is the gesture for seeing something.

10. Turn the R-hand shape into pointing the chest by the thumb (for {34,62}: 'me' ), and get back to natural standing.

9 and 10 shows 'look outside myself' ( from the growing tree in my heart )

I didn't use grammatical signs for this E-Chi. The grammatically correct sign-translation of this poem is a little different. Repeating the movement many times might make you feel something. Repeating is important.

EL Home . 地球語ホーム . Explanation about E-Chi . 太極拳について .
E-Chi Example (2) After the Rain(地球語太極拳「雨上がり」)