Facebook Earth Language Archive Part 3 Relating to friends' opinions, Between cultures

English Home, Japanese Home
1[human, plant, heart, life] 2[the middle circle variation] 3[Relating to friends' opinions, Between cultures, etc.]  4[phonetics]

Basic Idea (26) The rain

Water is dripping from the sky. So this symbol means "rain."
Also rain is the main phenomenon to circulate natural water on this planet.

You might think the symbol {cloud water} would be more reasonable,
but "rain" is a kind of root word to be able to combine with other meanings.
So it was made as simply as possible.

Basic Idea (27) Various rain

Rain falls in various ways.

Basic Idea (28) Natural water is not always as rain

It changes the figure in various ways.

Basic Idea (29) Faith, belief

When you pray, you focus your heart on one thing.
When praying something with others, everyone's hearts gather into one.
"Prayer" holds strong intention.
The blue symbol in the image looks like a drill head penetrating through the universe
to make an empty tunnel to listening to the truth from the infinite world.
Sincere heart must have it beyond his/her intention;
and when the heart follows along listening to the truth,
it must be called "faith/belief." That was my idea,
when I made the EL dictionary item for "belief."

Basic Idea (30) An bases overlay and its representation with single bases

The almighty greeting symbol (for hello, good day! etc.) is represented by the bases overlay
directly meaning "global peace." But the usage of the overlay is only for greetings
as a fundamental character.
When you write the greeting symbol as its element single bases,
you need hyphen between the three bases.
(Hyphen shows that its left and right bases are actually in one symbol.
The way looks longer than without hyphen, but the amount of keys
to hit is the same with the Earth3 EL font program.)
When plural symbols are next to each other without hyphens or any prepositions,
the front symbol modifies the following one in an EL sentence.
I once explained about hyphen at the 18th of this series. Please don't forget about hyphen.

# About hyphen:
# More about the greeting symbol:
# Naming of living creatures as one symbol and with hyphen:

Between cultures

A newborn baby can’t recognize anything, because it has no experience and memory yet.
To recognize things, each person has his/her own experiences in their culture.
So actually even if seeing the same thing, the recognitions by people
are never completely the same.
A common language has to be set with common rules;
and yet EL wants to venerate the differences between cultures and personalities.
To do that, EL has its unique grammar and methods.

[Call for examples of differences of recognition between cultures]
You might have experienced some confusion/trouble because of differences
between what you thought as a commonsense and the way of another culture/language.
Could you share them with us? I’d like to check if the EL system is ready to reduce
the kind of troubles. I’ll try to introduce my experiences too.


Between cultures [yes/no]
Until middle of 40s I had never used English. When I started English conversations,
I was completely in Japanese habit: standing on the other side to listen to him/her.
So for a question with a negative verb, as “Didn’t you do …?,”
my brain naturally going to answer “Yes (I didn’t)” or “No (I did).”
oppositely from the English answer, thinking if the other’s thought was true or not.
Each time I took a moment to be careful to answer a question.

In EL, I prepared clear single-symbol-answering ways for various types of questions.
A simple system is easy to understand, and simplicity makes signing easier.


Examples of EL answers:


Between Cultures [Interrogatives](質問)

I also realized that my focal point of a speech sentence had been at the end. In a Japanese speech,
the sign of question comes at the end of a sentence.
Raising the pitch of voice up at the end, even a normal descriptive speech can be a question.
Through this custom, I often mistook the other’s question as just his/her descriptive, since no pitch accent at the end.

In a global conversation, it would be kinder if what the purpose of a sentence was CLEARLY shown
at the very beginning of a sentence; also helpful by showing WHERE the point of a inquiry is:


聴き取りにくかった私の体験を紹介してます。 45歳まで英語を使ったことがなかったので

Could you share your experience with us about a trouble
between cultures like this? It’s for deeper development of the EL grammar.


Between Cultures [Why?](なんで?)

Sometimes I experienced that the other suddenly got sullen in a peaceful conversation with me in English.
I was wondering why; and after years finally found the reason. It was because of “Why?”
I’m a person who often wonders why for many things. In a casual Japanese conversation,
when something strange happens, other people also say just “Nande?” (Why?),
wondering to him/herself, touching a chord with others. In the same feeling, I spoke just “Why?”
when watching TV news. But English language needs a full sentence.
“Why?” is a rude way to say, ”Why did it happen? (you must know the reason)”
The other had to feel, “No way I had to know why!” and I had to say, “I wonder why” in English in this case.

After above experience, EL clearly distinguishes expressions between a question
and just wondering to oneself, using the same bases in different locations:

会話中に相手が急に不機嫌になったこともありました。 「なんで?」のつもりで
なぜなんだ?」と無作法に尋ねたことになるのですね、 TVニュースの奇妙な話題のわけなんて

Between Cultures [Imperatives](依頼)
For a request, American and Japanese people both distinguish the ways in businesslike
or in a politely hesitate manner. But when I got a request from a Chinese man in English,
I felt like I was commanded. Also many Chinese say “he” for “she.”
And later I learned that Chinese “he” = both he and she: they don’t distinguish them.
Chinese language is very rational, so probably they don’t so differentiate the request manners in their daily lives.

To avoid unnecessary friction, EL has prepared manners to ask something to others,
between in business, commandment and polite way:


My Garden Now
(The photo is missed)
In the EL website in 2010, there was a long photo report series,
“Story of My Vegetable Garden” in EL, English and Japanese.:

The garden now is about five times larger than that, including the roadside slope
for flowers and small trees, also a spiral garden that I built recently with old broken concrete pieces.
I’ve been busy to manure and to seed there. The garden and our forest have been honestly telling me
a lot about the nature system. I listen to it through my muscles and cells; and EL is always with me.

A tip of instruction to use the EL Dictionary:

In an English dictionary, a word usually has plural meanings.
And the meanings are shown as 1)…, 2)…, 3)… But usually an EL base has only one definition
or a grammatical function. The dot base is used for ways, but you can distinguish the usages
by the arrangements.

Each meaning of a base is shown under [definition (single)]
When it’s compounded with another base/ideogram, sometimes a base adds a meaning in different way,
depending on another base/ideogram to form a picture-like fundamental ideogram or
to show a compounded meaning. You see 1), 2), 3) in the EL dictionary; and the items are for what images
the base adds when forming a base-overlays.
Please don’t think there are 1), 2), 3) meanings in a base itself. A base has a single
and simple definition, so overlays can be created endlessly and work being distinguished each other.

New Settings

I think I'm going to change the setting of a few symbols of the EL dictionary, respecting Jouni's long time usage.
Blue symbols are older, and red ones are new. What do you think?

A pictograph with another example including [woven]-ideogram

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