Illustrated EL Dictionary [Location, Direction, Shape](絵解き字典-位置・方向・形-)
above, below, front, back, the left and the right (上下前後左右)

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Location Direction and shape (位置・方向・形)
above, below, front, back, the left and the right (上下前後左右) / in and out (内外)
Four Directions and Four Seasons (四方と四季) / Various shapes (いろんな形)

Living creatures (生物)

This section has English and Japanese explanations; please ignore the Japanese parts,
or if you'd like to learn the Japanese words too on the way, see here to view Japanese writings.

To indicate the six main directions or locations seeing from a standard point, arrow symbols are used.

: top/above/upward (上), : below/under/downward (下), : the left (左), : the right (右)
: front (前), : back/behind (後): the longer straight line indicates front or back, distinguishing from up or down above. When is compounded with (time), that time is in front and not coming yet at that time base; so means late/later. In the same way, means early/earlier.

For more specification:
# A combination of or and or can make a single ideogram as  
: the front above (上前方), : the back above (上後方), etc.
# The bases and ,  removing the vertical line from and , mean 'in' and 'out.' Also compounding the vertical line with another direction basis makes another picture-like ideogram as (shot) or (fall) or (straight a head). So for showing 'the left above,' it'd be better to use two symbols as

# If an object touches to the top of something, the location is more specified as (this square means 'surface') of the thing. When it's used as a preposition, add the preposition mark as (on the top of ...).

Similarly you can express many concepts using these direction-symbols combining with other bases as {upward, less}: short, {upward, much}: tall, {downward, less}: shallow, {downward, much}: deep, {up, part}: upper part, {up, point}: the top...etc.
See more examples of compounded symbols in these bases pages in the main dictionary.

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