This looks like something growing and expanding upward; and symbolizes plant(s).

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( If you don't understand how to read this page, see here first )

the hand-shape-sign:
Open between the index and the thumb upward, showing the base shape
the hand-movement-sign:
Draw the base shape in one stroke (1筆に続けて書く)

(name): [za] almost za of zigzag, but with the open front vowel ( ザ )

ASCII: Y (the similar shape)

phonetic value:

[ z ]: voiced alveolar fricative (the base is the upside-down #65)
([ z ] #65を逆さにした対記号;上歯茎に舌先を近づけて出す摩擦有声音)

definition (single): plant (植物)


vi. grow (come to a life as a plant) (生える)
vt. plant (put some plant in the life) (植える)

main images in base overlays:

1) Related to a part of a plant (植物の部分にかかわって)
2) Related to a kind of plant (植物の種類にかかわって)
3) Related to a condition/growing process of some plant (植物の成長過程や育つ状態 )
4) Related to something mainly by/for 'plant' (植物による、または植物にちなむなにか)
5) Without relating to 'plant', to form picture-like fundamental characters
as a part of horn, face, nose and tentacles (角、顔、鼻、触覚などの象形基礎文字の構成)

examples of base overlay:

Related to a part of a plant (植物の部分にかかわって)

{24(stable),66}: root (根)
{{02,14}(hair),{24,66}(root)}: root hair (of plant) (根毛)
{14(passage),66}: stem (茎)
{14,{37,66}(tree)}: tree trunk ( not including elephant's ) (幹)
  {14,{37,66},{20(out)28}( surface )}: bark (樹皮)
  {{14,66}(stem),59( for the shape )}: bulb (球根)

{63,66}( branched shape, as a picture-like fundamental character):
branch, d-v: separate off, split/e-d: divide, share (枝、枝分かれる)
{{63,66},10(place)}: branch (of office, etc.) (支所)
{{63,66},{47,61}('foot' as a picture-like character)}: toe (足の指)
{{63,66},{46,63}('hand' as a picture-like character)}: finger (手の指);
work with fingers, like typing and playing piano (v. with #gd) (動詞:奏でる・タイプを打つなど指で仕事する)

{{66,68(heart)}(as a fundamental character): flower (花)
{flower, 44 open}: blooming (開花)
{flower, 43 closed}: bud (つぼみ)
{{66,68},28(sheet)}: a petal/petals (花弁)
{{66,68},16('powder' in this case )}: pollen (花粉)
{{66,68},03 line}: buth pistil and stamen (しべ)
{{66,68},03 line,19 female}: pistil (めしべ)
{{66,68},03 line, 20 male}: stamen (おしべ)
{{66,68},26(gathering )}: a bouquet (花束)
{{66,68},{02,26}(group in one)}: a cluster of flowers (花房)
{{66,68}(flower),59}: flower nectar/honey (花の蜜・蜂蜜)

{66,67(life)}(a fundamental character by the shape): fruit ; bear fruit/ bring the result (v. with gd) (実)
  {{66,67},48(cover)}: peeling (果皮)
  {{66,67},59(liquid)}: fruit nectar (果汁)
  {{34,67}(meat),{(67),66}(fruit)}: flesh (果肉)
  {{66,67},58(possible, a part of 'adult')}: ripen (熟した)

{34(important part),66(plant)}: a seed/seeds (種)
  {{34,66},48(cover)}: pod/hulls (豆・種の入るサヤ)
{38,66}: sprout (by the total shape) (芽)
  {{38,66},{57(wonder),67(life)}(child)}: baby (目立ったばかりの子ども:赤ん坊)
{19(female),66}: female plant (when differs are) (雌株の植物)
{20(male),66}: male plant (when differs are) (雄株の植物)

Related to a kind of plant (植物の種類にかかわって)

{37,66(plant)}(as picture-like): tree (木)
{38(human growing){37,66}}: forestation (植林)
{{14,34},{37,66}(tree)}: bamboo (竹)
{10(place),59,{37,66}(tree)}: oasis(オアシス)
or {10,{37,66}(tree),(26(group))}: forest(森)
{10,37,66, 64(very)}: jungle(密林)
{46(work),{37,66}}(wood for use): lumber/ timber (材木)

{23,66(plant)}: grass (a fundamental character by the shape) (草)
{38(raised by human),{23,66}(grass)}: green vegetables (野菜)
{42(water- flowing, {23,66}(grass as a picture-like character)}: water grass (水草)
{43(twine),66(plant)}(also this is a picture-like character): vine kind of plant like ivy (蔦など)
{{43,66},{37,(66)}(tree),{(66),67}(fruit)}: grapes (ぶどう)
{{43,66},{14,(66)}(stem)}: vine (as the part) (蔓)
{41(move),66(plant)}(because of animal-like and plant-like things): protist (原生生物)
{42(water- flowing),66(plant)}: algae (藻)
{66(plant),25(join)}(plants which join others to survive ): parasite(寄生植物)
{12(the zigzag shape of the leaf ,66(plant)}: fern (a fundamental character) (シダ)
{{12,66},08(small)}: moss (by the similar system to fern but smaller) (苔)

{59,66}(a picture like character): wheat (小麦)
{{59,66}(wheat).16(powder)}: wheat flour (小麦粉)
{40,65}(a picture like character): rice (米)
{{40,65}(rice).16(powder)}: rice powder (米粉)
{40,65,34}: crops (穀類)
{{33,66}: beans/peas (by the shape; larger than usual seeds) (豆)
{{33,66}(beans),50}: bean product (豆製品)
{{33,66}(beans),16(powder)}: bean powder (豆粉)
{{33,66}(beans),16(ground),50(solid body)}: bean curd/tofu (豆腐)

Related to a condition of some plant (植物の状態)

{17,66)}: growing (of plant), grow (vi. with gd) (成長)
{18,66}: drooping, droop (vi. with gd: for plants), dejected (for human) (しおれた、D動詞:うなだれる)
{61,66}: growing thick (茂る状態)
{62,66}: growing thin (痩せた、育ちが悪い)
{ga (to change the meaning),38,66}: cultivated plant (栽培植物)
(N.B. only {38,66} means 'sprout'; ga changes the combination way)
{38,{23,66}(grass)}: green vegetables (栽培野菜)
{{38,66},09(intangible matter)}: cultivation (in this case, #ga isn't necessary) (栽培)
ge 38 31 {38,{23,66}}: cultivate greens
(N.B. 'greens' itself includes the meaning of 'cultivated', so only 38 is enough for the verb)
{{38,09,66(cultivation), 65(occupation)}: farmer (農民)

Related to something mainly by/for 'plant' (植物による、または植物にちなむなにか)

{66(plant),29} (chlorophyll in plants get this element from air with sunlight): carbon (炭素)
{{03,29}(fiber),66}: plant fiber (with 66(plant)) (植物繊維)
{66 plant,{47,67} consumption}: herbivorous/herbivore (草食)
{10(place),66}: the place for a plant (繁殖地)
{10, {38,{66,23}grass kind}: vegetable patch (野菜畑、耕作地)
{10,{38,66}(as a picture) sprout}: seed bed (苗床)
{{33,23}(color),66(plant/ a part of 'grass')}: green (緑)
{66,45(relation)}: breed/kind (品種・種類)
{28(sheet),66(plant)}: paper (紙)
{{28,66},26(gathering)}: notebook (帳面)
{{47,50}(container),66}: plant pot/flowerpot (植木鉢)

Without relating to 'plant', to form a picture-like fundamental character (象形基礎文字の構成)

{60,66}(mammals honed head shape): hone, threaten ( v. with #gd ) (つの);
This character is used as a symbol of extension of human's fighting power in a base overlay.
{{60,66},21(go)}: threat (脅し)
{{60,66},12(friction)}: collision (衝突)
{{60,66},65(occupation)}: soldier (軍人)
{{60,66},26(group)}: military (軍隊)
{{60,66},26,12}: war (戦争)
{{60,66},50(tool, goods)}: arms, weapon (武器)
{{60,66,50}(arms), 64violent}: powerful weapons like missile or more (重兵器)

As the meaning of horns:
or horned: Trypoxylus/ rhinoceros beetle (カブトムシ属カブトムシ)
or the right and the left (horns): Lucanidae/ Stag beetles (クワガタムシ科クワガタ)
horn}: Caribou (トナカイ)
large : moose (ヘラジカ)
or horn (having great horns): antelope (レイヨウ)
or (branch): deer/Cervidae (deer Family) (鹿/シカ科の動物)
or large: elk/Cervus canadensi (エルク)

To shape a face with #15, #33 meaning of 'face' (「顔」の形の構成要素)

{15,33,66}: face (as a fundamental character), represent (v. with gd) (顔)
{{15,33,66},54(existence)}: representative (代表)
{{15,33,66},44(opened)}: laughter, laugh (vi. with #gd)(笑い、D動詞:笑う)
{{15,33,66},21(to)}: face to (対面、D動詞:向き合う)
{{15,33,66},50(tangible thing)}: masterpiece (代表作)
{{15,33,66},18(lower)}: chin (あご)
{{15,33,66},17(upper)}: forehead (ひたい)
{{15,33,66},{28,48}(wrapping)}: mask (仮面)

Shaping antennas/ tentacles of some animals (アンテナ・触覚の象形)

{39(sense),66}(like a picture, also with the meaning of sensor :
antenna/tentacle, sense through tentacles (v. with #gd) (触角)
{38(human-made),{39,66}}: antenna (アンテナ)
{40,45,66}: (looking like a insect): insect (wider meaning than Insecta) (虫: 昆虫綱より広い概念の設定)
or grass: Orthoptera/grasshopper (バッタ目(直翅目)、バッタ・イナゴ類)
or tree: Cicadoidea/ cicada (セミ科セミ)
{(for the shape), main part of 'insect' symbol}: beetle (甲虫)
{ sheet, main part of 'insect' symbol}: butterfly (蝶)
Here are more varied insect symbols with some illustrations.

{{, }, child}: larva/larval (幼虫)
or cover}: pupa/chrysalis (さなぎ)
{{, }, adult/mature}: imago (成虫)

{67(life),24(hard)}(shell),66,45}: crustacean (甲殻類)
{{67,24,66,45},{17,18}(symbolizing 'vertically longer')}: shrimp/prawn/lobster (エビ)
{{67,24,66,45},{19,20}(symbolizing 'horizontally longer')}: crab (蟹)

Related to the nose and sense of smell, as its shape of nose

{31,66}: nose (a part of body where nostrils are; for any animals); breath through nose (vi. with #gd) (鼻)
{{31,66},59(liquid)}: nasal mucus (鼻汁)
{{31,66},{36,42}(sound)}: hum, humming (ハミング)
{{31,66},14(way)}: nasal passage (鼻腔)
{{31,66},39(sense)}: the sense of smell, smell (v. with #gd) (嗅覚、D動詞:匂いを感じる)

Related to scent/smell/odor (This part has been changed since April 25, 2012)(匂いに関連)
(To see the symbols, please download and install the EL font)

`YWO `scent/smell/odor (匂い) {YW nose (picture-like ideogram)(鼻)`O `abstract concept, which works systematically}
`gYWO `
emitting scent (放臭) {YWO `g `open (開) }
`YWOa `
: fragrance (花の香) {YWO `aY `flower (花) }
sharp odor (刺激臭) {YWO `Q `shocking }
`YWOq `
faint smell (かすかな匂い) {YWO `q weak (弱)}
`OYWz `
nasty odor (いやな匂い) {YWO `z  friction (摩擦)}
`YWOugp `
sweet smell (甘い香) {YWO `upOg `sweet}
`YWOh `
chemical material of scent (匂い物質) {YWO `h `material }
source of odor (匂いの元) {YWO `K `origin }
`YWO0 `
odorless (無臭) {YWO `0 `zero }
mixed odor (混合臭) {YWO `X `piled (重なった)}
`nYWO `
artificial scent (人工香) {YWO `n `human made (人工)}
`dYWO `
incense (香料) {YWO `d `goods(品)}
perfume (香水) {YWO `I `liquid (液) }
`YWOr `
the smell/fragrance someone left behind (残り香){YWO `r `behind}

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