Monthly Poem and Pictograph in EL [ant goes agile] by Sadako Okamoto (September 2003 )

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This is an EL (Earth Language) experimental page to enjoy
the image/meaning of a short poem originally in English/Japanese.
When you can't see the Japanese parts, please don't mind and just skip those parts.

For this time, I chose one from several of haiku sent by Ms. Sadako Okamoto in Yokohama.
Since I'm carrying such a large and heavy thing like EL for 15 years, watching this ant with Sadako, I admire and envy its agility.
For this chance, I additionally made some trial picture-like  symbols for various insects. What do you think?  Are they hard to distinguish for you? Please let me know.


Original Japanese haiku by Sadako Okamoto

The English translation:
ant goes agile,
carrying a large thing
like a sail

The EL translation:

{ insect, move} (a picture-like character): ant(s) (蟻)
{ heading, very much}: fast, quick (速い)
: to form a d-verb (動詞符)
: go (the  subject physically move to an intended direction )( vi. with d-verb symbol  ) 行く
{ preposition, verb symbol for  being/doing the condition of the following character(s)}:
This verb modifies the front words. (~しながら、(後ろ文字の状態が前の語を修飾))
{51,69(torso shape)}: shoulder 肩, shoulder (vt. with a verb symbol) (かつぐ)
to show that the following character or phrase is an accusative case of  a verb,
influenced by the action  of the subject (D動詞の対象の前につける 記号)
{ much/large when compounded with tangible thing}: big, large (体積が)大きい
: tangible thing/body (物)
{ preposition, similar}: like..., in the similar way of (~のような(に))
{ receiver of wind} : sail (帆)

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