Haiku and the Pictograph in EL, "bring to the willow" - March 2006 -

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This is an EL (Earth Language) experimental page to enjoy

the image of a haiku/short poem originally in English/Japanese.

When you can't see the Japanese parts, please don't mind and just skip those parts.


When I was reading the "Haiku Ireland" web site that Angelee in India introduced to me,
I found this warm-hearted haiku in -haibun- ‘Barbed-Wire & Butterflies’by Jim Norton
that was awarded 4th place in the Nobuyuki Yuasa International Haibun Competition 2004.
In the early spring sun light, I hope the bristled buds of willows gently shine on the kids,
who lost their moms by the waterside calamities that occurred in recent years on this planet.
The plant name "willow" is not set up in EL yet; so here I expressed the plant
as the waterside tree with bristle covered buds.
Although there is a way to show the name using only two characters.

今月は、インドのアンジェリーさんがご紹介くださったHaiku Irelandの
2004年度の俳文受賞作でJim Norton さんの ‘Barbed-Wire & Butterflies’の中に出ていた俳句です。

The original English by Jim Norton:
bring to the willow
all the weeping of your heart
motherless chicks

The Japanese translation:

The EL translation:

The symbols in the pictograph:
: tear (s)(涙), : bird (鳥)

The symbols in the translation:
: the head mark for requesting to do something ( : want)
The word following this head and between and shows the one called for the request. (~してください)
the grammatical notation to form a d-verb: meaning that the subject of this sentence becomes in the condition shown by the following character/phrase; or the subject does the following action. In this case, the subject of this verb is 'motherless chicks'.
{ {exist, received} have/possess, heading}: bringing, : bring (vt. ) (もってくる)
{ preposition symbol, the heading direction}: to, for (~へ)
{ water, { limit, place} edge}: waterside (水辺)
{ nature, plant} (tree shaped fundamental ideogram): tree (木)
{ preposition, joined}: with (~で、~とともに)、~つきの)
{ hair, covered}: bristle covered/hairy (毛で覆われた)
{ plant, heart} (flower shaped fundamental ideogram): flower (花)
to show that the following word or phrase is an accusative case of a d-verb, and that is influenced by the action of the subject. English doesn't need this kind of mark, but EL needs it because of the free sequence for subject, object and verb.
{ { front, pronoun indicator} you; this hand-sign is pointing front by the thumb in front of the chest, plural}: (plural) you/your (あなたたち(の)
{{ eye, water} tear, {heart, sense} feeling}: sorrow, sad, weeping heart (悲しい気持ち)
{ change, move, space }(a wings-opened bird shaped fundamental ideogram): bird (鳥)
{ wonder, life} (early life time surrounded many 'wonders' to live): child (早期の命・こども)
: bird's child/children: chick/chicks (雛)
You can compound (plural) on top of to show chicks, but EL need not always to distinguish if a noun is single or plural; also here (your) shows it's plural, so I just took the simpler way.
{ preposition, denied} : without (~なしの)
{ life,above, in/female}: mother (母親)

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